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Rhodochrosite: Meaning, Properties and Powers

Rhodochrosite: Meaning, Properties and Powers

Rhodochrosite Properties and Meanings

The beauty of the rhodochrosite is simply undeniable.

It’s rose red and raspberry pink color will truly grab your attention.

Even if this stone is usually pink in color, there are also rhodochrosite stones that are brown, yellow, grey, or white. It’s also a stone that can be transparent or translucent.

Rhodochrosite has a pearly luster and it’s banded in layers of white to pink.

It’s often mistaken as manganese silicate, but it’s the rose red color that makes it distinct.

Rhodochrosite comes from the Greek word ‘rhodos’, which means rose, and ‘khros, which means color. It also goes by the name of Inca Rose, Manganese Spar, and Raspberry Spar.

It’s mined in locations such as Argentina, the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Germany, Spain, France, and Romania.

Why Would You Use Rhodochrosite?

You need a rhodochrosite stone because it will help you embrace your own personal power to achieve your full potential.

It will make you comfortable in your own strength and capabilities, and it will give you the confidence to be anyone you want to be.

Rhodochrosite will also restore your sense of wholeness.

In life, there will be many experiences, events, things, and people that will leave you feeling broken.

When you have the healing energies of rhodochrosite in your life, you will find the strength to pick up the pieces and start over with a clean slate.

This stone will free the blockages in your aura and release all the negative energies lingering in it.

When your aura is light and clear, good and positive energies will start to flow, and they will change your outlook.

Rhodochrosite will give you a higher level of consciousness. It will help you build up your confidence to create the reality that you desire.

This stone will also resonate with the inner child in you.

You will be bolstered to reclaim the joy and playfulness in your life. It will inspire a hopeful and positive attitude.

It will encourage you to be creative and to make use of your innate talents that have lain dormant. Rhodochrosite will also inspire you to become a more responsible person!

That’s because rhodochrosite is one of those comparatively rare and wonderful crystals that helps to open your sense of perception wider than it’d ordinarily go.

You’ll suddenly find it much easier to look at things from another person’s point of view.

This has made this crystal especially prized by those who otherwise aren’t so talented at mediation or overcoming arguments with those whom they love the most.

When arguments get out of hand, theory can cause rifts in otherwise solid relationships and bonds that can, at their worst, take years to heal.

This stone doesn’t just speed up that journey, but often ensures that it doesn’t get the chance to occur in the first place!

How Will Rhodochrosite Help You?

Rhodochrosite, Healing and Health

Because rhodochrosite contains manganese, it can help with bone growth. It will also help in tissue repair and in the body’s absorption of nutrients and minerals.

This stone can help the heart so that it functions at 100%. It can improve blood circulation and regulate your blood pressure and your pulse rate.

Rhodochrosite can help ease tension migraines and give relief for symptoms of Parkinson’ disease and multiple sclerosis.

It will help remove anything that irritates the lungs, and it can help correct thyroid imbalance. It can get rid of infections, especially ear and sinus infections.

Yin Crystals

Rhodochrosite energy will also relieve symptoms of asthma and help with breathing problems. It’s effective in healing stomach ulcers and other kinds of inflammations.

This stone can help with digestive disorders, abdominal pains, and constipation. It can also be a very helpful tool alongside cancer treatments.

It can help purify the liver and address coronary issues. It will be beneficial to people who are suffering from skin disorders, rashes, and allergies.

It can also be helpful when you are suffering from withdrawal symptoms.

Rhodochrosite, Luck and Wealth

The energies of rhodochrosite will give you the determination and willpower to work on your dreams and achieve success in your endeavors.

It will also help you manifest your desires and intentions sooner rather than later. Rhodochrosite will bring prosperity and abundance to those who are determined and willing to put in the work.

Rhodochrosite, Love and Relationships

Rhodochrosite is quite popular because of the energy of love that it gives out.

It’s not called the Stone of the Compassionate Heart for nothing.  

This is one of the most prized and south out of any rhodochrosite meaning, because so many of us find it so challenging to remain compassionate, or draw the compassion of others, from time to time.

Yet aligning yourself with the energies of this crystal will help you to see that, actually, these sought after emotions really aren’t as rare or hard to come by as we make them out to be.

Similarly, you will come to understand that your partner or those close to you are showing love and appreciation for you more than you may consciously realize.

It’s just that their methods are different to your own, and that’s okay – we all convey our love, admiration and respect differently.

This stone can help you to mend rifts that may have developed in any of your relationships, as well as work with you and your loved ones to prevent them from repeating, or even troubling you in the first place.

That’s also because it’s a rescue and remedy stone. It shines the light of love and the heart.

It will focus the energy on yourself and your emotional healing. It will go deep inside you until you are willing to acknowledge, relive, and let go of your emotional wounds.

Rhodochrosite will force you to face the truth about yourself.

No denying, no pretending, no evading. It will make you see the good and bad side of you. It will also make you accept your faults and imperfections and turn them into your strengths.

It will make you understand why people are the way they are, and why they do the things they do.

It will empower you to examine old hurts, suppressed feelings, and heartaches of past relationships. It will enable you to look at old situations with new information.

Rhodochrosite will encourage you to acknowledge and honor your pain.

It will not ask you to pretend that it does not exist. It will ask you to feel the pain, shed tears over it, and feel the pain for a while.

But it will also remind you not to spend a long time feeling sorry for yourself. It will bring resolution to unresolved issues with people, and it will give you the closure that you need to move on.

This stone will show you how important it is to forgive yourself. It will remind you to show compassion to yourself so that you can reclaim the strong and happy person you once were.

You are not perfect, and you will commit mistakes sooner or later. Rhodochrosite energies will make sure that you will be okay when that happens.

Aegirine: Meanings, Properties, and Powers

They will encourage you to move on after a difficult period of hurt or uncertainty. They will help you let go of destructive patterns and behaviors just to be able to cope with the pain.

They will encourage self-love to achieve emotional healing.

Rhodochrosite will help you learn your lessons in love.

They may not always be the most pleasant or the easiest lessons, but they are things that you need to know so that you will not commit the same mistakes again.

It will show you the meaning of unconditional love.

It will serve as a guide in your search for emotional happiness. It will teach you that loving someone also means learning to forgive.

Rhodochrosite is a talisman of healing and happiness. It will bring you peace and renewal. It will comfort the heart and soothe the soul.

It will remind you that your love story will not always have a sad ending. It will reassure you that just because you haven’t had luck with love doesn’t mean that you will never find the right kind of love.

It takes a courageous heart to take action and express what you truly feel without fear of rejection.

Rhodochrosite energy will ask you to pursue your dream and make that great love story happen.

If you’re single and looking for love, rhodochrosite is an excellent stone to call a new love into your life. Its energies can even help a friend become a romantic partner!

How to Use Rhodochrosite for the Best Results?

Rhodochrosite is such an attractive stone that can be used to make semi-precious jewelry, figurines, and decorative stones.

Wearing it on your body and carrying it with you will help you feel cheerful and light. It will give you more energy and make you feel active and dynamic.

It will stimulate your mind and enhance your personal power. It will also encourage you to express your feelings and unleash the passion in you!

It’s a very good stone to help children transition smoothly in their school life. It will help them look forward to going to school and it will encourage them to make friends easily.

Rhodochrosite will also work effectively in strengthening your telepathic links between yourself and the people you love. Simply place the rhodochrosite next to their picture and hold it in your hands while you think about them.

Think about the last time that you were together and speak their names three times so that they will get in touch with you!

The Best Combination to Use with Rhodochrosite

There are many stones and crystals that you can pair with your rhodochrosite. Some of which include pink tourmaline, malachite, prehnite, red garnet, and aventurine.

This combination will inspire more compassion in you.

Rhodochrosite also goes well with amazonite, sugilite, moss agate, diamond, geode, jade, and opal.

You can also use it with blue sapphire, blue lace agate, chrysocolla, amber, tabular quartz, chalcedony, turquoise, and garnet for friendship, intimacy, kindness, or honesty.

What Price is Rhodochrosite?

When you’re buying Rhodochrosite, you can expect to shell out a significant amount of money because it is quite an uncommon stone.

The price of Rhodochrosite stones will vary on whether you want the transparent deep red variety or the pink banded one.

If you’re looking for banded Rhodochrosite stones, clarity will not matter at all.

Cut will also be irrelevant with banded pieces of Rhodochrosite because they will usually be polished or tumbled.

But you will still find faceted transparent Rhodochrosite pieces. They still tend to exhibit many flaws, but the right cut can help hide them.

Pyromorphite: Meanings, Properties and Powers

Carat is still important in Rhodochrosite stones. The heavier the piece, the more valuable it will be.

Color is the most important aspect that will determine the Rhodochrosite value, so pay close attention to that when you go Rhodochrosite shopping.

Many pieces of Rhodochrosite are carved into different shapes, so craftsmanship is one more factor which may impact the value of a finished piece.

Many collectors are not looking for polished or faceted Rhodochrosites, however, and are just shopping for raw stones.

Rhodochrosites that have a unique and beautiful crystal growth or banded pattern may command a higher price.

For most gemstones, the deeper and darker its color, the higher its cost. This not the case with Rhodochrosites.

The pale pink pieces are some of the least valuable. But the highest cost is not commanded by the deepest and darkest pieces, either.

Instead, stones with vibrant medium hues will have the highest cost. Rhodochrosites that have a medium dark red shade can be yours for approximately $204 per carat.

Light pink Rhodochrosites can be purchased for as much as $241 per carat.

Medium pink Rhodochrosites can be bought for as much as $344 per carat, while medium red Rhodochrosites sell at $365 per carat.

If you find a Rhodochrosite that has a medium orangey-red color, prepare to shell out as much as $436 per carat.

Rhodochrosite is one of the very few gemstones you will find with such unusual and varied valuations.

Remember that when you are selecting a Rhodochrosite gemstone, your personal taste or the taste of the person you plan to give it to should influence your buying decision.

A translucent piece of orange-red Rhodochrosite may be more expensive, but if an inexpensive light pink banded piece is more their style, then it will still not be a good purchase.

The only way to find out is to ask or make them choose the particular Rhodochrosite they want.

Rhodochrosite is a must-have addition to your crystal collection because of its physical beauty and metaphysical healing properties.

It will act like your own personal cupid that will open you up to love and all its good healing vibrations.

Allow this beautiful crystal to connect you with your inner child and dissolve your old emotional wounds.

It will not only look fantastic on you and inside your jewelry box, but your Rhodochrosite gemstone will also release all the energy blockages that are keeping you from your happiness!

My Final Thoughts on the Power of Rhodochrosite
rhodochrosite meaning

While rhodochrosite is often better known for love, it’s sometimes significantly more important for its metaphysical energy of balance.

I believe the balancing of energies is what makes it a good love stone, as well as the other life issues it eases and resolves.

Rhodochrosite’s energies will bring love to whoever wears it, and they will help release old hurts and pains. It will help you resolve your inner conflicts and regain the balance that you have lost along the way.

It has many powerful attributes that can benefit the body in a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual way.

Rhodochrosite will help you reduce your stress and anxiety and let go of unhealthy emotions and painful memories.

It will encourage a positive life and a wonderful kind of love.

You need rhodochrosite in your life if you want to have peace, balance, and harmony!

About the author

Caroline Lucas Profile

Caroline Lucas

Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on

Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.

Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.