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Herkimer Diamond: Meanings, Properties and Powers

Herkimer Diamond Properties

A Herkimer diamond is a beautiful double terminated quartz crystal that can be found in Herkimer village, New York.

You may not believe this, but this gemstone is almost five hundred million years old!

Amazing Herkimer Diamond jewelry

It’s not actually a real diamond, but it resembles a diamond because of its sparkling clarity and magnificent geometrical shape.

It’s also clear and colorless just like a diamond, but there are some others that are smoky and dull.

Herkimer diamonds are often found in Canada, China, England, and Germany.

It’s a gemstone that’s perfect for any jewelry lover or collector.

Even if Herkimer diamonds are quite rare, it doesn’t make them any less popular!

Why Would You Use Herkimer Diamond?

The Herkimer diamond is also known as the Stone of Attunement because it can help you attune to any situation or environment.

Even if you’re in an unfamiliar territory or situation, surrounded by people you don’t know and with intentions that are unclear, the energies of the Herkimer diamond will put you at ease and guide you toward the right direction.

This crystal can powerfully amplify your spiritual energy.

It will give you what your spirit needs, and it will keep the negative energies away so that you can fully enhance your spirit.

Beautiful Herkimer Diamond beads

It will give you the balance that you need on a physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual level.

There will always be a lack in one aspect and an excess in another.

The Herkimer diamond will make sure that there is a right balance.

This crystal can also help in releasing the tension in your body.

It can give you a sense of peace and serenity in this loud and crazy world.

It will encourage you to do more of the things that make you feel alive, young, light, and free.

It will clear the blockages in your aura so that the positive energies will start to flow in.

The Herkimer diamond is a good tool to have when it comes to psychic cleansing because it can effectively remove toxins and get rid of bad addictions.

It will make you aware of the things that you need to do so that you can completely be free from the toxic hold of your addictions.

The Herkimer diamond is also an ascension stone. It will bring you to your highest spiritual vibration while taking care of your physical body as well.

Balancing body, mind and spirit so beautifully is definitely one of the greatest gifts of the Herkimer diamond.

And because it has been such a big part of human history for so long, civilizations across the ages have counted on this crystal to cleanse, to protect and to purify.

Taking actions that ultimately prove self-destructive seems to be such a big part of human nature that it’s impossible to avoid, but Herkimer diamond can imbue you with a little more insight than immediate gratification alone.

You’ll find yourself questioning certain things in life more and more – even those habits that are such a part of you that it seems almost impossible to be without them.

It could be smoking, it could be a little too much fondness for wine, it could even be the way you’re eating – or trying not to eat as you fall afoul of unfair media expectations on how you should be.

Whatever part of you seeks healing the most, this stone will connect to and bring into the light in a compassionate and thorough way.

This crystal has powerful metaphysical properties that can help connect astral to the physical plane.

It can enhance your clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities, and you will be able to pay attention to and hear what the universe is trying to impart to you.

It will also boost your telepathic abilities and promote better communication with your spirit guides!

The Herkimer diamond’s energies can be amplified when used together with a smaller or less powerful stone.

It will be more potent, and it will benefit you a great deal in body, heart, mind, and soul.

How Will Herkimer Diamond Help You?

Herkimer Diamond, Healing and Health

Because of the Herkimer diamond’s healing properties, it can be used as pain reliever when placed on the affected part.

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People who ask what is a Herkimer diamond are just as often seeking knowledge on what it can offer them emotionally and spiritually as it would aesthetically!

They’re right to ask, too – there is a huge wealth of valuable healing energy in Herkimer diamond that makes it especially useful for keeping a cool head when it seems everyone around you is falling into a panic.

There is a sense of rational serenity evoked by this crystal that helps you become the voice of reason, however hot and heavy the emotional state of those around you becomes.

However, it will also ease the pressure you might be put into when stepping into such a role. More than this, it will also ease the pressures felt by your physical body when placing yourself under duress of any kind.

This pertains not to stress and tension alone, but also physical aches, pains and other maladies that are preventing you from enjoying life to its fullest.

The crystal’s energies will send energetic currents that will circulate on the body and reduce the pain in just a matter of minutes.

It will stimulate the healing process and give your body the light energy needed to combat the illness.

It can get rid of tensions and help the body realign its energies. It can also be quite effective in boosting your immune system.

It will help you avoid physical exhaustion and burnout. It can also act as an effective purifier because it will get rid of toxins in the body.

The Herkimer diamond can correct RNA or DNA imbalances, as well as cellular disorders.

It can increase your metabolic and aid your efforts to lose weight or gain weight. It can help with eye or vision problems, and it’s particularly useful in healing or correcting eyesight.

Herkimer Diamond and Wealth

This crystal has strong grounding energies that will be helpful for you in restoring your balance when things don’t work out like you expect.

It will help you bounce back from the fall and come back stronger than ever.

It will reshuffle your energies and wipe the slate clean.

You can start all over again and no negative energy will linger that will affect the future outcome of your endeavors.

When it comes to success, Herkimer diamond will be a big boost to your determination and focus because it will clear any negative energy from your aura.

It will also help open your chakras so that the flow of energy will be smooth and natural.

Herkimer diamond will always keep you on your toes, and it will boost your creativity and productivity as well.

Because of how similar this kind of treatment and healing is to a number of other quartz stones of its kind, Herkimer diamond is also sometimes known as diamond quartz.

This not only separates it from the super solid and valuable precious gem overall, but also unites it in spirit to the other quartz stones that make up so many of the best healing crystals.

It’s like a secret buzzword for those in the know that speaks to the magnificent properties of this stone!

However, you know Herkimer diamond as, though, you’ll certainly find that it attracts a spirit of abundance to you.

It won’t render you ready to splurge on actual diamonds once a week overnight or anything of the sort, but you will find that what were once struggles just to get by become far less concerning over time.

Likewise, intriguing events and opportunities will line up in the most curious and welcome ways to open new doors to new sources of income – providing you have the perceptiveness to see them and take them! Luckily, this stone can help with that too.

When you work hard and are passionate about what you do, good things will happen. Good fortune, prosperity, and abundance are just right around the corner!

Herkimer Diamond, Love and Relationships

The Herkimer diamond is also used for emotional healing because it resonates with love, passion, and romance. It celebrates love, and it helps you heal from the emotional trauma.

The energies of the Herkimer diamond will help you deal with emotional pains.

They bring strong energies and vibrations directly to the heart that will help it heal, grow stronger, and get more resilient.

Having the Herkimer diamond close to you will release any fear that you might have about love.

It will make you see all the wonderful things that love can bring into your life, and it will make you become more aware of the things that can happen if it does not lead to a happy ending.

Herkimer diamond will remove any feelings of repression, and it will allow you to feel light and free.

Love is the most wonderful emotion, and this crystal will make sure that you enjoy every single moment of it.

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It will purify your energy field so that you will be more aware of the possibilities and more open to the love that surrounds you.

It will encourage appreciation for all the good things in your life, and even the bad ones.

It will remind you that you are already what you are seeking if you will learn to embrace your flaws and be proud of your gifts.

You are already so very blessed, and this life right now is something to be truly grateful for.

It’s so easy, through no fault of your own or your partner’s, to take things for granted after a time.

As human beings, it’s very easy to allow familiarity to breed complacency – it’s the strangest quirk of our brain chemistry.

Yet Herkimer quartz, when welcomed into your relationship, can use its energies to see all the wonders of what makes you such a good couple in the first place. It can often feel like reexamining your relationship through fresh eyes.

You’ll find that the problems that seemed so big to begin with are really nothing but stepping stones in personal growth, both as a couple and as individuals.

Likewise, you will each become slowly less inclined to lean on past behaviors and presumptions, and open your perspectives to new ideas that mean karmic patterns and outdated defense mechanisms can stay in the past – where they belong.

This stone can also make you more forgiving overall, both of your own flaws and the flaws of your partner.

The Herkimer diamond will reassure you that there’s nothing wrong with failing and making a new beginning.

It’s in losses and failures that you get to know your true strength and capabilities, after all. It can bring the light of your spirit into the darkest places in your heart and mind and heal you from within.

It will fill your life with uplifting energy so that you will experience love, joy, and happiness once again.

It will bring harmony back into your life. It will encourage you to live in the moment, and to be more spontaneous.

Herkimer diamond will remove the fear in your heart and the tension in your relationship.

It will remind you that hoping for the best just won’t cut it when you can work to have the best. The Herkimer diamond signifies your awareness of what must be done to achieve a happy life.

It symbolizes the things that you must go through in the name of love so that you will find your happy ever after!

How to Use Herkimer Diamond for the Best Results?

If you want to have lucid dreams and understand the message of your dreams even when asleep, it will be helpful to place your Herkimer diamond under your pillow.

Doing so will enhance and stimulate lucid dreaming.

This can result in great insights and visions about your life and everything that’s causing you worry. It will also boost your visionary ability and your power of perception.

When you let Herkimer crystal energies into your life, you’ll enable yourself the freedom to understand a lot of the visions, insights and flashes of psychic intuition that otherwise can seem a little confusing.

Having that clarity of mind translates into your waking life too. That means that not only will you elude a lot of that dreaded brain fog feeling that can come to claim even the best and brightest of us in the mid-afternoon – you’ll also have the clearness of mind needed to communicate your ideas effectively too.

As for how you bring this about, it’s up to you how you prefer to have that proximity to your Hermiker diamond.

So for example, you might prefer to have the stone in your pocket or in your purse, but on the other hand you might prefer it in the form of an accessory or jewelry.

In the workplace, you can decorate your desk with a piece if the office is open-minded to that sort of thing – and at home, you can position the stone smartly to help the flow of good energy and harmonious communicate among your household.

The Best Combination to Use with Herkimer Diamond

Herkimer diamond is best paired with herderite or pink kunzite because this will magnify the influence of the other stones.

It will expand their energy and give them the strength and high vibrations of the Herkimer diamond.

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The energy of Herkimer diamond also works well with danburite, celestite, scolecite, natrolite, phenacite, azeztulite, satyaloka quartz, herderite, and moldavite.

How Much is Herkimer Diamond Quartz Worth?

Herkimer Diamond Quartz is treasured for its unblemished crystal appearance and strong healing properties that can restore the body and mind.

With its extraordinary clarity and naturally faceted ends, this gemstone is popular with both jewelry and crystal fans alike.

The price of Herkimer Diamond Quartz is not at the same level with the price you have to pay for real diamonds, though.

A Herkimer Diamond is not a real diamond. It’s, in fact, a quartz, but the prices are set substantially higher for Herkimer Diamonds than those for semi-precious gemstones.

You can get Herkimer Diamonds weighing about 5 grams for approximately $75 from different online jewelers.

The value of a Herkimer Diamond is affected by its carat weight, cut, clarity, and color.

The value is documented in a certificate that should be available when you purchase a piece of Herkimer Diamond jewelry.

If you want to own a piece of Herkimer Diamond, you must check its value by looking at the color, clarity, cut, and carat weight.

This will help you understand if the Herkimer Diamond is worth what you are paying.

Clear Herkimer Diamonds are more valuable than ones that have defects or impurities. If there are twists or other elements in the carbon matrix, its value also declines.

If there are flaws, they can be corrected by a proper cut. Different cuts and shapes sell at different prices.

While buying a Herkimer Diamond, you can ask for a certificate to know how it rates on different criteria.

If you are looking for quality Herkimer Diamonds, look for a jeweler or retail company that deals in high quality finished goods.

Look for a retailer that caters to the needs of buyers who value Herkimer Diamonds and are genuinely interested in buying Herkimer Diamond jewelry.

Herkimer Diamonds are often colorless, clear, or have air bubbles, black carbon deposits, or rainbow inclusions.

They are valuable as compared to crystals that are smoky or found at other sites.

Herkimer Diamonds are known to be powerful quartz crystals. The diamond transmits energy and even receives and amplifies spiritual energy.

It is also considered a powerful purifier as it helps the body get rid of toxins and correct imbalances. On a physical level, it can stimulate the immune system and prevent physical exhaustion.

It is also known to help in curing eye problems and improving eyesight.

People admire the Herkimer Diamond Quartz because of its ability to energize and stabilize both the body and the aura.

It can also hold and amplify the healing and therapeutic properties of other crystals. Having a piece of Herkimer Diamond Quartz inspires serenity and compassion.

It also helps you become more accustomed to new people and surroundings.

This gem is beneficial to have because it is said to help you gain prosperity, store knowledge, and improve finances.

In the tradition of Feng Shui, Herkimer Diamond is used to disperse positive energy when placed in a window.

It is regarded as the most powerful of all quartz crystals. It’s no surprise why it’s also so very popular and valuable!

My Final Thoughts on the Power of Herkimer Diamond
herkimer diamond meaning

Herkimer diamond possesses a unique and harmonious energy that can be very useful for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing.

It’s the perfect stone to have with you when you are looking to enhance your psychic visions and clairvoyant abilities!

It can also be a blissful stone that can help you with your meditation.

The purity and beauty of this stone can draw angels and higher spirit guides to your life.

You will suddenly find yourself connecting to your guardian angels!

Herkimer diamond will attune to you and will retain all the dreams, wishes, thoughts, and feelings that you share with it.

It’s best to fill your Herkimer diamond with positive affirmations before you end the day so that you will begin the next day with a clearer and more optimistic mindset.

About the author

Diana Houston

Diana Houston is a respected crystal expert and the author of 'A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals: Getting Started With Crystal Healing – A Complete Guide.' Her passion for crystals and their healing properties made her a leading authority on the subject.

Diana's expertise and passion for crystals have inspired countless readers and practitioners, and her book has received rave reviews on Amazon. With her clear and insightful guidance, Diana is a trusted guide for anyone seeking to unlock the transformative power of crystals.

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