June has three birthstones associated with it, giving the lucky people born this month a wonderful selection of gemstones.
You can take your pick from Moonstone, Pearl, or Alexandrite.
June birthstones shift from cream-shaded and opalescent Pearl and Moonstone to the color-changing Alexandrite, which stands out amongst the most important gemstones on Earth.
With this extensive variety of color alternatives and value points, June people can pick a delightful gemstone to suit any budget or state of mind.
What is The birthstone For June?
Pearls are the only gemstones in the world that are created by living organisms. Mollusks produce Pearls by depositing Calcium Carbonate layers around microscopic irritants that get stuck in the shells.
While any shelled mollusk can create a Pearl, only two groups of bivalve mollusks use Mother-of-Pearl to create the iridescent nacreous pearls which are very valuable in the jewelry world.
The name Pearl comes from the Old French word ‘perle’, and from the Latin word ‘perna,’ which means leg, referencing the leg-of-mutton shape of an open mollusk shell.
Perfectly smooth and round natural Pearls are quite uncommon, so the word Pearl can attribute to anything valuable and rare.
The most expensive and most unique Pearls are natural Pearls that were created in the wild.
Many of the Pearls sold on the market today are farmed or cultured by implanting a piece of grafted shell into freshwater Pearl mussels or Pearl oysters.
Pearls are very soft and fragile gemstones, ranging between 2.5 and 4.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. They are also quite sensitive to acidity and extreme heat.
Calcium carbonate is so sensitive to acid that Pearls will dissolve when it comes in contact with vinegar.
The finest and most beautiful Pearls have a reflective luster, making them appear creamy white with a rainbow-like sheen that casts many colorful hues.
Cultured freshwater Pearls can also be dyed black, purple, pink, brown, blue, green, or yellow.
Black Pearls, which are often cultured because they are so hard to find in nature, are not black, but blue, purple, silver, or green.
Pearls were once found in many parts of the world. Because of natural pearling, they are now confined to the Persian Gulf waters near Bahrain.
Australia still harvests natural pearls in the Indian Oceans. This country owns one of the last remaining Pearl diving fleets.
Today, most freshwater cultured Pearls come from China. South Sea Pearls are cultured in the Philippines, Indonesia, and along the northwestern coastline of Australia.
In many cultures, Pearls symbolize innocence and purity, which explains why it’s traditional for brides to wear white Pearls on their wedding day.
Apart from being one of three birthstones for June, Pearl is also the birthstone of people born under the zodiac signs Cancer and Gemini.
They are popular presents for the first, third, twelfth, and thirtieth wedding anniversaries.
Pearls have been used as adornments for many centuries, as far back as ancient Greece where people believed Pearls were the tears of the gods.
The oldest known Pearl jewelry was discovered in the sarcophagus of a Persian princess who died in 520 B.C.
Ancient Japanese folktales told the stories that Pearls came from the tears of mythical creatures like nymphs and mermaids.
Early Chinese civilizations also believed that dragons carried Pearls and that dragons must be killed to reclaim the Pearls, which is symbolic of wisdom.
Other cultures linked Pearls with the moon, referring to them as teardrops of the moon.
Hindu folklore also told tales that dewdrops fell from the moon toward the sea, and Krishna plucked one dewdrop for the daughter he loved on her wedding day.
Because natural Pearls were so scarce and uncommon throughout history, only the richest people could afford them.
During the Byzantine Empire, only emperors were allowed to wear these beautiful gemstones. Also, Ancient Egyptians were usually buried with their prized Pearl pieces.
Tudor England was known as the Pearl Age because of Pearl’s popularity with the upper class in the 16thcentury. Portraits of royals often showed them wearing various jewelry or clothes adorned with Pearls.
Pearls became more available in the early 1900s when the first commercial culturing of saltwater Pearls commenced in Asia.
Since the 1920s, natural Pearls have been completely replaced by cultured Pearls in the market, making this beautiful gemstone affordable for every type of budget.
The Pearl is associated with chastity and modesty. Pearls are also often used to help with marital problems and achieve stable marriages.
The Pearl is given on the 30th wedding anniversary as a gift.
Alexandrite is a fairly modern gemstone. It was discovered in the Emerald mines in the Russian Ural Mountains.
Legends also say that it was discovered in 1834, on the same day that future Russian Czar Alexander II came of age.
Because this unique gemstone can change colors from green to red, which were also Russia’s national colors, Alexandrite was hailed as the official gemstone of Imperial Russia.
Alexandrite is a rare Chrysoberyl that changes color from blue-green to purple-red. People often describe it as Emerald by day and Ruby by night.
This chameleon-like behavior of Alexandrite results from its unique chemical composition, which is made up of traces of chromium, the same coloring agent of Emeralds.
It’s very unlikely that these elements will combine in the right conditions, making Alexandrite a very rare and costly gemstone.
Alexandrite stones that are mined in Russia set the standard for the quality of this stone.
These days, most Alexandrite stones come from East Africa, Brazil, and Sri Lanka. They generally pale in comparison to the brilliant colors of Russian gems.
This stone has a hardness of 8.5 on the Mohs scale. It’s softer than Sapphire but tougher than Garnet, the other two gemstones that can also change color.
But because of its scarcity, Alexandrite is still more valuable than most gemstones, including Diamonds and Rubies.
Alexandrite is related to learning and concentration. It’s also believed to enhance intuition, boost creativity, and spark imagination, bringing good vibrations to anyone who wears it.
The controversial history of Alexandrite goes back as far as Imperial Russia, where it was first discovered in the Emerald mines in the Ural Mountains.
The person who discovered it initially mistook it for an Emerald before realizing that its colors changed when viewed under different light sources.
Because Alexandrite’s red and green hues matched Russia’s military colors, it became the official gemstone of Imperial Russia’s Tsardom.
Russian jewelers were intrigued by this unique and chameleon-like gemstone. It also fascinated Tiffany & Co. master gemologist George Frederick Kunz that he produced an Alexandrite ring series in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Alexandrite was occasionally used for fine jewelry in Victorian England, as well.
After Russia’s mine deposits were exhausted, the popularity of Alexandrite waned until new supplies were discovered in Brazil in 1987.
East Africa, Sri Lanka, and Brazil are the main sources of Alexandrite now, although they don’t have the same vivid colors as the original Russian stones.
Because it’s so scarce and limited, high-quality Alexandrite is very costly to the general public. Even the lower quality Alexandrite stones are still expensive and limited in supply.
Since the 1960s, laboratories have grown synthetic Alexandrite. This should not be confused with simulated Alexandrite, corundum or colored crystals infused with vanadium or chromium for color.
Producing synthetic Alexandrite is quite an expensive process, which means even lab-grown Alexandrite stones are expensive.
Moonstone, which is June’s third birthstone, was named by Pliny, the Roman natural historian, who wrote that this stone’s brilliant shimmery appearance changed with the phases of the moon.
The most common type of Moonstone comes from the Adularia mineral. It’s named after the mining site near Mt. Adular in Switzerland.
This is also where the term adularescence was derived, which refers to Moonstone’s beautiful milky glow, looking a lot like moonlight floating on water.
Moonstone is composed of microscopic feldspar layers which disperse light and produce the billowy effect that is known as adularescence. Thinner feldspar layers produce a bluish sheen, and thicker layers appear white.
Moonstone comes in many colors, including pink, peach, blue, green, gray, and yellow.
The finest classic Moonstones, colorless and transparent with a blue sheen, hail from Sri Lanka. But since they have been mined out already, prices of these kinds of Moonstones have risen sharply.
Moonstones can also be found in locations like the USA, Madagascar, Myanmar, Australia, and India.
Indian gemstones, usually orange, green, or brown, are more abundant and affordable than their classic blue counterparts.
The only weakness of this gemstone is its somewhat low hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale, which means it’s prone to cleaving and stress cracking.
Proper care is required for Moonstone jewelry, especially pendants, brooches, bracelets, and rings.
As its name implies, Moonstone is closely associated with lunar mystery and magic.
Its soothing and stabilizing energies can attune you to natural biological rhythms.
Moonstone is recognized as the ultimate fertility crystal. It sparks passion in new lovers and reunites old or separated ones.
This stone is also known as Traveler’s Stone because it can protect travelers when they go out at night.
Moonstone is used to treat insomnia and sleepwalking, encourage sound sleep, and create beneficial dreams.
Moonstone has been used as a beautiful embellishment and a powerful talisman since ancient times.
The Romans admired Moonstones, believing they were formed out of moonbeams. Both the Greeks and the RomansidentifiedMoonstone with their lunar deities.
Hindu mythology also believed that Moonstone was created from the ethereal light of the moon.
In India, Moonstone is regarded as a revered and magical dream stone that can attract beautiful dreams at night.
Since ancient times, many cultures have held on to the belief that Moonstones can attune their wearer to the natural rhythms of the moon.
Known for its relaxing and soothing aura, Moonstone has been used to treat insomnia and sleepwalking. It’s also known to ward off nightmares and encourage vivid dreams.
In 1970, Florida, USA, adopted Moonstone as its official state gemstone to commemorate the Apollo 11 moon landing, as well as other space missions that were launched in Florida.
It has been valued for centuries, and Moonstone remains accessible and popular.
It’s the preferred and more popular June birthstone compared to Pearl and Alexandrite in some areas, like Scandinavia and Germany.
What are the key traits of the June Birthstone?
The month of June is associated with Pearl, Moonstone, or Alexandrite. They help calm down nervous and anxious thoughts.
These cool and milky birthstones are also known to signify modesty and chastity.
This very rare stone can be calm green by day, but in the light of an open flame, it burns a brilliant red.
As a result, it is strongly believed to bring good luck and fortune. It can also bring love to those born in June. It works as a reminder that life is not only what it seems to be.
People born in June are intuitive, imaginative, and romantic, not to mention hopefully about their futures.
They have a healthy sense of self-esteem. They appreciate the world around them, and they remain joyful despite the ups and downs of life.
Just like their magical color-changing gemstones, they have changeable natures as well. Their moods can shift very quickly indeed!
This June birthstone meaning is seen very much in the personas of those born this month, whether they are the intelligent star sign of Gemini or the more family-oriented star sign of Cancer.
Adaptiveness to these people makes them able to fit into any social situation.
This is their gift – to be able to blend in with high society, with the common folk, with artsy souls, and with hard-nosed, business-minded pragmatists.
This can be a bit of a double-edged sword though because these same adaptive people can forget their true selves in their urgency to fit in.
Luckily, June birthstones like Pearl can help them to reconnect to their truth if these people take the time to sit in stillness and focus with them.
If you’re a June baby, you’re funny and talkative. You are great with people, you show character, and you know how to make a point.
You’re sensitive and polite but can take a long time to recover from being hurt.
June people are loving and emotional. They are imaginative and intuitive, and they are also cautious and shrewd.
They can be overly protective of the people they love, and they are very sympathetic and compassionate even to strangers.
Their moods are very changeable. They can be very emotional, affectionate, and clingy one moment, then cool and detached the next.
But often, they are clingy and needy with their loved ones and have difficulty letting go. Breakups are particularly hard for June people because they feel things more intensely.
June people think far with vision, know what they want, and know what they need to do to achieve it.
They are easily influenced or swayed by kindness because they are very kind people themselves.
They become inspired when people do good things towards others, and they make sure that they pay the good act forward.
People born in June are very soft-spoken and polite.
They love to talk and engage in healthy debate. This is because they want an outlet for all their thoughts and ideas.
They have a very active mind, and they have a lot of ideas that they want to manifest in their lives.
They’re very funny, and they love to joke. This helps them make friends easily.
Sometimes they’re fussy because they just want the best for themselves and those they care about.
They can become temperamental when there are delays in their plans. They don’t like sudden changes or unexpected outcomes.
When you’re born in June, you can be a little too sensitive about certain subjects. You are easily hurt, even if you seldom show your emotions. It also takes a lot of time to recover when you get hurt.
June people are also big daydreamers. They are law-abiding, and they don’t feel good when they get something by cutting corners.
They love to dress up and not take themselves seriously sometimes. But they are also easily bored, so they must be imaginative and creative in entertaining themselves.
The Color of the June Birthstone and its Secret Meaning
Pearls have a beautiful natural luster, and their translucence makes them one of the most popular and favorite gemstones of collectors and non-collectors.
Pearls come in various colors that depend on the type of oyster or clam that produced them, as well as the kind of environment it was produced in.
Apart from their milky-white hue, Pearls are also available in golden, blue, black, lavender, green, white, and cream shades.
Natural alexandrites lovely green color that turns reddish-purple when placed under incandescent light.
Moonstone occurs naturally in peach, green, blue, and champagne colors.
June Birthstone Necklaces, Rings, and Jewelry
Pearls make the ideal present for people who are born in June.
As antiquated symbols of innocence and purity, Pearls are customarily worn by a bride on her big day, making Pearl jewelry a beautiful gift to celebrate a bride-to-be, or to celebrate a first, third, 12th, or 30th wedding anniversary.
If you’re looking for perfect and round natural Pearls, you will need a lot of patience and a fat wallet.
Most Pearls available are produced by culturing, giving Pearl purchasers plenty of alternatives.
Colors can range from velvety white to pink, yellow, purple, brown, silver, and green, or a luminous rainbow of colors like a peacock.
Pearls are one of a few gems that are not measured by carats. Luster is the essential part of selecting a Pearl. The finest Pearls are metallic and reflective like mirrors.
Pearls can range in size from 3mm to 13mm. Since Pearls don’t require cleaning or faceting like most jewels, finding a couple of Pearls that match splendidly in size, color, and radiance can be troublesome and costly.
Be wary of imitation Pearls or shell Pearls, produced using conch shells or glass covered with a solution containing fish scales.
Rubbing two Pearls together will determine if they are just smooth imitation stones, or if they feel abrasive from the nacre that makes up both natural and cultured Pearls.
Gemstone specialists such as the American Gem Society can recognize natural Pearls from refined Pearls by using gemological X-ray equipment.
Natural Pearls are made up of concentric growth rings, while types of pearls have a strong core of the shell that was embedded to stimulate Pearl production.
One of the rarest and most significant gemstones, Alexandrite is a luxurious gift for those born in June. It’s also the traditional gift to couples celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary.
Color change is the most critical factor determining Alexandrite’s value or quality.
The brighter the colors and the more powerful the change from pale blue-green in daylight to purplish red under incandescent light, the more valuable the Pearl.
Like most gemstones, Alexandrite is weighed in carats. Higher clarity may weaken its color change, so the color is more valuable than clarity.
Alexandrite is more costly than other gemstones, including Diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires, and Rubies. In the past, high-quality Russian Alexandrite has sold for as much as $10,000 just for one carat.
Private collectors and museums own a large portion of the original Russian gemstones. The few gemstones produced today only fit the budget of the most discerning gemstone experts.
Alexandrite is a wise investment because of its historical value, durability, and rarity.
Whether you’re celebrating a June birthday or harnessing this stone’s mystical lunar forces, Moonstone makes a brilliant present.
Like Diamonds and many other gemstones, Moonstones are evaluated by their carat weight, cut, clarity, and color. The more transparent it is and the bluer its sheen, the more valuable it is.
The highest-quality material is from Sri Lanka. However, since these Moonstone sources have already dried up, prices of blue Moonstones have risen exponentially.
Indian Moonstones with colors ranging from green, orange, and brown are more readily available and affordable. This means everyone can buy and own a Moonstone that fits their style and budget.
Traditional Moonstones are cut as cabochons that exhibit a high dome to emphasize their adularescence.
Bigger blue Moonstones (more than 15 carats) are uncommon, yet stones with shimmering white adularescence are available in sizes up to hundreds of carats.
This wonderful gemstone’s weakness is its generally low hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale, making it more inclined to stress cracking.
Care is required with Moonstone rings or wristbands, so Moonstone pins and pendants are frequently favored.
There is no manufactured Moonstone available. Although it has been simulated by Chalcedony and artificial Spinels, these imitations are anything but difficult to spot.
My Final Thoughts on the June Birthstone
June people have the great pleasure of choosing between three stones when selecting birthstone jewelry.
Pearls are about calming and centering yourself on promoting integrity, truth, and loyalty.
Pearls suggest chastity, modesty, and stable marriages and relationships. They have been symbols of purity for centuries.
The ancient Greeks believed that Pearls were the hardened tears of joy from Aphrodite, the goddess of love.
Pearls are worn to calm a restless mind and to control anger. It is believed that people who wear Pearls can succeed in creative work. They are also linked to a successful married life.
People with Pearl as their birthstone appear to be innocent and modest. They even confuse other people into thinking that they are naive.
However, they have one of the strongest and most stable personalities. They are real nature lovers, and they share a special connection with animals.
Pearls are also often used to help in the treatment of digestive disorders and the soft organs of the body. They are known to improve the health of the skin.
They relieve conditions of bloating and biliousness. Pearls also increase fertility and ease the pains associated with childbirth.
Pearls are also very effective in treating health issues related to the spleen, heart, and stomach. They calm the mind and prevent hysteria. They also promote mental stability.
Alexandrite has extremely calming properties and balances the emotional state of the wearer. It is especially helpful in balancing the functions of the circulatory system.
Alexandrite is a very rare gemstone because of its unique properties that allow it to change colors. This is why it’s often referred to as, the Emerald by day, Ruby by night.
It’s associated with learning, which strengthens your imagination and creativity. But if you live a very stressful life and want to find peace and relaxation, you may lean towards Moonstone.
This stone protects you against emotional stress by helping you have calm responses instead of overreactions.
Moonstone also serves to balance the digestive system and purge the body of toxins.
This stone is also excellent in balancing hormonal functions and is beneficial for women during pregnancy and childbirth.
This June birthstone enhances the emotional balance of the wearer as well.
Whichever stone you choose to do, each of these stones will look beautiful on you and help you transform your life!

Diana Houston
Diana Houston is a respected crystal expert and the author of 'A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals: Getting Started With Crystal Healing – A Complete Guide.' Her passion for crystals and their healing properties made her a leading authority on the subject.
Diana's expertise and passion for crystals have inspired countless readers and practitioners, and her book has received rave reviews on Amazon. With her clear and insightful guidance, Diana is a trusted guide for anyone seeking to unlock the transformative power of crystals.
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