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How to Use Chakra Stones – The Complete Guide

How to Use Chakra Stones – The Complete Guide

Do you enjoy using stones and crystals for whatever purpose you may find?

Then you definitely will enjoy working with chakra stones to bolster the health and vitality of your chakras!

Read on to find out how you can use chakra stones, which stones are recommended for the seven major chakras, and how to use them on the chakras for the best results.

What Are Chakras?

The Sanskrit word chakra has a literal meaning of disk or wheel.

In meditation or yoga, the word chakra relates to the wheels of energy that can be found all throughout your body.

There are seven major chakras that align the spine, starting at the base of spine and going up to the crown of the head.

Just think of it as a swirling of energy where consciousness and matter meet. It’s an invisible energy that is your vital life force.

Chakra healing crystals are those stones most capable of interacting with this energy and these inner wheels.

The vibrations given off by these stones can assist in realigning chakras if they become mismanaged, through no fault of your own.

They can also slow down chakras that are spinning too fast, often bringing with them a sense of hyperactivity or a sense of tension that is impossible to overcome.

Of course, doing so means having a greater understanding of how these stones and your chakras interact, as we will be exploring below.

What are Chakra Stones?

Chakra stones are different types of stones in various colors that support in the chakra natural healing process.

The chakras in the human body have specific colors, and these colors change when the chakras are not functioning as they should.

So, what are they used for? Their energies are intended to help your chakras to find a greater sense of harmony and balance within you.

In many interpretations, chakras are spinning energy wheels, and as such they can fall out of alignment, spin too fast, or likewise fall into a sluggish turn that makes them barely functional.

Because each chakra corresponds to a certain part of ourselves, be that physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, the effects that come from losing that chakra’s balance are often keenly felt.

What takes a little more time and finesse is learning to pre-empt that, but this is another matter that crystals can help with.

Chakra Stone Colors

There are seven main chakras in the body, with some minor ones alongside them.

Each chakra has a corresponding color.

The root or base chakra resonates with the colors black and red.

The sacral chakra’s color is orange.

Yellow is for the solar plexus chakra.

Green or pink is for the heart chakra.

The throat chakra’s color is blue.

The third eye chakra has the color of indigo.

Purple or white is the color of the crown chakra.

Based on this, each chakra has several stones that can help heal them and boost them into proper functioning.

However, it does not necessarily mean that a specific color will not work on a certain chakra if it’s not its associated color.

There are some cases that a completely different color also works on a different chakra.

Sometimes a combination of a few colors can solve the problem. If you use a stone that has two different colors for one or more chakras, this combination can also help rejuvenate the affected chakras.

Which Stones to Use as Chakra Stones?

Chakras are energy wheels that can be found along your spine. There are seven main chakras that are connected to your body’s physical and emotional problems.

Understanding what’s going on with your chakras is a good way to tune in to your body, mind, and spirit.

You should pay attention which chakras react when you find yourself in stressful or problematic situations.

Look closely at things to check for any patterns of recurring illnesses or problems which can clue you in on your problematic or imbalanced chakras.

Once you find out which chakras you want to focuson, it’s time to pick the best stones that will balance, heal, and clear that chakra.

You’ll find that this isn’t necessarily a very expensive hobby that you’re embarking on either!

Chakra gemstones don’t have to just be of the precious variety, as a surprising number and variety of crystals from across the world can be put to work in helping your chakras find that much-needed equilibrium.

If you have been collecting crystals for some time – even if you have done so on the basis of their appearance alone, not really looking into the healing properties of these stones until now – you might be surprised to learn that there are some surprising qualities inherent to your favorite pieces!

Remember, the monetary value, the rarity and even the natural beauty of one crystal in no way makes it more appropriate or apt for healing and aligning your chakras than another.

And of course, as you become more experienced in this, you may well find that you like to wear jewelry that aligns well with the chakras you feel drawn to work on the most.

1. The Root Chakra

The root chakra is associated with the feeling of being grounded, and it represents your passions. It’s located at the base of the spine and is associated with the color red.

When the root chakra is underactive, it indicates that you are feeling tired, weak, or unmotivated. You can also be feeling pain on your legs or your lower back.

You are also most likely suffering from immune-system disorders. Often you find yourself going into survival mode.

If your root chakra is weak, you feel unhappy and dissatisfied with your body shape or size. You also feel like you are not in control of your life.

If your root chakra is overactive, you often explode furiously even at the smallest things.

When the root chakra is open, you feel right at home in your body. You are full of life, and you feel empowered.

For root chakra healing, it’s recommended to use red and black stones to bring back the balance and put it back in alignment.

Once it’s back to normal, you will feel more stable, grounded, solid, proud of yourself.

The recommended stones for the root chakra include Bloodstone, Ruby, Red Jasper, Red Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Black Onyx, Black Obsidian, Jet, and Fire Opal.

Place the chakra stone between your thighs, just near your groin. Think of the color black or red as you think of a stronger foundation, a more solid core, a happier life, and a stronger passion for everything.

2. The Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is the chakra that represents your creativity and ability to accept others. It can be found just below the belly button. Its chakra color is orange.

When your sacral chakra is weak or low, you often feel confused. You are also very dependent on other people.

You are very easily frustrated, and you often lack motivation. On a physical level, you also suffer from swelling or low hormone levels.

When the sacral chakra is open, you are flexible in body and mind. You are open, playful, and creative.

A low or weak energy flow to your sacral chakra causes a lack of energy and ambition. You can also feel extremely depressed and lethargic.

When the sacral chakra is underactive, you feel like your life is lacking in joyful moments.

When the sacral chakra is overactive, you experience a constant frustration, leading you to have an emotional breakdown.

To align the sacral chakra, it’s recommended to use Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Tangerine Quartz, Orange Aventurine, Brown Citrine, Fire Opal, and Orange Jasper.

Once your sacral chakra is brought back to balance, you will have the motivation, inspiration, and excitement that you need.

To use these, simply place an orange healing stone on the pelvic bone and visualize the healing energies of this stone filling your whole body.

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra represents your intellect and how you view yourself in your world. It’s associated with the color yellow, and it can be found in the upper abdomen.

The Throat Chakra: Meanings, Properties and Powers

When the solar plexus chakra is low or weak, you feel fearful, and you can become controlling. You lack self-confidence, and you are unable to express your emotions.

On a physical level, you also suffer from digestive problems.

When the solar plexus chakra is inactive, you cannot help but feel powerless, especially when you’re experiencing a lot of stress.

You often feel like there are butterflies in your stomach, and like you can’t regain control over your life.

When your solar plexus chakra is overactive, you have the wild desire to control everything that you become a control freak.

When this chakra is balanced, you can easily release your tendency to control everything. You become open to new ideas, and you look forward to experiencing joy and happiness.

If you want to heal your solar plexus chakra, it’s recommended to use yellow gemstones like Citrine, Pyrite, Rutilated Quartz, Yellow Jasper, Amber, Moonstone, Topaz, Golden Calcite, and Fire Opal.

Once your solar plexus chakra gets back to its normal balance, you will begin to feel inspired, goal-oriented, and confident in your decisions.

To use these for solar plexus chakra healing, place the stones two inches above your belly button. Think of the color yellow and a bright sunny day.

Focus on your ability to manifest and your energy center growing stronger with your every breath.

4. The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra represents your ability to love unconditionally and to accept others. Its chakra colors are pink and green, and this chakra is located at the center of the chest.

When the heart chakra is weak or low, you feel stressed, bitter, jealous, and anxious.

On a physical level, it can manifest as low or high blood pressure, low or high heart rate, or cysts and lumps in your breasts.

Your heart chakra is weak if you often find yourself having problems in your relationship. You also feel detached from your loved ones.

You have an overactive heart chakra if you become too attached to things, and this results in you being too emotional every time.

When the heart chakra is open and balanced, you become more relaxed, open, and accepting to new relationships. You are able to maintain healthy relationships and feel love and forgiveness.

The recommended stones for heart chakra healing include pink and green stones like Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Chrysoprase, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Peridot, Jade, Malachite, and Pink Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Green Moss Agate, Emerald, and Ruby.

When your heart chakra is open, you are also open to receiving all types of love.

You radiate love, and your relationships strengthen and become full of positivity again.

To use these stones in heart chakra healing, place them on your breastbone and visualize the colors pink and green.

Imagine them soothing, healing, and opening your heart. Allow yourself to be healed and let all of your anger go!

5. The Throat Chakra

The throat chakra represents expression and communication. It can be found at the throat area, and its chakra color is blue.

When your throat chakra is weak or low, you feel an inability to express yourself in a positive way. You often can’t find the right words to say, and you sometimes can’t help but stutter.

There are feelings of being misunderstood and isolated. On a physical level, you often suffer from a stiff neck, tight jaw, and sore throat.

A throat chakra that is misaligned or imbalanced makes you unable to express your truth.

When the throat chakra is overactive, you say the first thing that pops in your head, often causing hurtful words and unnecessary arguments.

You also find that you cannot express your thoughts articulately, leading to frustration and miscommunication.

For throat chakra healing, try using throat chakra stones like Aquamarine, Blue Apatite, Sodalite, Angelite, Turquoise, Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Aragonite, and Blue Calcite.

When the throat chakra is open and free, you become more communicative and expressive.

You remain true to who you are, and you experience better oral health, especially in the throat, nasal passages, teeth, gums, and mouth area.

To use these stones for throat chakra healing, place them on the larynx and focus on the color blue. Envision clear communication, powerful words, and positive speech.

6. The Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra represents your ability to see and focus on the big picture. It signifies your understanding of the ups and downs of life.

Its chakra color is indigo, and it can be found on the forehead right between the eyes.

When the third eye chakra is weak or low, you experience inflexibility, a stiff neck, a foggy brain, and an overactive mind.

You feel like you cannot organize your life or visualize what you want to happen with it.

You have an overactive third eye if you suffer from nightmares every night. You also feel like you’re stuck in an emotional rut.

You become closed off to new ideas. You often feel like your intuition is out of sorts, and you cannot trust your own instincts.

For third eye chakra healing, put your favorite third eye stones on your brow area.

These include stones like Angelite, Blue Aventurine, Celestite, Azurite, Sugilite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Iolite, and Fluorite.

When your third eye chakra is free and open, you will have a clearer mind and a stronger intuition. You will also have an enhanced ability to resolve your problems. You will be better focused and motivated.

To use these stones for third eye chakra healing, place them between the brows and focus on the color purple. Concentrate on your mental clarity and on your strengthening intuition.

7. The Crown Chakra

The crown chakra represents divine inspiration. Its chakra color is violet and white, and it can be found at the top of the head.

When the crown chakra is weak or low, you feel uncertain about who you are and why you are here in this world. You are rigid in your thinking, and you feel out of step and uninspired.

You are unable to think clearly when you’re under a lot of stress. You feel like you’re going through life with no specific purpose or direction, leaving you feeling lost and uncertain.

For crown chakra healing, try using Blue Sapphire, Blue Opal, White Calcite, White Topaz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, and Selenite.

When the crown chakra is open, you become more flexible when it comes to the ebb and flow of life.

You are unruffled by life’s surprising turns, and you are able to look at setbacks from a positive perspective.

For crown chakra healing, simply put the stones on top of your head and think of a white or violet light. Focus on your connection with the divine and with your spirit.

Using Chakra Stones to Dispel Negativity

Chakra stones and crystals can be placed on your body to purify and balance the chakras, releasing all the negativity and resulting to emotional release.

They can heal the body and release the life force energy. They can transform the negative energies into positive energies and lead to good health.

These stones resonate with your body’s vibrations to be in perfect alignment with the universal grid.

To dispel the negativity, clear quartz crystals or stones are usually used, and sometimes even both.

Chakra Stones Kit

Different colored crystals and stones are usually sold together as a chakra kit. The kit has at least seven different types of stones for the seven chakras in your body.

Some kits contain nine stones. This combination of stones and crystals can be used for chakra healing and crystal healing as well.

Many chakra kits have specific programs that you can follow, and you can also use them around your home or office for growth, healing, and abundance.

When using the stones on your body to dispel negativity and relax your body, focus on the positive outcome that you want to happen.

Positive thoughts help heal your body and mind more effectively. The most important thing that you need to do is follow your intuition.

If you feel comfortable enough while holding them, it’s a sign that they’re the right stones for you!

Energy Healing with Chakra Stones

Stones and crystals have long been used for healing the body, mind, and spirit. Many energy healers incorporate them into their work.

There are many ways that you could employ them. You only need to be imaginative and creative.

Just remember that any technique that you use, you need to do it mindfully for it to become effective. You also should have a sacred intention that will support and boost the health of your chakra system.

The Sacral Chakra: Meanings, Properties and Powers

You can perform healing wherein you will treat each chakra, or you can perform a spot treatment for a specific chakra that you feel is off or blocked if you are pressed for time

Chakra Stones Layout

Select the stones that you want to use. Make sure that you clear your stones when you first get them at the start of every healing.

For clearing the stones, you can wash them in salt water (actual sea water or water with dissolved sea salt in it). You can also bury them in the ground with the points down.

You can expose them under the moonlight, or you can run them under cool water.

Another method you can do is to hold them in your fist and blow into them with the intention of clearing and purifying them.

Put your them somewhere they’ll be accessible to you once you lie down.

Lie down comfortably on a surface. You can use a blanket and a pillow for your knees or your head if you want to be more comfortable.

Breathe in deeply and slowly into your stomach for a few minutes. Set your intention for this healing and focus on that intention.

If you’re only going to work on just one chakra, state your intention for that particular chakra. If you’re going to work on all your chakras, state all your intentions for each chakra.

Place the chakra stone on the corresponding chakra if you’re only going to work on one chakra.

If you’re going to work on all seven chakras, you can do it in two ways. The first one is to start at the crown chakra, making your way down to the root chakra.

You can also go the other way, working from the lowest chakra to the highest chakra.

Don’t get so worked up about which direction to go. Just go with what feels right and natural for you!

If you start at the crown chakra, make sure that the points on the stones are facing downwards toward your feet.

Conversely, if you start at the root chakra, the points on the stones should be facing upwards toward the crown chakra.

Some healers place stones on top of their heads and below their feet. Some hold them in each hand.

If a chakra stone does not feel comfortable or right to you, or if it keeps rolling off your body when you put it on you, go with your gut and remove it.

You can proceed and leave the chakra without a stone, or you can use a different chakra stone.

As you place each stone on the chakra, set your specific intention for healing that chakra. Pay attention to the energy of the stone and visualize its color and energy tuning your chakra.

After all the stones have been set, rest for a while and allowing your chakras to be cleared and balanced by the stones.

Breathe evenly. Clear your mind as much as possible and head to that space between thoughts.

When the stones start rolling off your body, or when it feels like it’s time, proceed with closing the healing.

Remove them one by one according to their order. Thank them if you feel like a thank you is in order.

Gently bring back your awareness to the present. Let yourself transition smoothly back into your daily life. Drink a glass of water, or eat a piece of fruit.

You may also want to write down what you have just experienced in your journal.

Watch out for soft and positive changes in your body for the next few days or so.

How Does Chaka Stone Healing Work?

Chakras are energetic patterns that can be disturbed, blocked, skewed, and so forth. Reestablishing the balance and harmony to your chakra energies will bring them back to health.

Anything that has a peaceful and harmonious energy pattern can help bring your energy back to a serene state.

They possess an inherent harmony in their energy patterns. Like anything with harmonious energies, they can be used for healing.

Like any healing method of healing, your intention is very important. A pure healing intention makes chakra healing work.

While certain crystals align better with some stones meaning than with others, all crystals and positive ways of embracing spiritualistic healing can help to get chakras back in alignment nicely.

If this seems daunting, and maybe even a little stressful, don’t worry! It’s all the kind of thing that goes on behind the scenes all the time.

It’s just that, by learning more and more about this, you are inviting the chance to bring it into your conscious thought.

When you have these ideas in mind, it helps you to gain a better understanding of the self, and of other people.

You can not only see why you are feeling unwell in certain situations, or behaving in ways you didn’t used to have the ability to explain.

You will also see why other people have that series of afflictions to, and understand that their chakras are just as in need of healing as your own!

Of course, whether those folks believe in chakras and healing them with stones is another question entirely, but having this knowledge on your side is going to be advantageous either way.

How to Use Chakra Stones?

If you perform healing meditations or any kind of energy work, you should be familiar with the seven major chakras.

These chakras form a straight line from the bottom of the spine to the crown of the head.

Each of these chakras are associated with different physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual conditions.

When the chakras are aligned and properly functioning, they create peace and harmony in body, mind, and spirit.

The chakras are also associated with a specific symbol and color. Corresponding stones can also be used to unlock, cleanse, and balance the different chakra points.

In exploring how to use chakra stones, you are opening the door to better understanding about yourself and your chakras, the chakras for others and how they affect their behavior, and also the crystals best suited to this kind of spiritual work.

If you are finding that you fall ill in certain areas of the body far more frequently, comparatively speaking, than others, then it is a good indication that a chakra corresponding to that part of the body is less than ideally aligned.

For example, many people come to understand that always seeming to catch the latest cough or head cold circulating the office is often because the throat chakra is out of alignment!

This can happen in many ways – for instance, feeling as though you rarely want to speak your piece, or that what you say goes unheard.

While identifying the root cause of these issues is an important step, it’s more immediately important to have your chakras lined up nicely again.

Through doing so, you can give yourself the opportunity to tackle life’s obstacles and embrace life’s opportunities while firing on all cylinders!

Every chakra stone is unique, with different attributes that can enhance your energy work.

When using them for cleansing, purifying, and healing, make sure that you cleanse them with saltwater before use.

You can place them in a jar filled with salt water and let them sit. You can also wipe them clean and dry with a damp piece of cloth.

This will clear all the leftover energies from previous sessions. Once they are cleared, recharge them by putting them in direct sunlight for a couple of hours. You can also place them in a glass pyramid to magnify their energies.

There are several techniques that you can employ in working with chakra stones.

You can do a healing session where you place them on chakra points starting at the root chakra working your way up to the crown chakra.

You can also focus the healing session on a specific chakra if you’re facing challenges in that specific area.

If you’re experiencing writer’s block, or if you feel stifled in your job, chakra stones can be placed on your sacral chakra to reenergize your creativity.

If you’re feeling unfocused or scattered, you may want to focus on your root chakra so that you can become more grounded and stabilized.

You can also put them on the crown chakra to ease your anxieties and racing thoughts.

Whether you want to focus on one or all the chakras, it’s important that you use chakras stones that have been cleared and charged properly.

Lie down in an area where you will not be disturbed, and put the stones on their proper locations.

The Third Eye Chakra: Meanings, Properties and Powers

Focus on healing and on the cleansing energy that’s moving through your chakra points.

Take deep, slow, and relaxing breaths. As you inhale, envision the healing energies traveling up and through your chakra points.

Allow the energies of the chakra to magnify their healing energies. As you exhale, visualize yourself getting rid of the negativity, allowing it to be carried away from you.

Chakra healing sessions usually last for about 20 minutes, which is ample time to let the energy work without making you lose focus or fall asleep.

As you move to each chakra, focus on specific issues that you need to release, cleanse, or balance.

How to Make Chakra Stones Work

  1. Place the proper stone on its related chakra, and imagine a white, healing energy of love entering your body with each breath in.
  2. Think of all your anxieties, agonies, and negative thoughts leaving your body with each breath out. (This is not a silly exercise, because your thoughts have energies, and they have the power to amplify the healing energies of the chakra stones)
  3. Guide your energies as they rest on their specific chakras. Move your energy from the root chakra to the crown chakra. Picture the chakra as a shining circle, turning quickly and freely.
  4. You may find that some chakras naturally feel shut off or latent, while others feel awkwardly energized.
  5. It’s important to balance the whole system so that no chakras become underactive or overactive.
  6. Leave the stones set up for no less than 10-15 minutes. Keep up a positive attitude, and always focus on your desired outcome, not the pressing issue that you want to resolve.

Chakra healing stones are here to do the bulk of this work for you, so you don’t need to feel as though this is a complex or time-consuming ritual that you can only do in a specific place, or at a specific time.

Granted, it’ll work well for you if the time you spend doing this is in somewhere you have designated as a place of healing and spiritual fulfillment, and the benefits of peace and quiet speak for themselves!

Your mind might be a little overactive when you first begin on new practices such as these, and that’s natural.

While it’s not something to feel bent out of shape about, your wandering mind and its urgency for your attention won’t do anything to diminish the healing energy of the stones you are working with.

Over time, you will find the ways and means to keep this under control, or to quieten the mind altogether.

What’s more important is to work as effectively as you can with your stones in this whole process. As discussed, they are doing much of the work! Remain thankful for this throughout the procedure.

Make sure to cleanse the stones right after. Express your gratitude for all their healing and support.

Five Beautiful Images of Chakra Stones

Chakra Stones meaning

Red Garnet is a good grounding stone that works well with the root chakra.

This chakra is responsible for your overall ability to remain balanced and stable.

If you’re suffering from low self-esteem or excessive fearfulness, it can be a sign that your root chakra energy is too low or too weak.

When the root chakra is out of balance, it can manifest as annoyance or impatience as well.

You can place a healing stone like a Red Garnet in your pocket or on your desk at the office for instant relief.

You can also do your meditation sessions with a piece of this stone in your hands.

Tiger’s Eye is a chakra stone for the sacral chakra.

Chakra Stones meaning

This stone’s vibration will help you when you find yourself too distracted to fully commit to what you’re supposed to do.

This stone can be really handy when there’s a blockage in your sacral chakra. If there’s a blockage, it will manifest as an inability to relate to people and to your environment.

Tiger’s Eye can help keep your emotions in check and strengthen your resolve to cope and survive.

This stone can help when the sacral energy flow is blocked. It will help get rid of your inability to cope, your insecurities, and your uncertainties.

Chakra Stones meaning

The solar plexus chakra is responsible for your feelings of self-worth and your sense of self-esteem and self-confidence.

Citrine can be used to cleanse and balance the solar plexus chakra so that you can increase your personal confidence.

When your solar plexus chakra is blocked or out of balance, stones like Citrine will help you regain balance and have complete control over your thoughts and emotions.

With the help of solar plexus, you will be sure about your place in the universe, and you will have a strong sense of self-love.

When the heart chakra becomes blocked or out of balance, you may start to become overly defensive about the little things.

Chakra Stones meaning

You may also grow suspicious and judgmental. This can also manifest as passive-aggressive behavior.

Rose Quartz is a good stone for the heart chakra to open it up and heal it.

It’s a powerful stone that can soothe strong emotions, get rid of negativity, and promote peace.

The throat chakra can benefit hugely from Sodalite.

It’s very helpful in resolving problems that involve both verbal and non-verbal communication.

Aside from helping with your communication, using this stone on this particular chakra can help you regulate your own mental chatter.

Chakra Stones meaning

When the throat chakra is functioning properly, it will help you express yourself creatively through art, music, poetry, and dance.

You need to select a good chakra stone to magnify or balance the energy of the chakra you’re working on.

Know the chakra stone’s attributes, including its color, energy, and personal resonance.

If a certain chakra stone catches your eye because it feels like it’s talking to you, go with that stone and work with it.

Soon you will regain the balance that you have lost and clear all signs of blockages in your chakras.

My Final Thoughts

Every stone has its own unique vibration, just like every human being does.  For this reason, the stones needed to balance or heal the chakras will vary with each person.

The best way to determine if a particular stone is good for you or for a specific chakra is to test it. You test it by putting it on your body and checking your body’s responses to it.

You can also ask a friend to put different stones on your body with your eyes closed, testing which ones feel the best for your chakras.

Always trust your body’s reactions and responses. If a stone emits a bad vibration, remove it.

Unless of course, you recognize the bad vibration as a sign of cleansing, or you have an instinctive desire to keep working with the stone.

Chakra stones of all kinds will always attune themselves to your energies in the way in which they are most needed.

Remember, you don’t so much control the energies of crystals, so much as you welcome them into your life and to work with your energy signatures.

These crystals are more versatile than even the most experienced of spiritual healers sometimes realize, but that’s no reason to feel daunted.

Rather, it’s the most wonderful opportunity for you to experiment and see where these energies take you!

Remember, no stone or its interpretation is ever truly wrong or set to work against you in a negative way.

The energies of these stones exist not just to help our chakras, but to resonate throughout the world in countless other ways.

Because of that, there’s little need to feel anything other than excitement in welcoming these stones into your life.

Whether you buy a ready-made chakra stone kit, create your own collection from favorite and beloved stones, or just have one stone you use for certain chakras you know are susceptible to falling out of alignment, it’s all about making these solutions line up best with your needs.

A very simple but good rule for chakra healing is that if a stone is the same color of the chakra, it’s a good fit. When picking which stones to use for your chakra, secondary colors should also be considered.

How to use chakra stones

About the author

Diana Houston

Diana Houston is a respected crystal expert and the author of 'A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals: Getting Started With Crystal Healing – A Complete Guide.' Her passion for crystals and their healing properties made her a leading authority on the subject.

Diana's expertise and passion for crystals have inspired countless readers and practitioners, and her book has received rave reviews on Amazon. With her clear and insightful guidance, Diana is a trusted guide for anyone seeking to unlock the transformative power of crystals.

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