The Properties Of Quartz
Clear Quartz crystals have an incredibly long history of use in all sorts of fields.
They are one of the most famous crystals in the world. They have been significant to cultures on every continent and form the base for many other crystals, including extremely precious ones like Amethyst.
Quartz crystals are made of silicon and oxygen but frequently contain other trace minerals and metals, giving them a wide variety of colors.
The beautiful Clear Quartz crystal is by far the most famous. Still, Quartz occurs in every color of the rainbow, including Rose and Smoky Quartz, which also play significant roles in many traditions surrounding crystology.
While Spirit Quartz crystals have been used for thousands of purposes throughout history, they have an exceptionally long history as healing stones.
They are said to be usable for healing any condition and are known for their purifying effects.
They are incredibly soothing, cleansing stones that can have positive benefits on psychic and physical conditions alike.
The advent of the modern age has done nothing to diminish these Quartz healing properties. You might argue that they’re more important today than ever before!
So many of us are run ragged, even those of us trying to cultivate simpler lifestyles and purer ways of being.
Cell phones, the internet, forms to fill out, kids to take to and from school, workloads that fluctuate, and all those mischievous curve balls life likes to throw at us – who wouldn’t feel overwhelmed?
Quartz can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself concerning these issues and speed the healing of afflictions stemming from stress and strife alike.
More than this, working well with this crystal can help to prevent these issues from becoming too overpowering, to begin with, strengthening your psychic and emotional resilience.
Physical Properties
Quartz is a silicate with a vitreous luster. It is translucent to transparent, occurs in virtually every color you can think of, and measures 7 on the Mohs scale for hardness.
Its chemical composition is SiO2, and its crystal system is hexagonal. It is commonly used for making jewelry and is also employed in the manufacturing of glass.
Metaphysical Properties
Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifying stone there is. It has a unique helical, spiral crystalline form, which enables it to effortlessly absorb, store, release, and balance all kinds of vibrations’ energies.
When Quartz is used to coat the needles used in acupuncture, their effectiveness is increased by up to ten percent. Holding a Quartz crystal in your hand doubles your biomagnetic field, and this can be shown through the use of a Kirlian camera.
Quartz can reset your energy systems on all levels and works to the specific requirements of the person needing healing. It cleanses and enhances the organs and the subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the mind with the physical dimensions.
At a spiritual level, Quartz is the master crystal for raising spiritual awareness and energy levels to the highest possible degree.
Quartz crystals store information almost like a natural computer and form a library of spiritual wisdom waiting to be accessed. These crystals can dissolve karmic seeds and attune you to your spiritual purpose.
Quartz also enhances cognitive ability and unlocks memory.

Varieties Of Quartz
Quartz occurs in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Both of which have an impact on the metaphysical properties of each piece.
Blue Quartz is good for calming the mind and allowing you to reach out to others. It benefits the upper body’s organs, and chakras strengthens the immune system and purifies the blood.
Golden Healer Quartz facilities distance healing and communication between worlds.
Green Quartz has a beneficial effect on the Heart chakra and is a powerful healer of heartbreak. It balances the endocrine system and transmutes negative energies.
Harlequin Quartz is especially beautiful as it has strings of red dots scattered within it. Its special quality is the ability to link the Base and Heart Chakra with the Crown chakra drawing spiritual and physical vitality into the body.
Lithium Quartz is a natural antidepressant. It works to neutralize ancient anger and grief and reach back into previous lives to uncover the emotional causes of present physical conditions.
Natural Rainbow Quartz stimulates awareness of Universal love, disperses negativity, and encourages healing energy to flow both in your physical body and in your environment.

Using Quartz
The Benefits Of Using Quartz
The benefits of using Quartz cannot be over-stated. It affects our energy fields and etheric bodies on all levels, clearing, cleansing, rejuvenating, and balancing.
It also addresses physical problems in a unique way by opening us up to the real cause of our feelings of dis-ease and showing us the best way to heal ourselves.
How Best To Use Quartz
Quartz jewelry is both inexpensive and readily available, and I encourage you to acquire one or two pieces that make you truly happy and fit your personal style.
You should wear this regularly to reap the benefits of this stone.
Clear Quartz is a beautifully versatile crystal that can help you physically, emotionally, inspirationally, spiritually, you name it!
Similarly, this stone’s versatility is also seen in the kinds of Quartz jewelry so easily found by both professional jewelers and hobbyists crafting pieces featuring the stone by hand.
As such, the best way to get Quartz into your life is often through these means, and it’s always fun to accessorize.
Of course, the body area where the jewelry rests will often feel the most potent of its energies. Yet, this stone’s vibrations are far-reaching enough to be usually just as effective if welcomed as an accessory piece to the home.
Many collectors find a centerpiece of Quartz for their crystal collection. At the same time, other healers and spiritualists prefer to discreetly place Quartz around the home in a subtle and decorative way that helps the circulation of positivity among the family and visitors.
Likewise, a piece of Quartz beneath the pillow can promote good sleep and vivid yet informative dream messages.
Unless you are using your Quartz crystal to clear a particular chakra (which is a great way to use it!), you will probably find that wearing it anywhere on your body has relatively similar effects.
I do encourage you to choose a quartz stone that has some weight to it. It is well proven that feeling physical weight is highly grounding and beneficial for feelings of anxiety, as it establishes your connection to the “here and now.”
If you want to focus the universe’s energy towards a specific goal, then choose a piece of Quartz that has a pointed shape.
Like a funnel (or an arrow), this will direct the universe’s energy towards your specific area of concern.
If you have specific concerns about your physical and mental health that you want to use a Quartz crystal to address, then you may want to use your Quartz crystal to focus your mind during meditation, prayer, or even divination if that is something that you are interested in.
To do this, place your Quartz crystal in direct light (preferably sunlight if your issue is physical and moonlight if it is emotional, but any natural light source, including a flame, will do).
If you are praying, establish your mental connection to the power that you are addressing. Focus on the Quartz crystal and try to clear your mind of everything except the issue at hand.
You may quickly find that new ideas are bubbling to the surface as the Quartz crystal harmonizes with universal powers to bring you towards a conclusion.
White Quartz crystal promises exceptionally high clarity in this regard, but any Quartz crystal is likewise up to the task – find out what works best for you.

The Powers Of Quartz
Emotional Healing Powers
Introducing Quartz crystals into your life is highly beneficial if you struggle with emotional exhaustion, psychic dullness, and lack of motivation, mainly if those feelings manifest in your physical body.
All too frequently, we find ourselves feeling “bad” but not sick in a specific way, which makes it very difficult to find a solution!
Yet, so many of the overarching Quartz crystal properties we have been discussing are perfect ways to address these issues.
Many of the Quartz uses that you might research online or discover in our article today speak volumes in appreciating just how much this stone can be applied to pretty much anything you want to set right.
It’s not accurate or even appropriate to suggest that Quartz would entirely remedy these kinds of issues.
Some aspects of your life will require medical attention or the care and understanding of a qualified professional. Crystals are used to help these processes along, not to replace them!
However, Quartz is a wonderful stone for aligning your psychic and physical self and helping these otherwise disparate parts of you reach an understanding.
If you’re often torn between the decisions of your head and your heart, you’ll find that Quartz helps those internal voices reach an accord much faster.
Likewise, Quartz can help you to find the words to say and the actions to undertake to heal relationships between yourself and those around you.
Similarly, this stone is also good at protecting you from taking on the negative energies of those keen to do you harm or disrespect you.
Just like Tigers Eye, Quartz can help bolster our spirits and lift us out of that feeling of dullness – or, if there is a more serious underlying issue, give us the clarity of mind to understand what it is so that we can seek help for it.
Clear Quartz crystals are beneficial when you feel lost or uncertain, which many people experience when they are ill. If you are uncomfortable around doctors, you may be inclined to try to ignore whatever is ailing you, which can lead to anxiety, which in turn exacerbates the symptoms you’re experiencing.
Clear Quartz crystals can help you break that cycle.
This way of helping you reach new understanding levels and more open-minded ways of thinking is one of the best quartz properties to expect from this crystal.
Quartz can help you to quieten a loud or rowdy mind. Every so often, even the most driven and direct of us suffer the so-called windmills of the mind – thoughts that seem to spin in an endless cycle.
It distracts us from our days and makes getting to sleep difficult. Quartz has a soothing and quieting effect on the mind.
Likewise, if you or someone close to you has workaholic tendencies, always keen to hammer out just one more project or assignment rather than taking the rest you know they need, this stone can help to ease the burden.
Just like Garnet, this stone is highly attuned to the forces of the universe, including the life force that gives us the energy to go about our lives!
Using Quartz crystals, you can focus this energy on the exact facets of your life that you want to change or improve, including your physical and emotional health.
If you choose to use your Quartz crystals to heal your psychic body and aura, then you will quickly find yourself feeling more optimistic, more energetic, and more interested in the world around you.
This is because, as you heal, the crystal is putting you “in tune” with the world’s energy and making you into a consistent part of the greater pattern.
The undercurrents of energy that we cannot perceive with the eye shape so much of the world around us and crystals such as Quartz are as much a conduit for that as we are ourselves.
Embracing the world’s overall rhythm through the use of crystals such as Quartz helps you understand that these stones are, in part, a reminder that this is all just a wonderful dance of the soul.
You may notice that you are more motivated to make lifestyle changes regarding your health, such as changing your diet or exercise habits or being more willing to see a doctor about your concerns.
Clear Quartz properties make it a perfect stone for meditation and any other kind of deeply spiritual work.
It has a positive yet neutrally aligned energy – it strengthens and heals you, but doesn’t take over the show, so to speak, with bold and vibrant energies the way some other stones might.
Using Quartz as an aid for meditation, you will find that it helps you make more sense of visions that you see and their meanings while in your meditative state.
Likewise, if you hear voices within during meditation, this stone can help you to understand them with greater clarity, mostly if they all talk at once.
How you implement Quartz for meditation is entirely up to you. Some of us prefer to lay the stone out in our designated meditation space and let its energies harmonize with incense and other stones we have set out to create a safe and tranquil space.
Others prefer to hold the stone lightly in one hand while entering meditation, which is just as viable an approach – it might well tingle in your hand throughout.
However, don’t forget that merely wearing some Quartz is often all it takes to bring the energies you need forward.
Physical Healing Powers
Quartz crystals are known as “master healing crystals,” crystals that can be used to heal any condition that they are needed for.
Because of their unique power to take on the energy of any situation (much like their color, white, contains all other colors), Quartz crystals are one of the single most beneficial stones that you can introduce into your life for healing purposes.
To start off with, Rutilated Quartz crystals have a magnificent effect on the emotional body – which should always be considered first if you are suffering from any symptoms that seem “irregular.”
Quartz crystals strengthen the aura’s underlying structure – you can imagine this as a kind of emotional skeleton. These are the patterns of energy that hold your emotional body in place. For a more detailed description of how Quartz can support your energy systems, see the section on chakras below.
Quartz crystals have a long history in physical healing – although again, I urge you never to use crystals to replace professional medical care.
Quartz crystals are said to stimulate the immune system and help with physical energy and resiliency in the face of sickness.
I think it’s fair to assume there’s some truth to this since Quartz crystals have such a good effect on emotional energy and positive attitude – which are at the core of a resilient approach to life, including periods of illness.
Quartz has also been used to treat headaches, migraines, and vertigo and improve general energy for people suffering from lethargy, making it a positive contributor to weight loss! It’s a lot easier to lose weight if you’re constantly filled with energy.
Often, it’s easy for us to feel crushed under our obligations and to-do lists. This can be a demotivating influence to even the boldest and bravest among us – life can feel like a constant climb up an endless hill.
But Clear Quartz, when you attune to its energies correctly, helps you feel as though there are more opportunities and reasons to be optimistic than reasons to feel fearful or overloaded.
However, this is much more a modern malady than the kind encountered by those first using Quartz crystals in ancient times as a healing aid.
In that respect, you’ll find that this stone is just as relevant to that today as it was in centuries past.
In ancient times, Quartz crystals were laid over cuts, burns, and other minor injuries, as they were said to speed the healing process and ease the pain.
While they have nothing on antibiotic creams, there may be something to the idea of laying a (clean!) Quartz crystal over a cut or burn after you’ve applied antibiotic cream and bandage to heal the psychic injury that underlies the physical one.
Quartz, Wealth And Money
The connection of Quartz with personal wealth lies mainly in its abilities to energize and motivate you on every level.
Quartz crystals are such personal stones that your pieces of Quartz will quickly pick up your energetic signature. Your own Quartz crystals are attuned to your thoughts, feelings, and energy vibrations.
You can use this deep connection to strengthen your commitments and bolster your self-confidence when dealing with money matters.
Quartz For Love And Relationships
As a love and relationship stone, clear Quartz amplifies the feelings and emotions that already exist between you and others.
Although it may seem as if you have to do all the hard work to make sure that the vibrations are positive, remember that merely holding Clear Quartz crystals in your hand for a few minutes will enable you to achieve your desires ten times more quickly than would otherwise be the case.
If you are clear about what you want, how you want to feel, speak and behave, take a piece of Quartz in your hand and just go for it!
Quartz gives us the gift of empowerment and confidence, and really, these qualities are all you need to keep you safe, grounded, and happy in your relationships.

Chakras And Quartz
The power of Clear Quartz is immense. This makes it an ideal crystal to call upon when you want to align all of your chakras and give your energy systems a deep cleanse.
Using a visualization of the metatronic cube, from sacred geometry, combined with the vibrations of Clear Quartz, you can perform an energy reset of all of your chakras so that they return to the perfect state they were in when you were a divine spark.
Clear Quartz is very closely aligned with the Crown chakra. You can use it to clear away psychic and spiritual debris and unwanted energies from this chakra when meditating or performing a chakra balance.
This crystal’s clear light penetrates both the conscious and the unconscious mind, aiding spiritual development and raising consciousness. It can also help you connect more deeply and easily with the Divine cosmic energies and receive clear messages from your spirit and angel guides.
The Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Quartz
Chakra Crystal Combinations
Quartz’s beauty as a chakra cleanser is that there is a variety of Quartz for every chakra.
Combine Clear and Smoky Quartz for grounding and working on the lower chakras.
Blue Quartz can be combined with green and natural Rainbow Quartz when you wish to form a connection between your head and your heart.
Tangerine Quartz works well with the power of Clear Quartz to stimulate your creative abilities and to bring joy to your daily life.
Other Crystal Combinations
It is one of the central tenets of crystology when it comes to Quartz that Clear Quartz amplifies other stones’ power.
This means that you can use it in combination with virtually any stone in existence to positive effect.
This is one of the greatest and most celebrated of all the aspects of Quartz, meaning that it is both a powerful stone in its own right, but also that it harmonizes so effortlessly with any other stone in your collection.
There is no right or wrong way to use Quartz in crystal healing or any other spiritual discipline.
While this is a wonderfully freeing concept, it also creates what some might call the paradox of choice – if Quartz can truly be used in any number of ways, which of those can be said to be best?
Try not to be worried here – half the fun and wonder comes from experimentation and finding a rhythm that’s best for you.
However, there remain countless stones that Quartz can work well alongside that have become favorites, of a sort, in the crystal lovers’ community.
Combining it with Fluorite can often produce remarkable results.
If you are using Quartz crystals to heal a specific part of yourself (either physically or psychically), combining it with other stones is easy – choose a stone that relates to the part of you that you want to be healed!
There are thousands of traditions for choosing stones that heal specific parts of your life, or even certain parts of your physical body, so the bottom line will always be to choose one that feels right to you.
Clear Quartz healing properties are not discriminatory or apt to be for only one purpose. These are wonderfully freely given energies.
Everyone’s energy interacts with stones in a slightly different way, so there is no single “right” answer for a stone that will work the same for everyone.

Cleansing And Charging Quartz
Smudging is an excellent way to cleanse your Quartz crystal. It makes use of sacred herbs like white sage, sweetgrass, cedar, or incense.
Take the tip of the herb of your choosing and let it smoke, and then hold your Quartz crystal in the smoke for several seconds.
It’s a quick and easy way to cleanse your Quartz without the need to worry whether you will do damage to your crystal or not.
Did you know that you can also cleanse your Quartz with intention?
You can hold the Quartz in the palm of your hand and set an intention that the crystal be cleared of all bad energy.
Blow that intention into the crystal, and you’re done! Another way is to beam white light from your third eye chakra and surround your Quartz crystal with it.
When you do so, imagine sweeping all the negativity to a black hole filled with white light.
Visualize your Quartz being surrounded by white or golden light and intend any negativity to be transformed to positive light energy.
Your Quartz also loves celestial moonbeams. Lay it outside during a full moon.
Because the moon symbolizes Yin energy, your crystals get to enjoy the flow of Yin energy during a moon bath. Your Quartz will also love a brown rice soak.
This method of crystal cleansing balances and centers the energy and removes the negativity from the crystal.
It also transforms the negative energies into positive energies. Quartz crystals can also benefit from a flower petal bath.
Soak your crystals for 24 hours in a bath of rose petals, orange blossoms, or honeysuckle if you want to strip away the negativity from the crystals.
This method also transmits the purity and energy of the flowers to the crystal!
Sound is healing, not only for the body but also for your Quartz crystals.
You can use crystal bowls, Tibetan bells, sacred singing, and incantations, or healing music for this cleansing method. You can also run activated tuning forks over and around your crystals.
Quartz crystals can also be buried in the earth. Mother Earth recharges them with her vibrational energy.
Make sure you have a marker in the ground so that you know where to find them after burying them for 24 hours.
Holding them under cool, flowing water, such as a spring, river, or lake, or even your kitchen faucet, is another effective way of cleansing Quartz.
You can enhance this method by visualizing the water, clearing out any negative energy, and being flushed away.
You can also try a saltwater soak. You can use about three tablespoons of salt for a cup of water.
Place the crystals on your windowsill or any area with enough sunlight for 24 hours or up to seven days.
Sunlight is also a great way to clear your Quartz crystals. Let them catch some rays for a few hours to help them recharge.
Cleansing your Quartz regularly will help keep them strong and powerful, so make sure you don’t skip this step!

Quartz As A Birthstone
Clear Quartz, along with Diamond, is the birthstone for April. Rose Quartz and Garnet are birthstones for those born in January.
Quartz is not officially a zodiac sign stone, although every sign will benefit from the powers of Clear Quartz crystals.
Quartz In Legends And History
The ancient Greeks referred to Quartz as krustallos, meaning ‘icy cold’ as they believed the clear Quartz was a form of permanent ice, so cold it would never thaw. Due to its widespread occurrence, Clear Quartz is included in the legends and the creation myths of many cultures.
The Japanese word for Clear Quartz translated roughly as ‘perfect jewel’ because they believed it symbolized space, purity, and patience.
In both Australia and South America, one of the creation myths involves a cosmic serpent who is the creator of life and who was lead by a Clear Quartz crystal.
It is also the substance most commonly identified as maban in Australian Aboriginal mythology. Maban was the substance from which the Shamans and elders drew their magical powers in these peoples’ mythology.
To some central and Southern American cultures, Clear Quartz was seen as a vessel, like an urn for their ancestors’ spirits. This was the origin of the practice of carving clear Quartz into skulls for use as religious talismans.
In Scotland and Ireland, Clear Quartz was carved into spheres and used for healing. We are more familiar with spheres of crystal today, as crystal balls often used by fortune tellers.
Final Thoughts On The Power Of Quartz
Quartz is quite possibly the most fascinating mineral on the planet.
It grows in the crystal forms we are used to, as well as crypto- and micro-crystalline forms such as those seen in Rose Quartz. Because it forms the basis of many other crystals, its powers are responsible in many cases for some of the properties of a variety of other stones.
If I were stranded on a desert island, the one crystal I would be lost without would be a Quartz crystal.
It’s the ultimate metaphysical crystal tool. It’s easily programmable. It is protective, rejuvenating, regenerating, and extremely powerful. It seems like there is no end to the positive benefits that Quartz crystals can have!
If you only choose one crystal to introduce into your life, I highly recommend choosing the Quartz crystal.
Even though you can pair it with so many other stones, it works fantastically on its own for healing all aspects of your physical body and your emotional and psychic self.
Many people already use Quartz crystals for various metaphysical purposes (or have them around because they are beautiful and readily available). If you introduce Clear Quartz crystals into your home, workplace, and life, you will be doing one of the most positive things you can do for your own health and well-being.

Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on
Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.
Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.