Crystal meanings and metaphysical healing lore and related information about stones which start with the letter M in brief are shown here. Crystal formations which start with M are also included.
You can search for a particular type of crystal that begins with the letter M using your browser’s search function.
For most crystals and formations you can click the name to see photos and additional information on that crystal.
Madagascar Crystals – Bring primal energies that are fluid and flowing
Malachite – Transformation, Energy, Balance, more
Manifestation Crystal – Blessings, Wishes, Childhood Trauma, more
Marble, Picasso – Calming, Weight Loss, Self-Discipline, more
Mariposite – Reduce Stress, Adapt to Change, Balance, more
Melody’s Stone (Super Seven, Sacred 7) – Psychic, Healing, more
Mica – Eliminate Negative Personality Traits, Release Blockages, more
Moqui Marbles (Moki Balls, Shaman Stones) – Shamanism, Stimulate Chi, more
Moldavite – Inner Journeys, Cosmic & Crystal Consciousness, more
Molybdenum – Reliability, Stress Relief, Heal Holes in the Aura, more
Mookaite – see Mookaite Jasper
Moonstone – Sensitivity, Intuition, Protection, Obesity, more
Rainbow Moonstone – Calming, Creativity, Compassion, Goddess energies, more
Morganite – Angel Stone, Heart Stone, Ease Pain of Separation, more
Morrisonite (Morrisonite Jasper) – Heart, Bridge Heart and Root Chakras, more
Moss Agate – See Crystals A page for all agates.
Mother of Pearl – Prosperity, Intuition, Transmute Negativity, more
Multicolor Energies – Hope, Brings Multiple Positive Color Energies
Muscovite – Angelic Contact, Lessen Insecurities, Problem Solving, Pancrease, Blood Sugar, more

Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on
Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.
Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.