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Lapis Lazuli: Meaning, Properties and Powers

Lapis Lazuli: Meaning, Properties and Powers

The Meaning Of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli means ‘blue stone,’ and it is sometimes referred to simply as Lapis.

The name comes from the Latin word ‘lapis’ meaning ‘stone’ and the Persian lazhward meaning ‘blue.’

The shades of blue in this crystal’s structure are rich and deep in color, and it has gold flecks running through it, giving it a magical, mysterious charm.

Ancient Egyptians used it in cosmetics for thousands of years. It was even said that Michelangelo used Lapis Lazuli in powder form for blue pigments to color the frescoes in his Sistine Chapel.

Since ancient times, the mystical appearance has drawn scholars’ attention and intrigued seers with its compelling energies.

Over the decades, it has found its way into many faith healers’ hands. And since the dawn of civilization, it has proven to be a soothing, calming influence that helps to open the mind and calm the senses.

It has been around for centuries, and its popularity has not diminished. Today it is mined in the USA, Chile, Italy, and Afghanistan.

The spiritual meaning, powers and uses of Lapis Lazuli.

The Properties Of Lapis Lazuli

Physical Properties Of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a metamorphic rock containing lazurite, which gives it its distinctive blue color. It may also contain Calcite, Pyrite, and minor amounts of other minerals.

It is semi-translucent to opaque and polishes to a high luster.

Lapis Lazuli scores a 5 -5.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, and its uses include cabochons, beads, carvings, spheres, and inlays. It is not hard enough to make it suitable for rings or bracelets that will get a lot of wear.

Metaphysical Properties Of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of protection. It can recognize a psychic attack and works to negate the effects of any harmful energies coming your way.

It is also a stone of serenity and peace, calming tempers, releasing stress, and bringing the mind and body together harmoniously.

Lapis Lazuli encourages self-awareness and taking charge of your own life. It helps us express ourselves safely and empowering without holding back and brings the qualities of honesty, compassion, and integrity to the wearer.

Varieties Of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli occurs with deposits or streaks of white running through it.

It also has a golden sheen to its surface, and the blue color can vary from medium to deep shades of rich royal blue depending on the amount of lazurite in the specimen.

Using Lapis Lazuli

How Best To Use Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli worn as jewelry is best kept to necklaces and chokers as it is not a particularly robust stone and may be damaged if worn daily on fingers or wrists.

Wearing it around your neck or throat allows vibrations to access the Throat chakra and gently clear away negative energies.

It can be carved into talismans and spheres, carried with you in a pocket or purse.

Lapis Lazuli has protective qualities, and being near the stone all the time can help you to recognize untruths from others and also to dispel negative thoughts or self-talk from your mind.

Benefits Of Using Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli has many qualities that can enhance your life, especially in spiritual growth.

It carries an energy of universal wisdom that can help you find your spiritual path and step into your power.

This stone acts quickly to release stress and brings a deep sense of peace because of its immense power of serenity.

The Healing Powers Of Lapis Lazuli

Emotional Healing Powers

The frequencies of this crystal are loving and serene. They vibrate in tune with your electromagnetic field and help you to realize the importance of self-care in your emotional life.

Many of us spend far too long dwelling on what we perceive to be “wrong” with ourselves and berating ourselves for not doing better.

If you have issues with body image, you will hopefully already be aware that constant self-criticism damages your emotional and mental well-being. Allow this stone’s supportive and empowering energies to help you address your negative thoughts or behavior around yourself, your body, and your abilities.

Lapis Lazuli bonds friendships and relationships with love and compassion. It can help you dissolve passive-aggressive behavior patterns and state your own needs without making others feel bad or guilty.

Orange Crystals: Meanings, Properties and Powers

If you feel overwhelmed by the number of things you have to achieve daily, this stone can be a boon. It helps de-clutter a busy mind, promotes clarity of thinking, and encourages productive organizational and prioritizing skills.

Physical Healing Powers

Physically, Lapis Lazuli can alleviate pain, especially in the head and neck areas. It helps to overcome depression and anxiety and balances blood pressure.

This stone can benefit the respiratory and nervous systems, support the thyroid, larynx, and throat, cleanse the bone marrow and boost the immune system. It is also useful for treating the symptoms of vertigo and insomnia.

Lapis Lazuli And Wealth

Lapis Lazuli attracts good luck and fortune. Any wearer of this stone will benefit from the energies that can turn all negative energies into positive ones.

This crystal also helps you keep a clear head, especially if your path to wealth and success has been fraught with stress and unexpected complications.

It will help you clarify the problems you can solve and which are best to resolve.

Sometimes we need to go with the flow to attract the kind of wealth we want into our lives. This crystal can help you to feel safe enough to do this.

Likewise, an open mind is far more receptive to new ideas, and this stone is excellent for helping you to let go of old beliefs, biases, and prejudices.

Often, the readiest road to success is doing what nobody else has done before. And this crystal can help you to identify those new ideas that take a bit of out-of-the-box thinking.

If you find that sharing your career ideas attracts naysayers and negativity, Lapis Lazuli can keep you confident on your road to success.

Although those who talk against our ideas often criticize because they’re trying to help, sometimes you just have to stick with your point of view.

It is an excellent stone if you are serious about gaining wealth, receiving abundance, or enjoying business success and career advancement.

Lapis Lazuli For Love And Relationships

Lapis Lazuli is one of the best stones to call upon when it comes to love and relationships. It brings energies of wisdom, love, and emotional healing to the person wearing it or keeping it close to their bodies.

It carries a powerful, loving vibration and easily transfers it to you, your aura, and all who come into contact with you.

This crystal gives you the confidence, poise, and courage to go after what you want. You will not spend another minute feeling uncertain or insecure. You will know what you want, and you will know just how you will get it.

The energies of Lapis Lazuli stones will help you overcome shyness and encourage you to come out of your shell.

It can help you identify and bring to the surface past hurts, traumas, or complications that led to your uncertain or shy behavior and show you how to heal them.

This is not always a comfortable experience. But the vibrations of Lapis Lazuli are there to support and heal you as you tackle more profound, troublesome experiences.

So often, the mistakes we repeat in love and the cycles we recognize from one relationship to the next are deeply entrenched lessons that need to be rooted out, looked at, and overcome to enjoy life in the best way – and to help our souls to grow.

Keep this stone close to you to attract those positive healing energies to you. But it also helps you share troubles with your partner to work out how best to move ahead together, stronger than ever.

If you have had some not-so-good experiences with the people you have chosen to love, Lapis Lazuli will give you the strength, courage, and commitment to overcome these personal traumas. Heartaches, pains, and sorrows of the past will vanish when you allow this stone to work its magic on you.

Lapis Lazuli can also bring inner power to anyone who needs it. It is a stone of communication that encourages open communication lines, honesty, openness, and mental clarity. There will be no need to keep secrets from the person you love. You can voice your concerns without feeling scared or worrying about the repercussions.

This stone will enhance love and faithfulness in relationships and marriages.
Lapis Lazuli is a crystal that works best with the Throat chakra. It enables you to say everything you could not say to people, especially to the people you love.

It is also the stone of truth. That means you will be more honest with yourself and have more open communication with the people who matter to you.

The Lapis Lazuli stone is a stone of friendship. It brings love, loyalty, fun, and devotion to your relationship. And you will feel that you have a best friend with whom you also happen to be madly in love.

When you allow Lapis Lazuli to heal and open your Throat chakra, you will feel at ease with the person you love, making you feel no longer need to continually impress or prove yourself to them. You can just be yourself around them and not care whether they love you for it or not. You will be at that point where you will love yourself more and only love the people who love you for the real you.

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The healing energies of Lapis Lazuli will also help you better understand your partner, strengthening the love you both share. Whatever is old will be made new, and whatever is broken will be made whole again. You will be willing to try something you haven’t tried before. And you will be ready to make changes and compromises for the success of your relationship.

With the help of this stone, you will have a better sense of self. And you will be able to reveal inner truths that can help you, your partner, and your relationship. You can work with your reality and make the necessary adjustments to continue enjoying the happiness and love you have right now.

Having a Lapis Lazuli with you means you will have the courage to take charge of your love life. You will finally realize what you want out of your relationship, and not settle for anything less than butterflies in your stomach.

You will finally confront even the harshest truths of your life and be honest to yourself, your partner, and the world. Any desire to be a martyr in love will dissolve because you will finally be brave enough to end your suffering.

This is an excellent stone to have if you want to be happy in love. You will have peace and harmony to let love in and to let love stay and a clearer understanding of what you must do to be happy and stay in love. You will no longer feel fearful, shy, or uncertain because you will be more confident to take chances in love.

Whatever is lacking in your love life will finally come to you, and your heart will be much stronger to deal with life’s biggest surprises.

Chakras And Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is ideal for use on the Throat chakra. It is a powerful cleanser and helps release energetic blockages in this center, leading to more efficient, clearer communication.

The power of Lapis Lazuli can also help you to release the harmful effects of lies. We all tell “white lies” from time to time, and some of us may suffer from the impact of telling more serious untruths.

Once you are ready to accept that lies are causing you more pain than profit, call upon the power of this blue stone to help you to clear the debris of lying from your Throat chakra.

Lapis Lazuli also aligns with the Third Eye or Brow chakra’s energies as a deep blue stone. Using it to energize and activate your Third Eye can help you access your inner wisdom and insight, help with discernment, and make helpful decisions.

The Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Lapis Lazuli

Chakra Crystal Combinations

Combine Lapis Lazuli with Sodalite to consolidate the energies of the Brow and the Throat chakra so that you not only know your truth on a spiritual and instinctual level but are also able to express it clearly.

You can combine Lapis Lazuli with Clear Quartz for mental clarity and open your Crown chakra with paler blue or green stones such as Blue Lace Agate or Green Jade for clearing negative self-talk and self-criticism.

Other Crystal Combinations

If you want to magnify your stone’s energies and get the most benefit from wearing it, it is best to combine it with Agate, Amethyst, White Pearl, or Turquoise.

Another good combination is Emerald, Coral, Sapphire, Labradorite, Onyx, or Carnelian. Opal is also a solid choice to combine with your Lapis Lazuli.

These colored stones work well with career aspirations, love and relationships, health, and overall life balance.

Because Lapis Lazuli is so versatile, combining this stone with the rest of your collection is possible.

There is no right or wrong answer here. It is a stone of peace and tranquility that will complement and work with the energies of most other stones. Your intuition can serve you well here if you seek where best to position it. Either in your collection or, more broadly speaking, within your home.

Try walking around with it lightly held in one outstretched hand and seeing where it takes you.

Tune in to the stone’s energies, and you might find it lightly tugs you toward where it can work best.

How, Why, And When To Cleanse And Charge Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is relatively delicate compared to other stones, so it will not respond well to vigorous scrubbing or cleaning.

The best way to dissolve any negative energies your stone has absorbed is to cleanse it with sage smoke.

Placing it close to Amethyst or Clear Quartz will also remove unwanted debris from negative vibrations. If you need to cleanse your stone of dust, rinse it in cold water and dry it with a soft cloth.

White Color Energy: Spiritual Meanings, Properties And Powers

To charge your crystal, hold it in your dominant hand, close your eyes and send a sincere intention for positivity into the structure of the stone. You can intend to attract love, wealth, or simply contentment and charge your crystal with this.

To amplify its natural vibration, leave Lapis Lazuli next to any of the Jaspers or Quartzes overnight.

Lapis Lazuli As A Birthstone

Traditionally, Lapis Lazuli is a birthstone for Taurus and Sagittarius.

Taurus (April 20 to May 22) may find that this crystal helps ease their stubbornness and prevent them from becoming too possessive. It will also amplify the natural strengths of Taurus people, who are reliable, patient, and stable.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21) can also benefit from Lapis Lazuli. It will help them be more diplomatic and considerate of others’ feelings in communications.

Legends And History Of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli has been popular throughout most of recorded human history. Mining for this stone occurred in the Badakhshan Province of northeastern Afghanistan as early as 7000 BC.

The Lapis was used to make beads, small jewelry items, and small sculptures. These have been found at Neolithic archaeological sites dating back to about 3000 BC in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

Lapis Lazuli appears in many Egyptian archaeological sites that date back to about 3000 BC. It was used in many ornamental objects and jewelry. Powdered Lapis was used as a cosmetic and a pigment.

How Much Does Lapis Lazuli Cost?

Lapis Lazuli is an affordable gemstone, but truly fine Lapis Lazuli stones are still quite rare.

Lower-grade Lapis Lazuli may go for $1 per carat or lower. Higher grades may reach $100 to $150 per carat.

It may occur in multi-kilogram-sized pieces, but top-grade Lapis Lazuli of even 10 to 20 carats cut is rare.

The most common enhancement for Lapis Lazuli is staining. Other enhancements are waxing and resin impregnations to improve the color.

The color of stained Lapis Lazuli is unstable and will fade with time.

Like all semi-precious stones, it’s recommended that you have all your purchases tested by a reputable gem lab to check if the stone has been artificially enhanced.

The quality depends upon its cut, color, and clarity. It should also have a good internal fleck of brown or golden color. This is different from Golden Pyrite.

Many dealers sell low-quality, treated, or enhanced Lapis Lazuli stones for a higher price. When you buy it, ensure that you ask the dealer for a lab certificate of authenticity.

Your Lapis Lazuli may be tested for originality, treatments, and country of origin.

Astrologers advise that it can be worn in silver or platinum. Gold should be the last choice, and you should avoid it.

If you want to maximize the effects and benefits of Lapis Lazuli, wear it on the correct hand. Meaning, the right hand if you are right-handed, or the left hand if you are left-handed.

It’s also best worn on a Saturday evening of a waning moon.

Final thoughts On The Power Of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is not only a celestial stone in appearance with its dotted “stars” of pyrite in blue.

It also has wonderful energy. I particularly like it as a stone for mental organization, which is very empowering.

lapis lazuli meaning

Lapis stone helps clear up much of the mental fog from living under constant pressure in the modern world. With the clarity of mind it promises, you can employ your mental resources to achieve great things.

Likewise, this crystal helps keep your emotional balance in check. Meaning that when things go wrong, the feeling of despair or sadness is not as dramatic or overwhelming as you would expect.

Similarly, suppose you are a natural empath. In that case, this crystal can work wonders in making sure that you are not going to accidentally take on the energies and emotions of others, finding they mix in with and overpower your own. It is a wonderful stone for protecting sensitive souls.

It can help your body, heart, and mind achieve complete healing.

If you are always stressed out, sometimes all you need to do is detach yourself from all the loud and chaotic things. Simply clutching this stone in your hands while meditating can do the trick. You will easily achieve deep calm and serenity while finding your inner balance.

A few days of having this stone on your body will give you a strong connection to wisdom, truth, and integrity.

About the author

Caroline Lucas Profile

Caroline Lucas

Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on

Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.

Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.

Angela T Pitt

Monday 20th of April 2020

Thanks for this enlightening article on lapis lazuli. Lately, I have been drawn to it. Your revelations have answered many questions I had about it.

Diana Houston

Monday 20th of April 2020

Thank you so much :-)

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