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Smoky Quartz: Meaning, Properties and Powers

Smoky Quartz: Meaning, Properties and Powers

The Meaning Of Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a crystal representing our connection to Mother Earth, the chthonic energies lying in the lower worlds, and the transmutation of negative energies back into positive ones.

While the name Smoky Quartz is the most popular for this dark, brownish-black variety of Quartz, in Scotland and other European countries, it goes by Morion, the original term which the druids gave to this beautiful crystal.

Morion is said to have multiple origins, including the Greek word morion, meaning “baneful” or “hideous,” as well as the old French word moreau meaning “black.”

As one of the most potent crystals for metaphysical arts practitioners, Smoky Quartz can effectively remove negative spirits or energies from patients’ auric fields through the use of grounding techniques or by placing them directly on the body.

Like many crystals with darker hues, Smoky Quartz held an essential role in spiritual practices throughout history. It was used for similar purposes by placing it outside of houses or in windows to prevent drifting spirits from entering a family’s space.

Now, that tradition continues by its use in scrying, divination, and other intuitive activities.

Smoky Quartz also has an affinity to gods representing darkness such as Hecate, Celtic gods such as the Goddess of the Occult and the Dark Moon, Crom, Dubh, and even had ties to the harvest festival of Samhain.

In all these ways, Smoky Quartz shows its ability to work in darkness to process negative energies and create new positive change.

It’s important to remember that ancient views of darkness often encompassed a much more holistic approach to the concepts of light and dark and were not dualistic or connoting evil.

In this way, Smoky Quartz can be used in times of the Winter months, when the days grow short and the night grows long, to resonate with the changes in the seasons.

Smoky Quartz carries the qualities of the soil, ash, mud, and clay, making you rejuvenated from the ground up, similar to watering and nurturing a field for the harvest.

Finally, Smoky Quartz represents the power of the sacred, divine feminine – particularly in her most natural form.

While other feminine stones such as Moonstone, Selenite, and Rose Quartz embody the soft, gentle, nurturing elements of the divine feminine, Smoky Quartz focuses on the wild, untethered goddess energy, the wise woman and medicine women of the forest who have connected so deeply with Mother Nature that the two have almost become one.

In this way, Smoky Quartz can accentuate this energy, which may already be resting inside of you or help develop it in the first place. Sleeping with Smoky Quartz or using it daily can help unleash this natural, intuitive spirit inside you.

The meaning, powers and uses of Smoky Quartz

The Properties Of Smoky Quartz

Physical And Geological Properties Of Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a form of Quartz, one of the most common and popular crystals in nature.

While traditional Quartz has a clear or whitish cloudy color, Smoky Quartz has a grey color. Some types of Smoky Quartz are very clear, while others are almost opaque, and some pieces are nearly black.

Smoky Quartz

Quartz is the second most common mineral on Earth, after Feldspar (the raw material used in glass, ceramics, plastics, paints, rubbers, and practically everything else you can imagine).

About twenty percent of the Earth’s crust is made up of Quartz!

Quartz comes in a huge variety of colors, and Smoky Quartz is probably the third most recognizable mineral that bears the name, after Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz.

It is made mainly of silicon dioxide, which is the main component in sand (quartz crystals are basically huge grains of sand).

The distinctive dark color of Smoky Quartz comes from free silicon deposits in it. The depth and consistency of the crystal’s color depend on the quantity of free silicon in it.

When it is extremely dark and almost opaque, it is called morion (which is also the name for smoky quartz in both German and Spanish).

Smoky Quartz is found all over the world, yet it does not enjoy the cultural prestige that many crystals, even its own sister clear quartz, have gained over the centuries.

Historically, its uses have been quite practical – the first sunglasses were invented in twelfth-century China, and used pieces of smoky quartz for lenses! It is also a popular stone in jewelry, including traditional Scottish kilt pins and ceremonial knives.

Metaphysical Properties

Just like Selenite, it is a highly grounding stone, ruling the root chakra, and improving its user’s connection with the physical world.

This is no surprise, given that this mineral makes up so much of the earth’s crust!

Smoky Quartz is highly valued because of how it helps you to cut through the illusions in life, and likewise remain centered when you come across new ideas that would otherwise leave you a little on the back foot.

However, staying rooted as you do this means it’s an amazing meditative aid as well – one that has often been less recognized in the crystal lover community, due to how other stones have become more popular over the years.

Yet staying connected to the real and the physical while meditating is a wonderful balance to strike, and one that smoky quartz can help you to find.

It also helps that this is such a versatile stone in terms of how well it works with other crystals – its energies are often very complementary and can be turned towards whatever you might need.

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All quartz improves consciousness, but smoky quartz has added benefits that come with its dark color.

It centers the energy, purges distractions from the psychic world so you can focus on the physical, and removes negativity.

Benefits Of Smoky Quartz

Some critics complain that Smoky Quartz is not a very spiritually useful stone, preferring the cultural history tied to Rose Quartz or Clear Quartz.

While these people may be right that Smoky Quartz has not enjoyed the same fame, they are wrong in suggesting that it doesn’t have benefits.

This is a crystal that enables you to see beyond what is often shrouded in life – as though the smoke within the stone itself absorbs all of the fuzziness that often impedes our understanding of intuition and psychic insight.

In more practical ways though, this stone is hugely useful too. You’ll find that Smoky Quartz is able to offer you much in the way of emotional intelligence, helping you to not react on just the first flash of feeling that comes to you.

When you need to take your time and take a step back to survey the real issue here, and its root cause, Smoky Quartz can offer wonderful clarity and insight.

Getting to the bottom of anything seems to be all the more simplistic when Smoky Quartz is around – it has a somewhat Sherlock Holmes-like energy of deduction and reason, but with a little more compassion than Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous detective often had too!

Smoky Quartz enhances your ability to relate to the concrete world because of its ties to your root chakra.

This means that it is a powerful stone for improving your survival instincts. It’s definitely the stone to take with you for a backpacking trip in the woods!

But it’s also the perfect stone to help you through a tough business deal or a hard conversation with your partner.

It is a good stone for cooperation – not necessarily for erasing problems, but for ensuring that everyone involved in them is able to approach them with a clear head. It can also improve creativity and lateral thinking in problem-solving.

Like all dark stones, one of the key strengths of Smoky Quartz is its ability to banish negativity. It “absorbs” the bad vibrations of negative energy surrounding you, leaving the way clear for you to improve your life.

While some dark stones, like Shungite, are beneficial at banishing negativity, they can have some drawbacks that Smoky Quartz avoids.

Shungite, in particular, can lead to conflict, as problems are brought out of hiding and into the limelight. Smoky Quartz, however, relieves painful emotions as well as sucking up toxic energies.

If you are someone who struggles with depression, anxiety, or jealousy, then wearing a piece of Smoky Quartz, especially in situations where those feelings are unusually strong, can be a powerful way to get to the root of your problems without allowing your negative emotions to overwhelm you.

Because of its link with the earth, Smoky Quartz is said to have a unique ability to block the psychic “buzzing” caused by being around smog, electronics, and other people.

If you are sensitive to these features in your environment, or have just moved to a big city and are adjusting, Smoky Quartz may be the stone for you.

The Powers Of Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz can be used in order to address a wide variety of common, everyday concerns.

It is a very forgiving and compliant stone, and is unlikely to give you any trouble when using it – even if your focus doesn’t seem to be making a difference, it at least won’t get you into any trouble!

Because of its extremely close connection to the physical world, Smoky Quartz is a wonderful stone to introduce into your life if you are interested in improving your relationship with your environment.

Ecologists take note – wearing a piece of Smoky Quartz can help you become more attuned to the natural world, and observe it more effectively.

Smoky Quartz For Protection

Smoky Quartz is a very protective stone and can be used as an amulet to ward off danger.

It will help you more effectively notice potential danger in your vicinity and hone your survival instincts, but just as importantly, it filters out the bad energies and negativity that lead to danger.

When you wear a piece of Smoky Quartz as an amulet, people will inexplicably feel themselves more at ease and less angry when around you.

It brings negative energies into the light, and then gently dissolves them, allowing everyone involved to work through difficult situations.

Smoky Quartz For Wealth

Like all quartz crystals, Smoky Quartz is exceptionally beneficial in helping you to manifest your wishes and dreams.

It plumbs your mind for your desires and brings them into being in the physical world through its connection to the Earth.

This is wonderful – the ability to change your reality and situation is at the core of almost all metaphysical and spiritual practices!

Do be aware, though, that Smoky Quartz can sometimes lead you into “be careful what you wish for” situations – you may find that your wishes manifest so quickly and effectively that you don’t know what to do about them!

This is the perfect time to integrate some calming, centering practices, and stones into your life, so you can choose what paths of abundance to follow.

Using Smoky Quartz

As Jewelry

Smoky Quartz is highly effective in the classic Quartz point pendant style.

Wearing a point of Quartz around your neck is a simple, efficient way to harness its energy (as well as being an inexpensive and readily available way to wear the stone).

Smoky Quartz Crystal Wand
A Smoky Quartz wand.

If you have Scottish ancestry, interest, or personal connection to Scottish culture or heritage, a kilt pin made of or decorated with Smoky Quartz can be a personally meaningful and psychically powerful object.

Wearing a decorative one as a brooch (or using it to pin your kilt if you wear one!) can attune you to the powers of Scottish mythology and culture.

Smoky Quartz Necklaces

Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful grounding gemstones that help connect you to the energy of the Earth. It helps you to keep your feet on the ground and remain balanced in any situation.

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Even the spaciest and scattered individuals can become fully functional and collected by wearing Smoky Quartz jewelry or carrying Smoky Quartz crystals with them wherever they go.

Wear a Smoky Quartz necklace to stimulate and balance all your chakras, specifically focusing on cleansing the root chakra to ground you.

It is grounding in a very uplifting way, providing subtler energy than other grounding gemstones.

Smoky Quartz necklaces are also particularly useful in removing negative energies from your body.

They protect you from negative and harmful energies that may reside in your environment or from the people that you meet and interact with every day.

They help remove any mental, emotional, and physical blockages, relieving you of pain and many other kinds of discomfort.

This is because Smoky Quartz carries a strong connection to the Earth.

It has been around since ancient times and civilizations have been using it to make gemstone jewelry. It’s very easy to cut and shape for practical and ornamental uses.

Meditate while holding a Smoky Quartz to receive deep insight, guidance, and healing. Smoky Quartz jewelry attracts people because of its appealing beauty and shine.

Most people prefer to wear it as fashion jewelry, while some wear it to get the advantages of its healing powers.

Some Smoky Quartz necklaces are usually made round with a cut open at the front or back.

A collar style Smoky Quartz necklace is usually worn at the center of the neck, which is perfect with an off-shoulder dress.

A choker-style Smoky Quartz necklace sticks at the top of the neck and will look great with a crew neck shirt.

Wear Smoky Quartz as a necklace for ongoing, everyday support. Smoky Quartz in your aura or in your environment will also help you with daily regular activities.

Wear a Smoky Quartz necklace to protect yourself from your computer or electronic device’s electromagnetic waves.

Smoky Quartz can be scratched or get chipped easily, so make sure that you don’t expose your Smoky Quartz necklace to activities that may cause damage.

Around The House

Any mineral store is likely to carry Smoky Quartz crystals, not set into jewelry at all. These pieces are ideal for placing around your house, in spots where the energy seems disrupted.

For example, if you have a big desktop computer, you may want to place a piece of smoky quartz by it in order to lessen the disruptive electric “buzz” that the computer lets off (note: you can also do this with your laptop!)

Just place the crystal on top of it when you set it aside, especially when going to sleep.

Some rooms just seem to have bad or weird energy, and placing Smoky Quartz in them can either relieve that energy or help you recognize what the source of it is so that you can address it.

For Scrying Or Divination

If you practice scrying, then a polished disc of Smoky Quartz can be an ideal surface to scry in, especially if you are seeking information about the spirits of the natural world, or other people’s emotional disruptions, or are looking for the light at the end of a tunnel.

For Meditation

If scrying isn’t so much your style, you can still meditate on any piece of Smoky Quartz when these problems are on your mind, to help open up your psyche to new ways of thinking about them.

Remember that Smoky Quartz is a great stone for lateral thinking! It will quickly help you start thinking about problems in new ways, to achieve new answers.

Smoky Quartz has a wonderfully valuable way of opening up your mind to new points of view that would otherwise elude your grasp.

Perspectives that might have been just beyond your reach before suddenly become clear, and likewise, those insights you receive in the state of meditation are a little less fleeting and dreamlike too.

Smoky Quartz will also help you to take that knowledge as you encounter it and create new opportunities from it.

Rather than simply connect you to some ethereal wisdom and letting you figure out the details for yourself, you’ll find that this stone can help you to move into a position of knowing exactly how the puzzle pieces fit in the real world, so to speak.

This is also a good stone for helping you to better communicate your thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

In those moments when you feel unheard or as though you are talking in circles, let the energies of Smoky Quartz help you to find the best way to articulate what can sometimes be incredibly difficult feelings.

Feng Shui And Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a powerful and protective crystal and is perfect for use in the home or office. It can help to keep negative energy at bay and is also thought to be helpful in preventing accidents.

Smoky Quartz is also said to be helpful for those who are trying to overcome addictions, and can aid in releasing negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and jealousy. It is also thought to be helpful in attracting positive energy into your life.

The Best Crystals And Stones To Combine With Smoky Quartz

As mentioned above, Smoky Quartz can be so effective at manifesting your desires that you may end up faced with a lot of decisions or looking down on some paths that you’re not sure you want to go down.

A stone that promotes introspection and centering is a perfect complement to Smoky Quartz. Amethyst is ideal because it promotes sobriety and clarity of thought.

When using Amethyst with Smoky Quartz, you will be able to more clearly see your own desires for what they are, which means that you won’t get bogged down in what you think you want, or what you wanted a week ago.

If you are dealing with questions that are even more emotionally difficult, then Aquamarine paired with Smoky Quartz can help you to dig deep into your spirituality to find out what it is that you genuinely want.

Aquamarine can help you articulate your emotions more clearly, while Amethyst is a more cerebral and intellectual stone.

If banishing negativity is the main use you want from your Smoky Quartz, then using it in conjunction with stones or crystals that are known for attracting positive energy, is perfect – Smoky Quartz will rid you of the negative, while another stone pulls in the positive!

Pink Morganite: Meanings, Properties and Powers

There are a wide variety of stones that are known for promoting positive energy, including but not limited to Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, and Turquoise.

A collection of Quartz points in various colors (especially the triad of clear, smoky, and rose) can help you achieve a balanced worldview, and achieve that elusive “work-life balance” that so many of us are after.

By using the three big Quartz crystals in combination, you will ensure that you aren’t sacrificing any one part of your life for another.

Finally, like all Quartz crystals, Smoky Quartz can amplify the power of other stones, and mitigate any negative or overpowering effects that those stones might have.

Smoky Quartz is an effective stone for tempering energy and will ensure that you are kept safe in your everyday life.

Smoky Quartz Chakras

Smoky Quartz is known for its main anchoring and grounding properties. It’s a highly protective crystal that is best worn within the aura at all times. Smoky Quartz represents the energy of the root chakra, allowing you to reconnect with your body and Nature.

By working with Smoky Quartz, you can tap into your natural physical manifestation on this earth, which is particularly necessary for empaths and other individuals who may have difficulty grounding themselves.

Smoky Quartz is an excellent stone to place on the solar plexus chakra.

If you want to have healing, grounding, and balancing energies, you can also opt to use Smoky Quartz on the lower chakras.

Cleansing And Charging Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz should be cleansed regularly by rinsing it under running water. You can then charge it by placing it in the sun or moonlight.

Programming Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz can be programmed to help you achieve your goals. Simply hold it in your hand and focus on what you would like it to help you with, then release your intention into the crystal.

You can also use affirmations to help you focus on your goals.

Smoky Quartz Crystal Grids

Smoky Quartz can be used in crystal grids to help with protection, grounding, and clearing negative energy.

Cleaning And Caring For Smoky Quartz

The best way to clean your Smoky Quartz is with plain water and soap, using a soft brush and a soft polishing cloth.

Do not soak your Smoky Quartz, and do not leave it in direct sunlight if you don’t want its appearance to fade or change.

Astrology And Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is associated with the sign of Capricorn. It is said to help those who are under the influence of this sign to stay grounded and focused and to help them achieve their goals.

Smoky Quartz As A Birthstone

Smoky Quartz is a birthstone for those who are born in the month of January. It is said to bring strength, determination, and practicality to those who wear it.

Smoky Quartz In Legends And History

Smoky Quartz has been used for centuries by many cultures for its healing and protective properties. It is said to have been favored by ancient shamans and was often used in healing ceremonies.

How Much Smoky Quartz Costs

Smoky Quartz can be found online and in metaphysical stores. It ranges in price from $5 to $100 per stone, depending on the size and quality of the crystal.

How To Know If Smoky Quartz Is Real Or Fake

Smoky Quartz is usually easy to tell apart from other types of Quartz. It has a brownish-gray color and often has a cloudy appearance. It is also usually found in clusters or points.

If you are not sure if a Smoky Quartz crystal is real or fake, you can test it with a magnet. If the crystal is magnetic, it is not made of natural Smoky Quartz.

My Final Thoughts On The Power Of Smoky Quartz
smoky quartz meaning

Smoky Quartz is an invaluable asset to anyone’s collection of stones and crystals. It is a joy to work with.

Unlike some of the more grounding stones, it feels much lighter to me, while still bringing strong stabilizing and centering energy.

It is a particular favorite of mine to use with Reiki treatments, either with the client holding it at the root chakra/groin area or placed at the soles of the feet.

Considering how relatively inexpensive and readily available it is (in a type of metaphysical work that can get very pricey if you’re shelling out for diamonds and rubies all the time), its powers cannot be overstated.

Using Smoky Quartz can help you deal with even the toughest negative situations because it both draws out negativity so it’s not boiling under the surface anymore and also helps diffuse high levels of emotion and stress so that all involved parties can come to constructive solutions.

The lateral thinking and problem-solving powers of Smoky Quartz complement it here too.

Because of this, Smoky Quartz is a very useful stone to use in all your interpersonal interactions, and, in fact, in any situation that you may feel like you’re struggling in.

Whether it’s conversations with your partner, difficult decisions at work, or feelings of personal dissatisfaction (which plague so many of us), smoky quartz can help you work through the negativity and reach a successful outcome.

Whether you’re using it for protection, psychic cleansing, or problem-solving, Smoky Quartz will help you achieve success, and will not let you down!

Are you going to start incorporating Smoky Quartz into your life? Do you think its anti-negativity and problem-solving properties will be of use to you in your personal search for happiness and fulfillment?

Please like and share this post to help get the word out about this useful and highly practical stone!

About the author

Caroline Lucas Profile

Caroline Lucas

Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on

Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.

Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.