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Blue Tigers Eye: Meanings, Properties and Powers

Blue Tigers Eye: Meanings, Properties and Powers

Blue Tigers Eye usually comes in mid to dark blue colors bearing grey or greenish bands.

It’s a highly reflective and chatoyant stone, and its silky appearance enhances the stone’s beauty.

Blue Tigers Eye is also known as Hawk’s Eye, Silicified Crocidolite, Falcon’s Eye, Rodusite, and Tiger’s Eye.

This stone is found in different locations worldwide, but its largest deposits can be found in Namibia, India, Canada, and Brazil.

The Meaning Of Blue Tiger’s Eye

Tigers Eye is a protective stone that traditionally warded off curses and ill wishes. It is still employed by many as a protector against the “evil eye,” and the Blue variety of Tigers Eye shares these properties along with the more commonly found gold/brown variety.  

Blue Tigers Eye is a useful aid to memory and mental agility as it helps to integrate the right and left sides of the brain. It also differentiates between wishful thinking about what you think you want and what you actually need. 

Blue Tigers Eye has a healing effect on the nerves and clams the over-anxious or phobic. It is said to support libido and sexual desire and acts as a brake on an over-active sex drive. 

Psychologically Blue Tigers Eye is perfect for promoting feelings of self-worth and for stopping constant negative self-criticism.

Blue Tigers Eye

The Properties Of Blue Tigers Eye

Physical Properties 

Tigers Eye is a form of Quartz and has the chemical composition SiO2. Its chemical name is silica or silica dioxide. It measures 7 on the Mohs scale for hardness and has a trigonal crystalline system.

Metaphysical Properties

The metaphysical applications of Blue Tigers Eye have much to do with the throat, the voice, issues around communication, and also self-talk. 

Blue Tigers Eye is a stone known to bring stability and inner calm to anyone who wears it. A necklace made of this stone will strengthen your focus. It will also help you reduce your stress and anxieties.

Blue Tigers Eye also balances your higher energies with your lower chakras, making you feel connected and grounded every time you’re working on your higher goals.

Blue Tigers Eye will also increase your motivation, determination, and willpower, guiding you in the direction that you need to go to make your dreams come true.

Blue Tigers Eye is perfect for anyone who feels stuck in a rut and cannot move forward.

It will help you release your fears and clear all blockages that prevent you from achieving success, wealth, and abundance.

This stone will also keep you safe from harm in your journey through life. It will connect you with your own intuition.

Blue Tigers Eye will enhance your intuition and protect you from jealousy and malice.

Wearing or carrying Blue Tigers Eye will help shed light on issues that you are having difficulty seeing. It will clear the blockages in your chakras to find the answers you are looking for.

Use the powers of Blue Tigers Eye if you want a better perspective on life. It’s very helpful when you need to make a difficult decision.

Wearing it will also make you less pessimistic. It will help you take responsibility instead of blaming others.

The energies of this stone will enhance your communication. It will give you the courage to know your thoughts and ideas and have the willpower to make them manifest in your life.

Blue Tigers Eye is a stone of patience, tolerance, acceptance, and open-mindedness.

When you feel like you can’t go on anymore, the healing energies of this stone will give you that much-needed push in the right direction.

Blue Tigers Eye Tumbled

Varieties Of Blue Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye comes in various colors, and all of them share the generic qualities and attributes of the traditional golden brown variety. They are all grounding and protective, and they all have a high vibration for healing both the physical body and the mind and emotions. 

Red Tigers Eye is a stimulating and warming stone. It helps overcome lethargy and provides motivation. 

Gold Tigers Eye helps you act from logic and reason rather than from emotion when needed. It allows you to pay attention to detail and guards against complacency.

Blue Tigers Eye is an excellent aid to effective communication and connects the upper and lower chakras energetically.

Using Blue Tigers Eye

The Benefits Of Using Blue Tigers Eye 

Blue Tigers Eye is a highly soothing stone that can reduce your stress, ease your anxieties, and increase your calm and relaxation.

The energies of Blue Tigers Eye will aid in removing fatigue and easing the symptoms of depression.

They will give you mental clarity, focus, and more in-depth insight into your experiences, both good and bad.

This stone can make you see the issues that might have been hard to see otherwise. It will give insight into your internal struggles and emotional problems.

It will open your aura, unload what’s in your heart, and clear your thoughts so that you will be ready to accept universal truths.

Blue Tigers Eye’s healing energies will also encourage you to go with the flow and not be so uptight about everything!

Aegerine: Meanings, Properties and Powers

When you have a relaxed and calm attitude, it will be easier to overcome your fears, cool down hot tempers, and alleviate your worries.

Harnessing the energies of Blue Tigers Eye will also enhance your psychic abilities.

It will boost your gifts such as clairvoyance, remote viewing, and astral travel.

This stone will remove any form of creative block and boost your creativity.

Blue Tigers Eye will increase your imagination and help you come up with new ideas and concepts. This stone is associated with the throat chakra, and its energies will foster effective communication.

This stone’s vibrations will help you stay honest with yourself and make you stick with your personal truth.

It will guide you in understanding emotions more easily so that you will not be emotionally exhausted all the time.

Blue Tigers Eye will foster a positive attitude and increase your feelings of self-respect and self-worth.

It will help you unleash your confidence and harness your personal power.

Blue Tigers Eye will also bring your ideas to life to make positive changes in your life. This stone is known to turn dreams into reality.

Blue Tigers Eye Bracelet

How Best To Use Blue Tigers Eye

Keeping a piece of Blue Tigers Eye will give you a boost in your confidence and communication skills.

It will work to relax your throat chakra and remove any blockage so that you can express yourself clearly and understandably.

Because of Blue Tigers Eye’s association with the hawk, it’s a very useful stone to bring with you on your flights, especially when you have a fear of flying.

It will keep you safe and relaxed throughout your flight.

Having this stone with you all the time will also help you expand your horizons and land better opportunities.

Carry a piece of Blue Tigers Eye or wear it on your body to protect yourself from other people’s negative intentions.

It will also sharpen your senses when you are in unfamiliar territory or facing a strange situation.

Draw on this stone’s energies if you want to strengthen your willpower when it comes to lifestyle changes or improving your health routines.

Having a piece of Blue Tigers Eye on your body will reduce your craving for unhealthy food and drinks. It will also get rid of your desire to binge, smoke, or drink.

Blue Tigers Eye possesses strong protective qualities that will act to protect your home if you place it near the window or main entrance. This will ward off negative energies and dissuade negative people from entering your home.

This stone can also be placed in your children’s rooms so that they will be surrounded by soothing and calming energies that will give them deep and sound sleep.

The Powers Of Blue Tigers Eye

Emotional Healing Powers

Blue Tigers Eye is perfect for helping us to heal from psychosomatic illnesses.

This is because it gently uncovers the real root or cause of many physical conditions, which have their origin in trauma, emotional disturbance, or abusive experiences.

As a stone of protection, Blue Tigers Eye helps us shrug off other people’s malicious or negative energies and remain firm in our own power. It helps to dispel fear and anxiety and imbues us with recognizing our own needs in relation to others.

Blue Tigers Eye is a balancing stone that will harmonize the masculine and feminine energies within the emotional body, bringing us clarity of thought and compassion, love, and understanding. It also stabilizes mood swings, encourages willpower and determination, and releases tension.

Physical Healing Powers 

Blue Tigers Eye is known to ease eye problems. It’s also known to fortify the blood and increase physical strength and vitality.

The energies of this stone can help in restoring balance in the body. It can also boost the functions of the endocrine system.

Blue Tigers Eye can regulate hormones and bring the body’s biochemistry back to normal levels.

When placed on the reproductive organs, this stone can also stimulate fertility and address the reproductive system’s problems.

If the stone is placed on the head, it can rebalance the brain’s hemispheres.

It can also relieve symptoms of depression and seasonal affective disorder.

Blue Tigers Eye is reputed to relieve angina and asthma attacks.

It can help lower blood pressure and aid in treating conditions affecting the throat and the eyes.

This stone can help with stomach problems. It can strengthen the spine and help repair broken bones.

It’s also believed to balance the blood cell count and boost nutrient absorption.

Blue Tigers Eye And Wealth

Blue Tigers Eye is a stone of good luck and good fortune. When you work with the energies of this stone, you will be attracting a steady flow of money into your home or business.

It will bring insight into complicated situations and problems because this stone will focus your mind. It will ground your personal energies, focus your mind, and dispel your fears.

It’s an excellent stone for entrepreneurs who have a very new business.

This will also be a very beneficial stone for those who want to learn new skills, expand their knowledge base, or make substantial career changes.

Blue Tigers Eye will encourage you to step out of your comfort zones and challenge yourself to use your abilities, skills, and talents for your own financial benefit. 

It will motivate you to try something new and do something different because it will also change your luck and bring more opportunities!

Blue Tigers Eye For Love And Relationships 

This stone will bring emotional balance to your relationship. There will be more love and happiness than anger and sadness.

There will be a healthier give and take, and there will be less finger-pointing and making excuses.

Blue Tigers Eye can help address an overactive sex drive, especially if this is causing disharmony for either you or your partner. 

Rainforest Jasper: Meanings, Properties and Powers

This stone will infuse your relationship with balance and harmony.

It will soothe tensions between you and your partner and help you eliminate anything causing discord in your relationship.

It will help you achieve peace and harmony when you don’t see Eye to Eye on something.

It will inspire you to look at both sides of an issue and find something in common or something to agree on.

Blue-Tigers-Eye will assist you in speaking freely and honestly when it comes to issues that concern you and your partner, as well as things that have an impact on your relationship.

It will help you put your feelings into words and remove your apprehensions and hesitations.

It will resolve any issues that are causing misunderstandings, confusion, and mistakes between you and the people who are important to you.

As you work with this crystal and its energies more and more, you’ll come to learn that, often, your perspective on a tricky situation in your love life has just as much to teach you as the situation itself.

And of course, sometimes our own subconscious bias or our own viewpoint on how we believe people are treating us means we feel like victims when we really are just trapped in old karmic patterns.

On the other hand, if you are with a partner who does not have your best interests at heart or who has been behaving in an abusive way, this crystal can illuminate those hidden lies – and give you the courage to confront any wrongdoing!

That said, you won’t fly off the handle in times like this. Indeed, there will be a calm but assertive rationale to you in these and other moments, thanks to your Blue Tigers Eye.

The energies of this stone will fill you with calm, peace, and patience so that you will not react violently or dramatically to situations.

Blue Tigers Eye Blocks

Chakras And Blue Tigers Eye 

Blue Tigers Eye is aligned with the Throat chakra and also with the Third Eye. It can also connect these higher chakras to the Sacral and Base chakras, so it is a very versatile chakra stone. 

When the Throat chakra is in balance and the energy is flowing smoothly, your communication with the world, with the people around you, and your guides and angels will become very effective.

If your Throat chakra is blocked, this could be because you are holding back your true feelings. It may also be caused by fear.

If you believe that someone else knows best, that they will judge you for your comments, you may simply not speak, and this will cause restriction and constriction in your Throat chakra. This will, in turn, affect all of the other energy body chakras. 

Blue Tigers Eye can be called upon to open, activate and cleanse the Throat chakra of all blockages, restrictions, and negativity. 

Using Blue Tigers Eye to enhance your Third Eye insights is a powerful way to connect and communicate psychically with other world beings and the world of spirit.

The Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Blue Tigers Eye

Chakra Crystal Combinations 

Blue Tigers Eye combines well with other blue stones when working on the Throat chakra. 

Third Eye, if you use this crystal with Sodalite at the Throat chakra, you can access truth more easily. This applies to both your material existence and your spiritual truths. The combination of Blue Tigers Eye and Sodalite is ideal for bringing intuitive wisdom and insights down from the Third Eye into the physical body where you can use it in your daily life. 

Combine Blue Tigers eye with Amazonite for the Throat chakra, where it will offer emotional balance and protect against negative vibrations. 

Used with Turquoise at the Throat, both crystals’ frequencies will help you express your thoughts clearly and your emotions safely.

Other Crystal Combinations 

If you pair Blue Tigers Eye with Heliodor, it will also encourage you to remain grounded and self-possessed no matter what it is you’re going through in life.

When you combine it with Realgar, it will strengthen your heart to deal with distressing emotions.

It will give you the willpower to face your challenges and overcome them like a real winner!

Blue Tigers Eye is known to slow down an overactive metabolism, especially if you pair it with Gaspeite.

Blue Tigers Eye Tumbled Stone

Cleansing And Charging Blue Tigers Eye 

Blue Tigers Eye acts like a sponge, protecting you from negative energies by absorbing them before deflecting them away from your aura. You will need to keep its vibration high and clear by regularly cleansing it so that its energy is high. 

To cleanse it, the crystal should be kept in saltwater overnight as a way to recharge its energy. Once it has been taken out of the saltwater, it should then be washed in fresh water and placed in the sun for 2-3 hours. This process should be done every three months at least.

To charge your Blue Tigers Eye, focus on the job that you want it to help you with. Then communicate your thoughts, always using positive wording, telepathically to your crystal during meditation or a quiet moment.

You can amplify the effects of this charging by smudging the stone with sage smoke at the same time.

Blue Tigers Eye As A Birthstone 

Tigers Eye is the natural birthstone for June. It is one of the stones associated with the zodiac sign of Cancer (June 21-July 22).

A gift of a Blue Tigers Eye necklace or bracelet would make a welcome gift for any Cancer friends you may have, enhancing their natural tendencies towards loyalty and tenacity.

Blue Tigers Eye In Legends And History

Legend has it that during the Middle Ages, talismans made from Blue Tigers Eye were regularly worn to protect against curses, ill wishes, and the “evil eye.”

When a person believed themselves to be the object of another’s envy or hatred, wearing a piece of Blue Tigers Eye could deflect the negative thoughts and feelings back to the sender. 

Boji Stones: Meanings, Properties and Powers

Tigers Eye is known to have been worn by Roman soldiers in the belief that it would keep them safe in battle. The ancient Egyptians prized the golden form of Tigers Eye as a representation of the sun god Ra’s power.

Can You Get Blue Tigers Eye as a Necklace?

Blue Tigers Eye makes a beautiful and fashionable necklace no matter what you’re wearing.

It can instantly turn a boring outfit into something chic and elegant, depending on the design of the necklace.

But more than that, a Blue Tigers Eye necklace will also keep its wonderful healing properties always within your personal auric field.

There are many different style ideas when it comes to Blue Tigers Eye necklaces. You can choose a dramatic drop pendant, or you can go for a simple but chic choker.

There are beaded Blue Tigers Eye necklaces available, too. It’s truly just a matter of personal fashion style!

Blue Tigers Eye is a stone that’s known to bring stability and inner calm to anyone who wears it. A necklace made of this stone will strengthen your focus. It will also help you reduce your stress and anxieties.

Blue Tigers Eye also balances your higher energies with your lower chakras, making you feel connected every time you’re working on your higher goals.

Wearing a Blue Tigers Eye necklace will also increase your motivation, determination, and willpower, guiding you to the direction that you need to go to make your dreams come true.

A Blue Tigers Eye necklace is perfect for anyone who feels stuck in a rut and cannot move forward.

It will help you release your fears and clear all blockages that are preventing you from achieving success, wealth, and abundance.

This stone will also keep you safe from harm in your journey through life. It will connect you with your own intuition.

When you wear this stone as a necklace pendant, you will definitely feel the Tigers Eye on your skin. It will enhance your intuition and protect you from jealousy and malice.

Wearing this necklace will help shed light on issues that you are having difficulty seeing. It will clear the blockages in your chakras so that you can find the answers that you are looking for.

Use your Blue Tigers Eye necklace if you want a better perspective on life. It’s very helpful when you need to make a difficult decision.

Wearing it will also make you less pessimistic. It will help you take responsibility instead of putting the blame on others.

The energies of this stone will enhance your communication. It will give you the courage to know your thoughts and ideas and have the willpower to make them manifest in your life.

Blue Tigers Eye is a stone of patience, tolerance, acceptance, and open-mindedness.

When you feel like you just can’t go on anymore, the healing energies of this stone will give you that much-needed push in the right direction.

A Blue Tigers Eye necklace can be purchased in most gemstone jewelry retailers. There are many styles that you can choose from, so make sure that you pick the one that really stands out for you.

The stone will not even have to be a large one. Big or small, Blue Tigers Eye will work with you with the same amount of healing energy.

My Final Thoughts On The Power Of Blue Tigers Eye 

If you’re overcome with fears that you will never achieve your goals, Blue Tigers gets rid of all those fears and make you realize that you can make anything happen once you start to believe in yourself. It’s a stone that will increase your confidence and belief in yourself.

It will make you appreciate and be proud of your own gifts and talents. It will help you to trust your own judgment and go with your instincts no matter what others may say or think. 

Blue Tigers Eye will make sure that you are not too critical of yourself and that you are doing something positive when receiving criticisms or negative feedback.

You will be able to turn any negatives into positives with the guidance of this stone. 

When you’re losing focus, Blue Tigers Eye will help get your focus back on track.

It will remove all the distractions and help you concentrate only on the things and people that will support you with your goals.

This stone’s energies will encourage you to stop indulging in wishful thinking and focus instead on how you’re going to make your dreams a reality.

It will encourage you to make sense of your scattered thoughts and fragmented pieces of information so that you will achieve your goals sooner rather than later.

This stone will help center and ground you when things are happening too fast.

It will show you how you can resolve a personal crisis, and it will give you support when you are not sure about your decision.

Use a Blue Tigers Eye stone when you need to size someone up, when you need to have quick thinking, and when you need to realize the consequences of your actions.

When you have a Blue Tigers Eye in your life, you will be more optimistic, creative, confident, and focused.

About the author

Diana Houston

Diana Houston is a respected crystal expert and the author of 'A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals: Getting Started With Crystal Healing – A Complete Guide.' Her passion for crystals and their healing properties made her a leading authority on the subject.

Diana's expertise and passion for crystals have inspired countless readers and practitioners, and her book has received rave reviews on Amazon. With her clear and insightful guidance, Diana is a trusted guide for anyone seeking to unlock the transformative power of crystals.

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