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Quantum Quattro Silica: Meanings, Properties and Powers

Quantum Quattro Silica: Meanings, Properties and Powers

Quantum Quattro Silica Properties

Quantum Quattro Silica is made up of copper-based minerals Malachite, Dioptase, Chrysocolla, and Shattuckite in a Smoky Quartz matrix.

It is a combination stone that comes from Namibia.

This mineral combination works in synergy and at a higher and stronger vibrational energy than the individual minerals.

Why Would You Use Quantum Quattro Silica?

Quantum Quattro Silica is a stone of healing, protection, and communication.

The frequencies of this stone connect to the third eye, throat, heart, and earth star chakras.

It will help you acknowledge and let go of your emotional traumas and release yourself from your emotional patterns.

Quantum Quattro Silica will cleanse your energy fields and protect you from negativity.

Lovely Quantum Quattro Silica beads

It will also align you with your inner truths and visions.

It’s a stone that will help you connect with the higher realms and the universal wisdom.

Whenever you feel like something’s off and you’re out of alignment, this stone will help you correct the imbalance.

This stone will also promote a healthy and natural energy flow and spiritual activation. It will also cleanse your energies.

Quantum Quattro Silica is a great stone for communicating and imparting spiritual information.

It’s the stone that you must have if you wish to clear attachments, blockages, cords, and karmic contracts.

If you pair it with Melodys Stone, it will improve your emotional body and your interpersonal relationships. It will also enhance your personal power and physical health.

It will naturally purify negative energies and transform them into pure light. It’s a powerful and versatile stone that will be very helpful in any kind of situation.

It will help you identify the things, behaviors, and patterns that are creating problems in your life. It will help you release anything that blocks your ability to create or receive wonderful things.

Together with Chalcopyrite, it will also give you wider access to your intuitive abilities.

Quantum Quattro Silica is a great stone of psychic protection. It will keep you safe from lower vibration debris, negative entities, electromagnetic pollution, and psychic attacks.

How Will Quantum Quattro Silica Help You?

Quantum Quattro Silica, Healing and Health

On a physical level, it can enhance the detoxification of all the organs and the systems. Especially the intestines, liver, lungs, and kidneys.

Petalite: Meanings, Properties and Powers

It can bring rejuvenation and general healing to the digestive, circulatory, immune, reproductive, and endocrine system.

This stone can also alleviate the pains of arthritis. It can help with heart disease and regulate high blood pressure. It’s a stone that can also give physical support when quitting unhealthy addictions.

This stone will work to clear the energetic patterns in the subconscious that lead to their physical manifestations. It will help bring about complete healing.

And it can be helpful to people who are suffering from diabetes. It can also help with calcium absorption.

Quantum Quattro Silica can help regulate the adrenal glands and the thyroid. It can also ease the discomforts associated with laryngitis.

It can assist in the treatment of radiation sickness and in dealing with the after-effects of chemotherapy.

The healing energies of Quantum Quattro Silica can also help the kidneys in eliminating toxins from the body.

Quantum Quattro Silica and Wealth

Quantum Quattro Silica will increase your feelings of security and enhance your sense of personal power.

It will assist you in making your dreams a reality and bring good luck, prosperity, and abundance in your life.

This stone will elevate your moods and remove feelings of discouragement, restlessness, boredom, and laziness.

It will encourage you to acknowledge the abundance that you have in your life. And to be grateful for living in the present.

It will inspire you to release anything from the past that’s holding you back. And it will help you live a great and prosperous life.

And it can also help in soothing migraines and in detoxifying the blood. It can strengthen the teeth and bones. And it can also help in the treatment of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

Quantum Quattro Silica, Love and Relationships

Quantum Quattro Silica will help you achieve emotional healing and regain your emotional balance.

It is a very helpful stone for when you’ve just come out of a challenging experience. And it will aid you in picking up the pieces.

It will give you the strength to seek help when you need it. And it will keep you steady, strong, and humble in the midst of your own struggles in your relationship.

This stone will work with your third eye and throat chakra in helping you understand the issues in your relationship. And why they even arise in the first place.

It will give you a clearer understanding of how you work out your problems. And also to do something to prevent them from happening again.

Quantum Quattro Silica will help you in communicating your thoughts and feelings while also protecting you from hurt or negativity.

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It will encourage you to use your own love language so that you will be able to connect. And to make an impact on your significant other.

Quantum Quattro Silica will also draw out your old hurts and emotional traumas that have been trapped in your body.

It will help you heal from all of them through the vibrations of forgiveness and acceptance.

It is a stone that will promote reconciliation between two people in love. Therefore it will give you the wisdom and courage needed to mend broken relationships.

It will help you with your communication efforts. So that you will be able to bridge the gap between you and your partner.

Quantum Quattro Silica will also balance the energies in your life that keep you from achieving a state of harmony and peace.

It will inspire you to express your personal power through kindness and gentleness. This stone will also strengthen your emotional bonds and inspire compassion and forgiveness.

Combining Quantum Quattro Silica with Spessartine will increase your capacity to love. And it will ease the pains that you are feeling in your heart. It will give you the inspiration to believe in love again!

And if you feel like you are losing your faith in love, then this stone will give you emotional strength and balance. Therefore helping you overcome your challenges.

It will help ease your stress and feelings of anxiety. It will relieve your depression, your grief, and your guilt.

Quantum Quattro Silica will work to balance your body, mind, and spirit and dissolve all emotional disturbances. It will get rid of your fears and turn your sadness into calmness and acceptance.

How to Use Quantum Quattro Silica for the Best Results

Quantum Quattro Silica can release the blockages and the patterns that are stuck in your DNA. And therefore will allow you to heal on a cellular level.

Having this stone close to your body can remove these blockages. Before they can even manifest as a physical pain or illness!

Wear it as jewelry or carry it around with you in your pocket or purse. This can ease any pains that you are feeling or experiencing.

It will help you heal from your trauma or grief by allowing your energies to flow better.

Using this will tell you where you need to go. It can help you find which area of your life needs more focus and which behaviors and patterns you need to shed.

Keeping it close to your personal auric fields will give you a powerful healing energy that will benefit your physical and emotional body.

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It is a stone that will keep you clear and calm. Especially during stressful moments and challenging times. As a result, the energies of this stone will keep your mind clear and your heart light!

The Best Combination to use with Quantum Quattro Silica

Quantum Quattro Silica can be very helpful in improving your health. Especially when you pair it with other high-energy stones and crystals.

You can use it with Topaz, Snow Quartz, Smithsonite, Picture Jasper, Obsidian Pearl, and Moss Agate.

You can also combine it with Mookaite, Moldavite, Malachite, Lodestone, Lithium Quartz, Lepidolite, Lapis Lazuli, or Jade.

It will also be very beneficial when used with Indigo Gabbro, Garnet, Epidote, Emerald, Dravite, Citrine, and Chrysoprase.

You can pair it with Botswana Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Black Tourmaline, Aqua Aura, Amethyst, and Aegerine. That means you will enhance their energies as well.

My Final Thoughts on the Power of Quantum Quattro Silica

In your life there will be a lot of things going on all at the same time.

Sooner or later, it will be very difficult to hide your growing edge. At some point, all your issues will come to the surface and need to be properly dealt with.

With a lot of things coming into your awareness all at once, it’s important that you take care of yourself. And to stay centered in your higher knowing.

It’s important that you hold on to the belief that everything will be alright!

There will always be some negativity in your environment. And it is your job to keep the positivity and hold the light.

You should focus on bringing a new kind of reality that will honor everything.

During this period of your life, you need a powerful stone. One that will help you get rid of the outdated. One to repair the damage and to usher in new and stronger energies.

If you’re ready for a big leap and a major change, then Quantum Quattro Silica is your stone!

Quantum Quattro Silica

About the author

Diana Houston

Diana Houston is a respected crystal expert and the author of 'A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals: Getting Started With Crystal Healing – A Complete Guide.' Her passion for crystals and their healing properties made her a leading authority on the subject.

Diana's expertise and passion for crystals have inspired countless readers and practitioners, and her book has received rave reviews on Amazon. With her clear and insightful guidance, Diana is a trusted guide for anyone seeking to unlock the transformative power of crystals.

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