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Turquoise Stone: Meanings, Properties, and Powers

Turquoise Stone: Meanings, Properties, and Powers

The Spiritual Meaning Of Turquoise

Turquoise is a very efficient healer stone. It provides comfort and solace for the spirit and support for the physical body.

It has been used in amulets for protection for millennia and is said to change color to warn the wearer of any infidelity in their partner.

Turquoise is an attractive stone with a distinctive blue-green appearance as it is often made into jewelry pieces of striking beauty.

The Properties Of Turquoise Stone

Physical Properties 

The chemical classification of Turquoise is Phosphate. Its luster is waxy to subvitreous, and it becomes dull or chalky when weathered.

It measures 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale for hardness, and its chemical composition is CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O. 

It has a triclinic crystalline structure.

Metaphysical Properties

Turquoise is one of the most spiritual stones in the world of crystals. It also facilitates communication between the physical and the spiritual realms, enhances latent psychic abilities, amplifies intuition, and brings insight and wisdom.

Healers often use it in releasing rituals, and when placed on the throat, it will negate the power of old vows or commitments that no longer serve us. It encourages the soul to express itself truly, without prohibitions or restrictions from the past. 

It helps the wearer or user explore their previous lives and shows us that we alone are the creators of our destinies. 

As a purification stone it will mitigate the ill effects of exposure to electromagnetic smog, radio waves, and atmospheric pollutants. 

Traditionally, Turquoise was seen as combining and bringing together the earth and the sky. People often use it to integrate the chakras’ energies with the seven layers of the subtle body and cleanse the aura of any negative influences or energies.

A Turquoise

Varieties Of Turquoise Stones

Tibetan Turquoise has a slightly different vibration than the more commonly occurring variety of this stone.

It is green in color rather than blue-green and is especially good for working on the Throat chakra.

If this chakra is restricted or blocked because of karmic influences stretching back down the ancestral line, Tibetan Turquoise can seek the energies out, bring them to the fore and allow them to be cleared.

Using Turquoise Stones

The Benefits Of Using Turquoise

You need Turquoise in your life because it’s a purification stone. It will effectively dispel negative energies and protect you against pollutants or negative outside influences.

It will ensure that you have stress-free days.

This stone will enhance your spirituality by opening your heart and clearing your thoughts.

It will act as a spiritual balm to your heart and mind, which have been deeply affected by emotional wounds and stress.

Turquoise’s powerful energies are good in eliminating physical and emotional exhaustion, and they can do wonders for people suffering from depression or prone to panic attacks.

It will promote self-realization and help you achieve what you want in all aspects of your life.

It will give you a deeper awareness of how life works and help you find your purpose and true life path in this world. Turquoise will bring you energies of wisdom and understanding that will encourage creative problem-solving. It will also enhance your psychic abilities.

This stone’s unique vibrations will resonate with your third eye and throat chakras and let you access your past life knowledge.

Doing this can help you communicate with others more meaningfully and deeply because what you share will come directly from your spirit!

Turquoise carries energies that will help you live your life with truth, pride, and integrity.

How Best To Use Turquoise Stone

Wear Turquoise jewelry and add a burst of color to your outfits. It will bring a fresh brightness that will be welcome any day and any time.

It will lift your spirits and lighten your emotions when you look good. Looking good is always healing to the heart, so make sure that you wear beautiful Turquoise jewelry all the time.

This stone is an excellent reminder that you can still relax and achieve a peaceful state even when surrounded by noise and chaos.

Whether holding or wearing it, this stone is fantastic at helping you unlock your confidence, but all without being overbearing or arrogant. You’ll find that you can more efficiently express your ideas and express them without tripping over your words or feeling shy.

You can introduce this stone into your special meditation space or your overall healing crystal collection.

It is very good at complementing existing crystals or helping to ground you in your more spiritual moments. It is a good meditation stone because it has a gentle, comforting effect without overwhelming you. 

Turquoise stones are connected to the sky and send the energies of the sky down to earth.

They make it easier for you to meditate and bring peace of mind that will allow you to process information on a psychic level.

Variscite: Meanings, Properties and Powers

You can use Turquoise stones in meditation because they open you up to telepathy and loving communication.

When the energies of these stones are close to your auric field, you can use them to boost your creativity and share your truth with courage.

They also promote truthful and clear communication from your heart. Turquoise tumbled stones can protect you from pollution in your environment. You can also use them to invite prosperity and abundance.

These stones center, ground, and harmonize your energies while revitalizing your body. They also give you peace of mind and allow you to have creative expression.

Turquoise stones can help when you feel like misfortune plagues you.

They can absorb the negativities and imbalances in your life and release you from your financial strains.

They can bring your energies back into balance.

You can carry some inside your pocket or purse. You can also place them in your favorite room in your house to cleanse the energies in that space.

However you carry or position these crystals, their benefits will easily find their way to you.

Some people like to tuck the stone beneath their pillow at night to guarantee pleasant dreams and a good night of slumber, often letting in some intriguing messages and symbolism from on high too.

Turquoise crystals are calming and peaceful stones that invite solitude without isolating you and making you feel lonely and desperate.

They help you appreciate and understand your soul’s universal nature and help you heal your feelings of inadequacy or negativity.

Turquoise tumbled stones encourage independence and individuality, giving you a more optimistic outlook.

They are the most effective healers and can give you peace in your spirit and overall well-being in your body.

Holding or carrying pieces of Turquoise tumbled stones can help restore your depleted vitality and lift your low spirits.

They eliminate your stress and bring your focus back to your thoughts, actions, and emotions.

As stones of purification, they clear the electromagnetic smog or pollution in your environment.

They also promote self-realization and facilitate creative problem-solving. They get rid of your tendencies towards self-sabotage.

Jewelry made from Turquoise Stones

The Powers Of Turquoise Stones

Emotional Healing Powers Of Turquoise Stones

Emotionally, Turquoise is a strengthening stone and is very good at dissolving feelings of self-pity, martyrdom, or instances of self-sabotage.

This crystal also stabilizes moods and brings calm to an agitated mind. It also allows you to remain alert while still experiencing inner peace.

This is an excellent stone for treating anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. It has a protective quality that brings a feeling of safety and security.

It helps to shield the aura from psychic attack and the physical body from atmospheric pollutants’ effects.

Physical Healing Powers Of Turquoise Stones

Turquoise can aid in the body’s nutrient absorption. It can also boost the immune system and stimulate tissue regeneration.

it has detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects. Its energies can help alleviate pains associated with cramps, stomach aches, or headaches.

This stone can purify the lungs, soothe and clear throat problems, and heal eye problems such as cataracts.

Its energies can also neutralize over-acidity and be beneficial when suffering from gout, rheumatism, viral infections, or stomach problems.

Turquoise And Wealth

Turquoise has long been a symbol of luxury and wealth. Wherever you find this gemstone, it is always symbolic of abundance, specifically financial abundance. 

This stone enhances mental clarity and confers the power of discernment, both of which are extremely useful whenever dealing with financial matters.  

Yet as much as this crystal promotes your ambition and the energy to make your dreams a reality, it also encourages a certain kind of stability that can help you live comfortably.

When you work with this stone, you will invite a more stable and abundant flow of financial blessings.

It will also inspire you to create more income streams to ensure that the abundant flow will never stop.

Turquoise energies will bring well wishes, prosperity, and good health.

You will be physically and mentally motivated to work on your passions, projects, and business ventures. The energetic vibrations that you will emit will attract more luck to you!

It will act like a good luck charm that can bring health and prosperity.

Turquoise For Love And Relationships 

Turquoise is a symbol of friendship. This stone will ensure that you and your partner remain best friends, whichever stage you are in your relationship.

It will ensure that the friendship will always be there, even if you’re experiencing challenging times.

This stone will stimulate romantic love. It will ensure that positive love energies will continue to flow in your relationship and in everything you do.

It will help you release hidden feelings that you have for someone, and it will give you the courage to take that first step and get the ball rolling!

Turquoise will give you the confidence to speak without self-consciousness or embarrassment, which is always useful at the beginning of a new relationship. 

Even if you prefer to meditate with the stone and calm your racing feelings, this crystal can work wonders in making the more uncertain side of love that much more bearable!

It will kindle that fire of passion and romance in you, even if you are not a romantic person, to begin with.

It will inspire you to be more loving, affectionate, and demonstrative of your feelings.


The energies of this stone will infuse you with fun and spontaneity, adventure, and enthusiasm. Your relationship will enjoy a different kind of energy. One that’s light and positive and all sorts of uplifting!

Turquoise will help you and your partner have strength and courage.

It will protect your relationship and surround it with loving and supportive energies, especially when you are going through something challenging.

With this stone’s guidance, you will balance the emotions and thoughts you have, which will benefit you and your partner.

It will bring you a deep sense of calm that will help you better deal with emotional problems and stress.

This stone will help you stay anchored and grounded, and it will strengthen your positive outlook.

Turquoise symbolizes healing in relationships. It will show you how to let go of the pain, the anger, the bitterness, and the resentment.

It will help you find the answers to your questions, and it will teach you how you can forgive yourself and your partner for any shortcomings.

Many of Turquoise’s healing properties seem to have been designed by nature to help couples out. Granted, you won’t be able just to let this stone take care of all your love woes for you. Relationships are hard work – this is simply a stone that eases the journey!

It will also be a great help when it comes to honest communications between lovers.

This stone resonates with the energies of truth, and it will encourage you to speak only the truth with forthrightness and kindness.

If you are naturally shy, having this stone with you will guide you in making more stimulating and meaningful conversations.

Turquoise vibrates strongly with the higher heart, so you can expect yourself to become more understanding and compassionate towards your partner when they have their shortcomings or moments of weakness.

This stone will encourage more empathy. You will become more considerate towards the person you love and supportive of what they’re going through.

Turquoise Stones

Chakras And Turquoise Stone

Turquoise is ideal for working with the Third Eye chakra. It has the power to clear any blockages in this chakra and to awaken your latent psychic intuition.

It has a powerful yet gentle vibration that both protects and enlightens. When your Third Eye chakra is in balance, you can access your inner wisdom and the guidance of your soul.

You can use it to bring this chakra into harmony with the flow of energy through the Crown and Throat chakras.

This stone also resonates with the Solar Plexus chakra. When your Solar Plexus is out of balance or blocked, you may be prey to feelings of fear or dread without knowing the reason for this unease.

A healthy Solar Plexus is responsible for feeling bliss and contentment. Turquoise is excellent for soothing and releasing any fears that may reside in your Solar Plexus. 

It can be used on the Throat chakra to clear blockages and restrictions caused by the suppression of feelings. If you have difficulty communicating or deliberately stop yourself from speaking out, your Throat chakra will eventually become congested and may even close down completely.

Turquoise is an excellent stone to use in necklaces and chokers so that your Throat chakra receives its cleansing and clearing vibrations. It will slowly and gently open the Throat so that you feel able to speak your truth safely and with confidence.

The Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Turquoise Stones

Chakra Crystal Combinations 

At the Third Eye, combining Turquoise with Amethyst amplifies the energies of both stones. Amethyst is a very cleansing stone. It can deflect negativity away from the aura, allowing the Third Eye to become receptive to the positive energies and messages from the Universe. 

You can pair Turquoise with Citrine to balance and harmonize the energies of the Solar Plexus.

Combining it with Clear Quartz can bring in energy to support your self-esteem and confidence. 

At the Throat chakra, Lapis Lazuli and Blue Lace Agate can work together with Turquoise to harmonize and balance energy flow through the throat. Blue Lace Agate will help you if you are naturally shy and reluctant to speak.

Other Crystal Combinations 

Turquoise makes an excellent addition to healing and manifestation grids.

Combined with Fluorite and Rose Quartz, it brings feminine energies that support and nurture body and soul. This combination is very calming and peaceful.  

It’s a powerful stone of spiritual attunement, and when you use it with Smoky Quartz, it will help you manifest your clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities. It will also enhance your intuition.

Turquoise Necklace

Cleansing And Charging Turquoise 

Turquoise can become discolored by the skin’s natural oils and should be cleansed regularly in clear running water.

It can be cleaned and cleansed in salt water occasionally. Although it can be porous, care needs to be taken not to over-expose it for too long periods in saltwater. 

To keep your Turquoise working at its best clear it of any negative vibrations it may have absorbed by smudging it with white sage smoke or covering it in brown rice overnight.

Turquoise As A Birthstone 

Turquoise is the natural birthstone for those born in December and for the zodiac sign of Sagittarius (Nov 22 to Dec 21). This crystal will enhance the optimistic, good-humored, spontaneous natures of many Sagittarians.  

One of the more negative traits of Sagittarius is their tendency to get bored easily and move on from relationships very quickly. But Turquoise can help to mitigate this tendency with its properties of fidelity and loyalty. 

Celestite: Meanings, Properties and Uses

Turquoise Stone In Legends And History

Turquoise has been found in archeological sites in Iraq, dating back to 5000 BC, and in Egypt in the tombs of the pharaohs from 3000 BC. It was used in the burial mask of King Tutankhamun. 

Native Americans have used this blue-green stone for centuries as part of their traditional ceremonies and rituals to call upon the Spirits of the Sky. It was used to guard burial sites as it facilitates communication between the physical and the spiritual world. 

It has protective powers that have led to many cultures producing amulets and talismans of Turquoise to protect against evil spirits, physical danger, ill wishes, and curses.

Turquoise Polished Tumbled

Tumbled Turquoise Stones

Turquoise tumbled stones can be used in meditation because they will open you up to telepathy and loving communication.

When the energies of these stones are close to your auric field, you can use them to boost your creativity and share your truth with courage.

They also promote truthful and clear communication from your heart. Turquoise tumbled stones can protect you from pollution in your environment.

They are also used to invite prosperity and abundance!

Some fanciers of Turquoise tumbled stones also use them to hasten the healing process because they are master healer stones.

These stones center, ground, and harmonize your energies while revitalizing your body. They also give you peace of mind and allow you to have creative expression.

Turquoise tumbled stones can help when you feel like you’re being plagued by misfortune.

They can absorb the negativities and imbalances in your life and release you from your financial strains.

They can bring your energies back into balance.

Turquoise tumbled stones can be carried inside your pocket or purse. You can also place them in your favorite room in your house to cleanse the energies in that space.

However you carry or position these crystals, these turquoise stone benefits will find their way to you easily enough.

Some people like to tuck the stone beneath their pillow at night to guarantee nice dreams and a sound night of slumber, often letting in some intriguing messages and symbolism from on high too.

Turquoise tumbled stones are calming and peaceful stones that invite solitude without isolating you and making you feel lonely and desperate.

They help you appreciate and understand the universal nature of your soul and help you heal your feelings of inadequacy or negativity.

Turquoise tumbled stones encourage independence and individuality, giving you a more optimistic outlook.

They are the most effective healers and can give you peace in your spirit and overall well-being in your body.

The healing energies of these stones benefit your moods and emotions by balancing them and surrounding you with peace and serenity.

Holding or carrying pieces of Turquoise tumbled stones can help in restoring your depleted vitality and lifting your low spirits.

They eliminate your stress and bring your focus back to your thoughts, actions, and emotions.

As stones of purification, Turquoise tumbled stones clear the electromagnetic smog or pollution in your environment.

They also promote self-realization and facilitate creative problem-solving. They get rid of your tendencies for self-sabotage.

When you place Turquoise tumbled stones on your third eye, they can support your meditation exercises and strengthen your intuition.

When placed on the throat chakra, they can help release your inhibition so that your soul can fully express itself.

It is believed that Turquoise tumbled stones can bring the earth and sky together and unite both male and female energies.

Turquoise tumbled stones are also known to initiate romantic love and encourage spontaneity in romantic relationships.

If you’re thinking of getting yourself a few pieces of Turquoise tumbled stones, go right ahead because they will be worth your money!

My Final Thoughts On The Power Of Turquoise Stone 

Turquoise is both beautiful and elegant. It is also an excellent healing stone that can heal many ailments in the body, heart, mind, and spirit.

It will give you the support you need during your lowest point, and it will provide you with the inspiration and the motivation to work your way up again.

When you work with this stone’s energies, no problem will be too big, and no struggle will be too challenging.

This stone will enhance your creativity to find inventive and effective solutions to your problems.

It will also give you the wisdom and the grace to accept certain truths about your life that you can no longer change.

If peace, serenity, balance, or harmony are what you are looking for, you should never be without this stone.

Turquoise is a beautiful and enormously powerful healing stone that will restore balance in your life.

About the author

Diana Houston

Diana Houston is a respected crystal expert and the author of 'A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals: Getting Started With Crystal Healing – A Complete Guide.' Her passion for crystals and their healing properties made her a leading authority on the subject.

Diana's expertise and passion for crystals have inspired countless readers and practitioners, and her book has received rave reviews on Amazon. With her clear and insightful guidance, Diana is a trusted guide for anyone seeking to unlock the transformative power of crystals.

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