Crystal meanings and metaphysical healing lore and related information about stones which start with the letter J in brief are shown here. Crystal formations which start with J are also included. You can search for a particular type of crystal that begins with the letter J using your browser’s search function. For most crystals and formations you can click the name to see photos and additional information on that crystal.
Jade – Love, Fidelity, Generosity, Abundance, PTSD, more
Japan Law Twin Crystal – Clear Aura, more
Jasper – Nurturing, Protection, Relaxation, more – New Updated Article
Black Jasper – Highly Protecting, Healing, Determine Value, more
Brecciated Jasper – Work Success, Wholeness, Protection, more
Dalmatian Jasper aka Dalmatine – Remove Disillusionment, Loyalty, more
Exotica Jasper aka Sci Fi Jasper – Protection, Soul Nurturing, more
Fancy Jasper – Healing, Tranquility, more
Kambaba Jasper – Plant Growth, Soothe Nerves, more
King Cobra Jasper – Nurturing, Alleviate Anger, Organization, more
Leopard Skin Jasper aka Leopard Stone – Service, Power Animals, Visualization, more
Mookaite aka Mookaite Jasper – Internal and External Balance, more
Morrisonite Jasper – Relaxation, Nurturing, more
Ocean Jasper – Love Self & Others, Heal Emotions, more
Picture Jasper – Harmony, Visualization, more
Poppy Jasper – Protection, Astral Travel, Relaxation, more
Rainforest Jasper (Rhyolite) – Perseverance, Communication, more
Red Jasper – Justice, Protection, Fairness, more
Succor Creek Jasper – See Picture Jasper
Yellow Jasper – Solar Plexus (Belly) Chakra, Social Welfare, more
Zebra Jasper – See Zebra Stone
Jet aka Black Amber– Heal Grief, Protect Finances, more

Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on
Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.
Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.