The Spiritual Meaning Of Amber
Amber is not a rock or mineral at all. It is the fossilized remains of hardened tree resin and is thus organic in origin. This quality is evident in its metaphysical attributes and qualities and may explain why so many people seem to be drawn to it.
Amber is also a very spiritual gem. It seems to capture the light and warmth of the sun within its structure, and also the vibrant, life-giving qualities of sunlight, without which, of course, none of us would even be alive.
Amber is closely connected to preservation on a spiritual level. That means that it is often worn as an ornament or talisman to promote eternal youth.
Some people believed that Amber was the resting place of departed souls because of the preserved insects in the thick resin. Amber is worn for good luck and protection from evil.
The orange and gold colors of Amber are known to stabilize stronger and higher energies in the body and can influence them by offering balance and protection.
People use Amber to eliminate negative energies, eliminate fears, acquire patience and wisdom, and even soothe bodily aches.
The oldest piece of Amber was discovered approximately 320 million years ago, so you can imagine what powerful energies this stone holds.
Amber often exhibits tiny insects trapped inside while it was forming as tree resin. Its colors are varied and often come in different shades of brown, orange, and yellow.
You’ll find lots of folklore and legends about Amber. Even the color itself is evocative of honey and warmth, of hearth and home.
The trapped creatures within it also have significant value to scientists and other studious minds.
Quite by accident, Amber is a remarkable time capsule that forms naturally. It perfectly preserves creatures at an evolutionary point that would otherwise be unknown to us.
This makes scholars just as interested in Amber as collectors or spiritualists.

The Properties Of Amber
Physical Properties
- Classification & Structure: organic & amorphous.
- Transparency: all graduations from perfectly clear to wholly opaque, with cloudy turbidity due to the presence of numerous air bubbles and inclusions.
- Hardness: 1-3. Burmese Amber, or Amber from Myanmar, is the hardest at 3 on the hardness scale; Baltic Amber is usually in the range of 2-2.5; Dominican Amber is the softest at 1-2. Geologically younger Amber tends to be softer than Amber that has been buried for a long time.
- Luster: resinous.
Amber can be found in many countries. There are deposits in Germany, Colombia, Italy, Poland, Russia, Dominican Republic, and Great Britain.
Metaphysical Properties
There is something deeply soothing and stirring about the interplay of natural light and coppery warmth seen in Amber.
When you put a piece of Amber against your skin, it will feel warm, unlike glass and other minerals. Burning Amber smells like pine.
It’s no surprise whatsoever that Amber is used with so much prevalence in decorating spiritual places or the most relaxing areas of the home.
Amber’s warm orange hue stirs the passions. It encourages those among us who are shyer into taking action – somehow comforted by the coolness and almost paradoxical warmth of the energy that a piece of Amber exudes.
Other metaphysical properties of Amber include its ability to open you up to the joys of living and the benevolent energies of the Universe. It is aligned with both the Sacral and the Solar Plexus chakras and supports these energy centers in keeping a healthy flow of energy running through the entire system.
Amber is a natural purifier and can draw pain from the body and the mind. It is an absorbent stone that pulls negative energies from the aura and transforms them into clear, positive energy. This then stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms and aids in tissue regeneration.
This unique gem emits bright, soothing energy that supports health and well-being, making it an excellent stone for those recuperating from a long or persistent illness.
Amber also provides the physical and emotional bodies with a protective shield capable of removing toxicity from one’s life and relationships.

Varieties Of Amber
Amber is available in over 300 different shades, but the most common colors of Amber are yellow, black, green, white, red, blue.
While blue is the rarest color variation of Amber, most pieces are in the warm yellow or orange color spectrum, such as butterscotch, Citrine, cognac, cherry, or honey.
Using Amber
The Benefits Of Using Amber
The most appealing quality of Amber is that it possesses ancient energy. With this old energy comes the acquired wisdom of the planet and the healing properties of the Earth.
It’s a warm, cheerful, wise, protective, and healing stone. It will discharge all negative moods, and it will deflect negative energies that other people may direct at you.
Amber will work hard to make sure that you are only working with strong and positive energies.
All too often, it’s so easy to be caught up in the negativity of the media or the naysaying of other people. How many times have you been in the situation of being the only positive person in a given situation, feeling like you’re propping everyone else up?
We all need to be that person from time to time but wearing Amber or having Amber in your pocket somehow makes it more accessible. You’ll find yourself more grounded, more easily able to articulate what you’re experiencing, and more capable of putting a smile on everybody’s face.
And, if you’re flying solo for a while or are nervous about tackling something in life on your own, Amber can give you the insight, strength, and courage you need to branch out in new directions.
Amber’s ancient wisdom helps to put everything into perspective.
Amber is a must-have if you want to relieve stress and anxiety. It will dissolve all traces of physical and mental exhaustion, and it will help you eliminate your fears and worries.
Amber is also a beneficial stone if you’re suffering from depression.
It will stabilize your emotions and continuously remind you why your life is the most precious thing. The energies of Amber will guide your emotions to a more optimistic outlook in life.
It will make you focus more on all the wonderful things that you’ve got going for you and less on the not-so-wonderful. Amber will also enhance your creativity. When you work with its energies, you will always have a muse, and you will always have a source of inspiration.
It will link your everyday self with your spiritual self to have better protection against any kind of psychic attack. Far too often, it is easy for those of us embarking on spiritual journeys or voyages of the soul to find it all too easy to fall prey to the powerful energies we encounter.
Ask any empath. They will tell you that strong emotional resonance from specific places or old buildings, or strong psychic currents exuded by angry or volatile individuals, can be extremely overwhelming.
When other people’s energies are unlocked to us, they can bowl us over before we have the chance to realize it, and before we know it, we are taking on their emotions and thoughts as though they were our own.
Yet rather than be discouraged from the growth of your soul in these moments, instead surround yourself with the energies that allow you to do your best soul-work.
This is not just because Amber eases the symptoms of stress but also because it reduces physical byproducts of that stress before they can manifest as illness and disease.
The last thing you want is to be slowed just as you’re hitting your stride, after all.
Amber has a lot of great qualities that will help in healing your physical and emotional body.
It will cure emotional and physical ailments that you didn’t know you had until they’re already gone!
Amber will also strengthen and connect you to your inner wisdom. It will enhance your psychic gift of clear feeling.
It will stimulate your intellect and enhance your understanding of a lot of things. Amber will also help you with your decision-making and moving forward in life.
It will also help you bring your love life to the next level of your relationship!
How Best To Use Amber
Amber is versatile in its applications, although the most popular way to access its qualities is to wear pieces of amber jewelry.
Amber necklaces and earrings can be beneficial for anyone suffering from anxiety during their daily lives. Amber does have a relatively heavy and powerful vibration, however, so if you are prone to headaches or sinusitis, you may find that it is best to wear this sort of jewelry for short periods rather than all day every day.
Uncut pieces of Amber can be quite large and relatively inexpensive, and these can make attractive paperweights or internal décor statement pieces.
You can also incorporate Amber gems into a healing or manifestation grid and charge it with your intentions.
Don’t place your Amber in direct heat, and it should never be left under the sun for too long because it will become brittle.
Amber can bring relief from many physical pains and afflictions, and it will hasten your recovery period when you fall sick or suffer an injury.
If you use Amber to purify or cleanse your space, you can place pieces of Amber in different parts of your house or your office.
You can also spray it as an elixir or use it as an incense.

The Powers Of Amber
Emotional Healing Powers
Amber possesses an electromagnetic quality that can build up an electrical charge, making it an effective healing tool.
The healing powers of Amber have been recognized for generations.
Amber is a crucial part of faith healing and spiritual belief in cultures around the world for centuries.
Although it is recognized that Amber can have remarkable spiritual, emotional, and psychological healing benefits, there are also physical symptoms and ailments that Amber can help to remedy, prevent, and soothe.
Amber of any color has this effect but remember that Amber is formed from tree sap and resin, the ancient lifeblood of ancient trees. Amber nourishes life because it is made up of the very essence of life itself.
Amber draws off negative energies from the emotional body and replaces them with optimism, drive, and positivity. It can help those suffering from anxiety or depression and ameliorate despair and even suicidal tendencies. Amber helps us remove the obstacles we put in our way and replaces them with an empowering frequency that allows us to heal ourselves.
Amber is perfect for encouraging us to set boundaries and to know that it is safe for us to be powerful in loving and compassionate ways.
Amber brings balance and stability to our emotional lives and encourages us to cultivate a patient and flexible attitude.
Physical Healing Powers
Amber is said to comfort and remedy headaches, common colds, flu symptoms, and other illnesses that can otherwise really slow you down.
People who suffer chronic pain or long-term maladies are often drawn to Amber to ease their burdens.
The versatility of Amber is what makes it such a popular choice for healing and medicinal supplementary use.
There doesn’t seem to be a single part of the heart, body, or mind that the energies of Amber cannot reach, and holding a piece of this gemstone in times of stress can work wonders for you.
Amber can be used to stimulate the metabolism and address metabolic issues. It’s an effective treatment for allergies, especially those which affect the respiratory system.
It can help to relieve headaches. And it’s known to be helpful with rheumatoid arthritis and in easing pains in ligaments and joints as well.
It can energize the endocrine system and enhance the heart muscles. It’s also beneficial in tissue revitalization.
Amber can heal the glandular system and help with DNA-related problems. It’s known to cleanse the blood and help move energies in the body.
It can effectively draw illnesses out of the stomach, liver, and spleen. Amber has also been credited with helping to treat impotence and female infertility.
Amber And Wealth
Amber is a stone of manifestation. It’s a powerful stone that can manifest an increase in your income flow or other forms of wealth.
While Amber is a remarkable natural gift that brings physical and metaphysical health, emotional harmony, and relationship bliss, its golden color cannot help but inspire ambition!
Because of the clarity of mind that Amber can help to inspire, it is highly prized by those who use their minds to accomplish their best work.
Fresh ideas and a consistent stream of ingenuity often prove necessary in even the lowliest jobs in today’s world – a world seemingly intent on complicating itself as much as possible!
Amber can help with the powers of recollection, too, which is helpful for those of us working in ideas-led industries who find our best notions get forgotten in a fast-moving world.
You’ll find just the right strategy to succeed at just the right moment with Amber at your side.
Amber will inspire you to use your gifts and talents to bring wealth and abundance into your life.
It will dissolve any feelings of insecurity or uncertainty and fill you with determination and inspiration energies.
Amber will also promote good luck and success. It will remove any obstacles and make sure that it’s all systems go for you.
Amber will eliminate your fears and reassure you that your apprehensions are unfounded.
It will give you the courage to try something new, break away from the mold, and take calculated risks to yield prosperous rewards.
Amber For Love And Relationships
When it comes to love and relationships, Amber can be a potent and beneficial helper. It will help you develop more patience and understanding of the person you love.
You will not quickly lose your temper or get annoyed when you are infused with its energies.
You will find how effortlessly Amber can open your heart and your eyes when you embrace its energies.
If you’re worried about your love life, be you a single soul or someone with a partner whose behavior is troubling you, spend some time with Amber in meditation.
Cup it in one hand while meditating, or sit quietly in a room where it is present and notice the thoughts and feelings that come your way.
Often, it’s all too easy to let our feelings get the better of us, and this can lead to rash behavior or lashing out at the very people we treasure most in this life.
We are often made the victim of other people’s misguided negative energies when they are hurt, confused, or defensive.
Amber can help to bring some welcome peace and perspective to situations like this. It will let you stand outside your emotional turmoil, as well as seeing things from an agitated partner’s point of view.
From that position of understanding, it will be easier to mediate and ultimately bring the two of you closer together.
Amber will bring stability to your relationship. It will promote flexibility and patience, and it will bring more trust and happiness.
You will be a calmer and more tolerant partner. You will get rid of your childish ways and be more mature about the important issues that concern you and your relationship.
Amber will also protect your relationship against outside negative influences or interferences.
It will strengthen your relationship from within so that it will not easily fall apart at the first sign of trouble.
Amber will remove the negative energies that are taking away your enthusiasm and optimism, as well as the negative energies affecting your drive for life.
It will get rid of your jealousy and insecurities. It will remove the fear and the lack of trust.
This stone will also give you more wisdom to accept the things that happen to you which you have no control over.
Amber will give you the foresight to deal with unexpected events and to react to them appropriately.
It is a symbol of beauty and attraction. When you have Amber in your life, you will have a better appreciation of all things beautiful, and you will be beautiful in the eyes of your partner.
It carries energies of tenderness and affection and will imbue your relationship with many tender and affectionate moments with your loved one.
Amber will also attract lasting love. It doesn’t matter if you’re going through a lull or a tough time in your relationship. The energies of Amber will work on your relationship so that love will be restored and happiness will be felt again.
Amber will help you remove the obstacles that you place in your way that keep you from being loved in the way that you want.
It will make you realize that the walls must come down if you genuinely want to have an enjoyable experience with love.
You need to open the door to your heart if you want to get to know the meaning of love!
Amber will help you keep your promises. Its energies will also help you rekindle the fire in a dying relationship.
The energies of Amber will also electrify your desire, and you can enjoy passionate and intimate moments with your partner.
Chakras And Amber
Amber is an excellent stone to use in a chakra layout. Place a piece of Amber on or near your Sacral chakra, which is located about a hand’s breadth below your navel. The golden and orange shades of Amber will stimulate this chakra and clear it of negative energies or blockages. The Sacral chakra controls the flow of energy through the chakra system and forms the center of the body’s Life Force Energy.
When the Sacral chakra is restricted or blocked, the flow of information from the mind to the body, and the body to the mind, becomes disrupted and this can lead to over-dependency on others, repression of true feelings, inability to feel joy, fear of sex and sensuality and a lack of drive or enthusiasm for the things you used to love doing.
Amber gently releases the blocked energy and teaches you that it is safe to feel joy and take pleasure in the delights of the senses.
The yellow hues within Amber are very beneficial for the Solar Plexus chakra. This chakra governs our interactions with the world, others, and our own thoughts and feelings. It also plays an integral part in our physical health. Being located just below the breastbone, it can be regarded as the geometric center of the physical body and controls the digestive and systems. When it is balanced physically, it gives us the strength to fight off infections and allergies. It also helps in the absorption of nutrients from food.
When the Solar Plexus is balanced emotionally and spiritually, we feel free from fear on many levels. We are free to be ourselves without worrying about subjugating our wishes to suit others. We also feel confident that we can interpret the world through our own thoughts, desires, and feelings without incurring the displeasure of other people.
The Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Amber
Chakra Crystal Combinations
If you combine the steady, soothing, grounding influences of Amber with the dynamic, joyful cheeriness of Citrine at the Solar Plexus, you will be amazed at the things you can suddenly achieve! Amber can also be combined with Yellow Topaz at this chakra for maximum healing and balancing on both the physical and spiritual levels.
Combining Amber with Carnelian at the Sacral chakra can work wonders for your self-confidence. Orange Calcite also works well with Amber when you need to clear stagnant, restricting energies from this chakra.
Other Crystal Combinations
Try combining Amber with other “earthy” stones such as Moss Agate or Landscape Jasper. These stones will amplify your connection with the physical planet and connect you to the vibrations of the Earth chakra.
You can also combine the richness of the life-enhancing energies of Amber with crystals that are aligned with the energies of the Sun. Quartz, Petrified Wood, and Peridot all like to work with the frequencies of Amber and bring vitality, a sense of purpose, and the motivation to get things done.
Cleansing And Charging Amber
Amber will let you know when it needs to be cleansed and recharged. You will notice that it starts to become warm when it has absorbed negative energies and vibrations after metaphysical usage. You can cleanse it easily by holding it under lukewarm running water.
Your Amber may also become cloudy when it needs to be cleared of negative vibrations. The best way to recharge Amber is to place it in the earth overnight. You can bury it in your garden or in a pot on the windowsill to allow it to release all its negative energy and to recharge with clear vibrations.
Amber As A Birthstone
Amber is a ‘stone’ for different zodiac signs because of its energy and strength.
It’s the Cancer (June 21 – July 22) birthstone because it’s known to reflect the warmest and sunniest month in the northern hemisphere where Amber can be found.
It can also be listed as the birthstone for Taurus (April 20 to May 20). It resonates with the nature lover of this sign and its earthy origins.
Amber is also a tenth anniversary stone. It symbolizes renewed and continued faith in love and marriage and the lasting bonds of forever love!

Amber In Legends And History
Amber is fascinating. It’s an organic product and not a mineral.
Amber is a fossilized resin of trees from 50 million years ago. Some pieces have been found in trees as old as 130 million years!
Amber has been very helpful to paleontologists because of the tiny insects that have been trapped inside them.
Paleontologists learned about life on earth millions of years ago and identified more than a thousand extinct species.
There are plenty of objects that have been recovered in Amber that date back to 130 million years.
This includes small organisms, insects, frogs, spiders and their webs, crustaceans, annelids, bacteria, wood, fruit, flowers, hairs, and feathers.
Ancient Medicine
The use of Amber for medicine goes back to antiquity. Most of the ingredients for medicines back then came from minerals, animals, and plants.
Nicolaus Copernicus’ original medicinal formula listed 22 ingredients, which included Amber.
The Greeks called Amber elektron because it gets charged with electricity when a cloth is rubbed on it. It also attracts small particles.
The Dominican philosopher Albert the Great, who lived between 1193 to 1280, identified Amber as the most effective medicine among six medicines.
The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, described the medicinal qualities and different ways of application of Amber which were later made use of by scientists all the way to the Middle Ages.
During the plagues in the Middle Ages, burning Amber to fumigate the streets may have saved lives and was recommended as an excellent preventative measure.
My Final Thoughts On The Powers Of Amber
Amber is a powerful healer that will give whoever wears it a strong sense of healing.
It’s one of the most coveted and oldest healing stones because it is created by light and life!
Amber is a talisman of beauty and has been portrayed as solidified sunlight, as toughened honey, tears of the gods, and drops of the sun.
It will help balance your emotions and release the negative energies that are in your heart and mind.
It will also help you get rid of all the things that make you fearful and hesitant to live your best life!
Suppose you feel attracted to the warm energies of Amber. In that case, it means you are looking for a natural purifier that will draw out the pains, insecurities, and negativities in your body, mind, and spirit.
You’re searching for something that will absorb the stagnant or negative energies and transform them into positive and clear energies. You should never be without a piece of Amber!

Diana Houston
Diana Houston is a respected crystal expert and the author of 'A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals: Getting Started With Crystal Healing – A Complete Guide.' Her passion for crystals and their healing properties made her a leading authority on the subject.
Diana's expertise and passion for crystals have inspired countless readers and practitioners, and her book has received rave reviews on Amazon. With her clear and insightful guidance, Diana is a trusted guide for anyone seeking to unlock the transformative power of crystals.
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