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Bloodstone: Meaning, Properties and Powers

Bloodstone: Meaning, Properties and Powers

Spiritual Meaning Of Bloodstone

Bloodstone is a crystal rich with various meanings. From the color of the setting sun to the blood of holy martyrs throughout history.

No matter who you ask, Bloodstone has been considered magically endowed around the world, particularly with the capability to transform the physical appearance of its user.

To the Greeks, Bloodstone had a different name: Heliotrope, which translates to “the turning of the sun.”

The reason for the name Heliotrope came from the belief that when placed in water, or even the rays of the setting sun, this crystal would “turn the sun” into a blood-red sphere.

It was this ability of Bloodstone to alter the sun’s reflection from a standard golden hue to blood-red that gave this stone particular importance to the ancients. Particularly magicians and great thinkers.

As wise people began exploring the properties of this stone, they realized that it could significantly impact patients’ blood, whether to stop bleeding or to stop a bloody nose. 

Many used this magical stone for supernatural purposes, such as predicting the future and even turning invisible.

Amazingly, an ancient Greek document on Egyptian magic entitled ‘The Leyden Papyrus’ states this about Bloodstone: “The world has no greater thing; if anyone has this with him, he will be given whatever he asks for. It also assuages the wrath of kings and despots, and whatever the wearer says will be believed. Whoever bears this stone, which is a gem, and pronounces the name engraved upon it, will find all doors open while bonds and stone walls will be rent asunder.”

But what about today? Bloodstone’s unique appearance, its red spots atop a deep green core, symbolize the act of spiritual transformation.

By meditating on this stone, placing it on your body, or simply setting it on your altar, it assists in your ability to transform any component of yourself. Whether you would like to enter into a new relationship, start a new job, learn a musical instrument, or anything else in your life that needs change.

On a deeper level, it can also re-orchestrate your archetypal symphony, which consists of which archetypes play louder or softer roles in your life. If you are looking to move out of one archetype and into a new one, Bloodstone can help you do that.

Bloodstone is the traditional birthstone of March and the natural birthstone of Spring. In both cases, the crystal is associated with the time of year that brings new life, new beginnings, and new experiences.

At times, referred to as the Martyr’s Stone, it also reminds us that with each significant change in our life, comes great sacrifice and spiritual death of the way things used to be.

In ancient Greece, it was said to confer the power of the sun upon anyone who possessed it, just like Prasiolite.

Additionally, it was associated with the vitality of life because it appeared to actually have blood within it. The blood color that ran through it represented its power as a living thing in Greek natural philosophy.

Later, Medieval Christian lore said that this stone was formed at the site of the Crucifixion when Christ’s blood fell on a piece of green jasper that lay at the foot of the cross.

It became a great stone for representing sacrifice and was worn as a symbol of piety and a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice.

Today, together with Angelite, it continues to be a powerful symbol of sacrifice and many still use it in religious Christian contexts. And people who want a reminder of martyrdom and sacrifice also wear it. It is a stone that provides solace in difficult times.

By looking upon Bloodstone during this influential period of your life, you can gaze upon the flecks of blood and know that the Old You is giving way to the New You and the great things that the universe has to offer.

If you want to skip ahead and learn how to best use this crystal, click here.

Properties of Bloodstone

Bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is a variety of Jasper, where the dark green color of the stone is flecked or cut through with red. This gives the appearance of blood on a green surface, which is where it received its morbid name!

The red spots on the bloodstone are caused by Hematite. This is the form of iron oxide that causes rust to turn bright red. It’s also why the stone in places like Prince Edward Island, Georgia, or even the surface of Mars is colored red.

Bloodstone is found primarily in India. But there are also sources of it in Central Europe, the Middle East, Australia, and, interestingly, the Isle of Rum in Scotland.

Because the coloration of Bloodstone is caused by the inclusion of another mineral within the matrix of the stone as a whole, no two pieces of Bloodstone are the same.

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Each one has a unique pattern, and many include small deposits of other minerals too. This means that some pieces of bloodstone are actually quite brightly and multi-colored!

Raw Bloodstone
Raw Bloodstone

Using Bloodstone

Why Would You Use Bloodstone

Because of its connection to the Crucifixion, in modern thought, the main use of bloodstone is its connection to sacrifice.

It is often used as a reminder of the maxim “life is pain.”

We should not allow struggles to overwhelm us. We should instead embrace them as a part of life and a way to make us stronger!

Wearing Bloodstone can be highly comforting during intense struggles, such as the death of a loved one.

The stone can actually absorb some of the pain of the situation into itself. Meaning that although you are still conscious of the pain, you have a certain disconnect between yourself and it.

How To Best Use Bloodstone

Bloodstone should be worn as jewelry that you can be physically conscious of. A heavy pendant or necklace, bracelets that move quite a bit, or have some heft to them or earrings that swing and pull on your ears slightly are good examples.

It’s a well-documented fact that anxiety can be relieved by physical pressure. That is why massages are relaxing and why we swaddle babies up tightly. And why we’re compelled to sleep underneath a blanket even when it’s way too hot out!

If you are using Bloodstone in any way related to relieving anxiety or calming turbulent emotions, it should constantly give you a sense of weight or pressure.

Wearing Bloodstone jewelry can protect you against both external and internal enemies. And it can give you the strength to deal head-on with the dangers or problems that you are facing.

Any type of jewelry is beneficial here. Whether you’re wearing a necklace or a ring, it will have the same effect on your mood and aura.

If you have a child who is being bullied at school, sew a small piece of Bloodstone into their coat as an amulet of protection.

This will give them the strength to deal with the bully. Either by standing up to them or by demanding the intervention from an authority figure.

It will also give the child a stronger, more intimidating aura, which the bully may be less likely to want to confront.

If you are interested in divination, Bloodstone can be a very useful stone for predictions about the future. Especially when it relates to the natural world.

A modern person, especially one living in a city, may not have as much reason to want to know about the future weather as an ancient person living off the land. But it can still be beneficial if you decide to pursue it!

Bloodstone, naturally, is very connected to issues of the blood and circulatory systems. If you are interested in pursuing the physical healing properties of Bloodstone, then soak it in cold water overnight. Drink the water to help ease your symptoms and improve blood flow in the morning.

Take note, however, that this is absolutely not a replacement for medical attention. If you are concerned about your circulatory system, blood, or any other aspect of your health, consult a medical professional.

Bloodstone for Protection

Bloodstone is also a very protective stone, and is especially useful if you are being threatened.

Whether with physical violence, blackmail, or just a negative person in your workplace threatening to make your life difficult. Bloodstone can create a psychic barrier between yourself and the threat!

It gives you the insight to tell when to retreat and when to confront the danger. And it gives you the strength and courage to work through whatever decision you make.

A note: if you are being threatened, attacked, or extorted, the person doing these may be subject to legal action. Do consult the police or a lawyer to protect your safety. Bloodstone can only take you so far!

Additionally, this stone, which is associated with the root chakra, will assist in grounding you in the physical world. This relieves depression and anxiety and will keep you focussed on the “here and now,” and the “next steps” that you need to take in order to solve a problem.

It will encourage you to take action! And give you the courage and personal strength to do so, if you feel apathetic, lethargic, or trapped in your own inability to take action.

It is a very strong stone of emotional support. So you should definitely integrate it into your life in difficult or emotionally traumatic times.

Its powers to relieve emotional turmoil should not be understated.

Bloodstone Polished

The Powers Of Bloodstone

Bloodstone is one of the most useful stones when you are having emotional struggles.

Many other stones are highly beneficial when your life is okay but not great. Bloodstone is one of the stones that can really pack a punch when life just seems terrible.

If you feel as if you’re constantly being kicked when you’re down, Bloodstone can help you pick yourself back up and carry on in a positive and constructive manner.

How to Combine Different Crystals For Maximum Benefits

It can serve as a reminder of the importance of courage and wisdom. And it can help you to be a better person at times when you are struggling to do so.

If you feel like all your “good behavior” isn’t making a difference, and the world is just continuing to treat you badly, using Bloodstone can help you to get past that feeling and continue to make positive contributions to the world.

For Christians, Bloodstone is one of the best stones to use to remind yourself of the sacrifice of Christ.

This stone will help you to be mindful of the suffering He endured for humanity, and help you use His teachings to make yourself a better person.

That said, its properties of sacrifice, endurance, and putting others before oneself ring true no matter your faith.

Crystals treat us all equally. And the concept of having to give up a part of yourself to complete a difficult journey is something that transcends cultures across all of history.

As such, this is one gemstone to which you can always turn when you feel as though you’re shouldering a burden that others can’t quite understand.

Not only will it ease the weight you’re carrying as you spend time with it. But it will also give you the inspiration to find the words to express to others just what you’re going through.

It is also a good stone if you feel confused and overwhelmed. Especially by a range of emotional concerns and other people’s emotional needs.

Sometimes we become so worried about dealing with other people’s feelings that we can’t deal with our own. Ironically, this only renders us incapable of dealing with other people’s as well.

Bloodstone can give you a bit of a mental kick when you start to stretch yourself to thin. And it can give you a reminder of the importance of diligent, mindful self-care.

Self-care doesn’t just refer to “taking a day off” and watching TV while doing a face mask. It also means paying attention to your own emotional cues and recognizing your problems so you can start solving them. And to remind yourself that you cannot put pressure on yourself to be everything to everyone all the time.

The energy of Bloodstone will help you to grow and become stronger. And to deal with the world in a courageous, head-on fashion!

The Best Crystals And Stones To Combine With Bloodstone

Bloodstone is best combined with powerful stones for dispelling negativity, and for introducing joy into your life.

In fact, it is far better to combine Bloodstone with these stones rather than using it on its own. When Bloodstone is used entirely alone, it can sometimes result in a martyrdom complex.

While you will have the strength to deal with your problems, you will still be hyper-conscious of the negativity in your life. And this can lead to feelings of bitterness.

When you introduce a strong stone for dispelling negativity, such as Shungite, you will become much more effective at actually removing toxic people and situations from your life, rather than just “dealing with” them.

Additionally, it is invaluable to introduce a stone that promotes positivity and joy, such as diamond, Chrysoprase, or Turquoise.

This is a necessary part of the puzzle for actually actively developing a positive attitude towards life. Without this, although negativity may be purged from your life, you may still be left with feelings of emptiness. And you may not be sure what to do with yourself as a result.

Introducing gems and crystals that give you a sense of joie de vivre will dispel this emptiness and fill you with a new desire for life. And the energy for bringing good things into the world.

Bloodstone is also well-paired with the highly cerebral Amethyst. Bloodstone is a visceral stone, connected to the root chakra, while Amethyst is intellectual, and connected to the crown chakra.

They form the perfect balance for addressing concerns with the entire spectrum of your energy.

Bloodstone’s energy can also be enhanced by using a Quartz crystal, which acts as a magnifying glass for its power.

If you have a serious, debilitating problem that needs to be dealt with right now, then combine bloodstone and a clear quartz point for the ultimate punch of energy right to the core of the negative situation.

Smoky and Rose Quartz can have similar benefits, but with a greater focus on either dispelling negativity or improving positivity, respectively.

Choose based on the specific nature of your problem. Or use a combination of all of the above if you need it! When you’re really in a rough spot, more is more when it comes to crystal power.

Beautiful Images Of Bloodstone

Bloodstone is known to be a magical stone because of its ability to transmute negative energies, purify the environment, and protect all at the same time.

Bloodstone Piece

This makes the Bloodstone a really great choice for your crystal collection, as well as your Feng Shui collection.

You can use Bloodstone to cure, energize, and ground energies in your home.

It’s also referred to as a warrior stone because it increases the courage of anyone who wears it.

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This stone revitalizes and opens the heart and tempers strength with more compassion.

Most athletes opt for this stone because it boosts courage as well as physical vitality.

A Bloodstone gem or a piece of jewelry in which it features can really get their circulation in order and mentally prepare them for the race, match or game ahead.

Likewise, if you’re facing an occasion in which you feel daunted and lacking in courage, this is the perfect stone for you. So long as you don’t feel as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders.

Bloodstone is known as a prosperity talisman that manifests the health of the person.

It’s also known to make a person more knowledgeable in all the ways of this world.

Bloodstone Collection

Bloodstone is used if you want to boost your talent, vitality, charitable nature, and even your organizational abilities.

Most people who use this stone use it as an aphrodisiac and medicine.

It is known to neutralize and remove all the toxins in the body. Wearing it is believed to clear the lungs, get rid of congestion, and even improve the eyesight.

Bloodstone also has the capability to revitalize friendships and romantic relationships.

It attracts the strength of mind and the confidence in various difficult situations.

It may also be used to help you make decisions that come straight from the heart.

Bloodstone is a wonderful stone that you can wear every day to enjoy good health and overall well-being.

Put a piece of Bloodstone in a bowl with water next to your bed for deep and restful sleep.

Wear it or carry it in your purse or pocket to increase your physical endurance and zest for living.

In healing grids or crystal body layouts, Bloodstone works in cleansing your lower chakras and realigning their energies.

Bloodstone also works as an immune stimulator. Just put a Bloodstone over your thymus.

Bloodstone Piece Polished

This stone strengthens the root chakra and enhances physical vitality, effectively getting rid of sluggishness.

Placed on the heart chakra, Bloodstone can also balance and ground the heart energies.

When it comes to Gaia healing, this stone can be placed in an area where the Earth energy has been disturbed.

Bloodstone is renowned for its magical and mystical properties. It’s believed to affect and influence the weather, as well as banish evil and negativity.

During ancient times, Bloodstone acted as an audible oracle that gave off sounds for guidance.

Bloodstone enhances your intuition while protecting, grounding, and deflecting undesirable influences.

It’s a stone of courage that gives you the strength and support to face the daily challenges of life.

It also helps you recognize and understand that all the noise and chaos in your life right now may actually be opportunities for transformation.

Bloodstone offers help in countering your feelings of resistance or discouragement as you follow your true path.

Babylonians used engraved Bloodstones in their divination during the Middle Ages.

They used the abilities of Bloodstones to increase their personal strength.

Bloodstone was also believed to make one invisible when they wanted other people to focus elsewhere.

My Final Thoughts On The Power Of Bloodstone

Whether you know it by its evocative name of Bloodstone or as the more neutral, but still inspiring, Heliotrope stone. There’s no denying that this is a stone with a lot of potential and power.

The strength it can inspire in anyone who learns to harness its remarkable energies makes Bloodstone a tremendously beneficial addition to any crystal lover’s collection.

Improved circulation and a boosted immune system are among the promises of this influential stone. But Bloodstone is also capable of reminding those undergoing difficulties who feel that no end is in sight that their efforts will be rewarded one day.

Bloodstone should not be underestimated in the quantity of power that it can confer upon its user.

While many stones are focussed on bringing your life up from a baseline of “average,” Bloodstone is one of the few that is really meant to bring your life up from a baseline of “bad.”

It is one of the most efficient and effective stones for helping you deal with serious, immediate problems and dangers.

Because of this, Bloodstone can be a tricky stone to work with. And it has been known to cause problems such as the martyrdom complex described above.

Acquiring a piece of bloodstone and then spending some time “getting to know it,” as well as researching combinations that address your specific concerns, can help mitigate these issues.

Do you have some problems that you’d like Bloodstone’s help in solving?

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Caroline Lucas Profile

Caroline Lucas

Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on

Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.

Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.