Atacamite Properties
Atacamite is a result of the oxidation of copper ores in saline or arid conditions.
It’s also a volcanic product in Vesuvian lavas.
Atacamite is a copper chloride hydroxide mineral that is also polymorphous with two other minerals, Botallackite and Paratacamite.
Atacamite can exhibit different shades of green, although it’s usually a rich dark green color.
It can also be transparent to translucent with a hardness rating of 3, making it quite a soft gemstone compared to others.
This mineral was first discovered in the Atacama Region in Chile in 1801. Atacamite was added to the list of mineral species by D. de Gallizen in the same year.
Atacamite is also known as Remolinite, Alacamite, or Peruvian Green Sand (when in powdered form).
It’s quite a rare mineral which can only be found in the Atacama Desert in Chile. But there are also notable occurrences of Atacamite in West Africa and South Australia.

Why Would You Use Atacamite?
Atacamite is a great stone that can open the third eye chakra and allow you to experience powerful psychic visions.
Its energies are also very beneficial in meditation, giving you sharper focus and a stronger connection with your subconscious.
It will act as a stimulant for the pineal gland and activate your third eye, especially when you combine it with Eilat Stone.
It will also help in the development of your psychic abilities and in promoting efficient communication with your higher self.
Atacamite will increase the intensity of your clairvoyance and clairaudience.
It will also work to protect you from negative energies and harmful psychic attacks.
Atacamite can be used with any chakra, although it will be very beneficial to use it with the third eye chakra.
It will boost your confidence and increase your motivation.
This stone will also infuse you with enthusiasm in everything you do, both in the personal and professional fronts.
It will aid in communication and allow you to express yourself clearly and effectively. It’s also a stone that will develop your independence.
Atacamite will help you become more motivated by enhancing your faith and confidence in yourself.
It will remove all the energy blocks that are preventing you from being productive and imaginative.
It’s a very useful stone to have with you when you’re journeying out of your body, especially to higher spiritual spheres.
It will give you psychic protection and keep you safe against negative energies.
It also has the ability to assist earthbound spirits to go where they’re supposed to go and move forward.

How Will Atacamite Help You?
Atacamite, Healing and Health
It is believed that the Atacamite is a stone that can aid in physical healing.
Atacamite is known to boost the immune system and the thymus gland.
The healing energies of Atacamite also reach the reproductive organs and help in eliminating problems related to this area.
It can be used to treat the genitals and is known to improve the body’s resistance to venereal disease and herpes.
It can also benefit the kidneys by getting rid of the toxins. When placed on the throat, it is said to help treat hypothyroidism.
With its calming green colors, Atacamite can also be beneficial in overcoming stress and soothing frayed nerves in a subtle and soft level.
You can use Atacamite to beautiful effect as a stress reliever or meditation stone for this reason.
Because it is so distinctive in is appearance and feel, it always becomes quite a signature piece in any collection of crystals, no matter its size.
Yet the energies of this stone also mean that it can harmonize well with the existing stones already established in your meditation space.
Likewise, wearing Atacamite is a wonderful way to draw its energies closer to you. Sometimes, it’s that bit more difficult to connect to our spiritual self in times of stress.
Crystal healing is made a little more tricky when the mind won’t stop racing, yet if you enter the state of meditation while holding Atacamite, its cool temperature and distinctive texture is a great grounding technique.
This will likewise anchor you in the moment while opening your chakras and overall awareness to greater messages from Spirit.
Remember, this is a stone that’s very good for clairvoyance and enhancing your ability to sense what rests beyond the physical.
Stresses and tension can lead to illness more often than you realize, and even the most hard-nosed scientists and doctors know this, whatever they may think of New Age healing techniques. Atacamite works wonders here!
Atacamite and Wealth
The energies of Atacamite will help in developing your creativity and strengthening your imagination.
If you truly want to get ahead and stand out from your competitors in business, you need to have creative and imaginative ideas.
Atacamite will also remove any blockage that you have in your life that’s preventing you from reaching your financial goals!
Atacamite, Love and Relationships
Atacamite will strengthen the love you have in your relationship.
If you are single, you will feel a big difference in how you regard love and relationships as well.
If in the past love has taken a backseat in your life, with the guidance of Atacamite, you will be able to bring it to the fore and make it your priority.
You will make time for love, and you will welcome love!
You will be more open to sharing your life with the person you love, and you will be more enthusiastic when it comes to engaging in romantic pursuits.
The energies of this stone will also help you build unconditional love.
It will teach you the real meaning of sharing your life with someone and making the necessary sacrifices to make your relationship work.
It will also promote altruism and forgiveness. It will inspire you to be less demanding, less selfish, and less irritable towards the person you love and the people around you.
Atacamite will also restore your trust in love and commitment after experiencing a heartbreak or disappointment. It will give you emotional healing and remove the negative emotions in your heart.
With the help of this stone, you will be able to get rid of the negative feelings in your heart that are preventing you from feeling happy again.
It will get rid of your disconnection to people and make you more open to meeting new people and forming new connections.
Atacamite is a stone of confidence. It will make you more confident about yourself and more secure about your relationship.
You will experience emotional healing, and you will achieve the transformation that you hope to achieve. There will be more love, protection, and peace of mind.

How to Use Atacamite for the Best Results?
Atacamite makes for some lovely jewelry pieces. You can choose to wear it close to your body for both its aesthetic beauty and incredible healing properties.
It’s best and beautifully designed when made into pendants and necklaces.
When using Atacamite for meditation, it would be very beneficial to use the stone moderately until you get used to its energies, especially if it’s your first-time to work with stones and crystals.
Atacamite is a great stone to use in your daily crystal meditations because it will help you use its powerful healing properties and beneficial nature.
Atacamite will bring you to higher spiritual realms, so you can also expect to experience a little ungrounding.
If you ever find yourself feeling spacey or dizzy, just take out your Atacamite stone and hold it in your hands to use its grounding energies. You will feel like your old self again in no time.
You will find that when you pick it up and hold it in your hands, you will also be activating or enhancing your clairaudient or psychic hearing abilities.
This may happen automatically for others, particularly those who have clairaudience as their main psychic gift.
It will work in your third eye chakra and in your pineal gland. It will intensify your link to your higher self, as well as to your spirit guides because your psychic abilities will be completely open.
When you use Atacamite for short periods each day, you will be able to adapt to its energies more easily. You will also experience fewer side effects.
If you haven’t opened your third eye yet, Atacamite will forcefully open it so that you will find it easier to communicate with your spirit guides.
It’s a must-have stone for anyone who wants to develop or enhance their clairvoyant gifts because it will bring you powerful images, even if clairvoyance is not your main psychic gift!
Atacamite will help you see more clearly and vividly through the help of your psychic visions, so it’s a good stone to enhance your experiences with this ability.
It’s a stone that’s widely used and works on many different areas at the same time.
Atacamite is the stone that you never thought you needed. It will help you move forward and work on your overall growth and development.
The Best Combination to use with Atacamite
Among the best stones to combine Atacamite with include Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, and Fire Agate because these are also highly protective stones.
Even though Atacamite has a powerful grounding vibration, it’s best to use it with other grounding stones, especially if you’re working with it for spiritual development.
The vibrations of Atacamite and other copper-based stones and crystals will also be amplified when you combine them.
This includes Cuprite, Chrysocolla, Gem Silica, Shattuckite, Malachite, King Solomon stone, Eilat Stone, Covellite, Turquoise, Green Dioptase, and Ajoite.
What Chakra is Atacamite?
Atacamite works with the heart chakra. It opens the heart chakra and helps invite more unconditional love into your life.
This stone also works powerfully with the third eye chakra. It opens this chakra and helps you form a strong connection to your spirit.
It also creates very powerful visual images for you that will propel you to action.
It’s a strong but very safe stone to use. Your personal energies will not be drained, and you will be protected from any kind of negative attacks.
Use this stone if you want to achieve mental clarity. When you use this stone in meditation, Atacamite can help you safely reach the highest level.
It will strengthen your spiritual body and help restore your lost spiritual trust. It will promote a stronger connection to your higher guidance.
Atacamite will strengthen your intuition and psychic abilities. Because of the strong vibrations of this stone, it’s great to use for astral travel and meditation.
This stone will help build trust and clear your negative emotions and thoughts that are linked to the past.
It will heal your heart while getting rid of all the energy blockages.
Atacamite is a strong motivation stone that will help you when you feel like you’re stuck in your life and don’t know which direction to take.
With the help of this stone, you will learn how to unclutter your mind and truly understand what’s happening in your surroundings.
This stone will help you discover you purpose in life.
You can easily build spiritual connections. You will become more mindful and find it easier to do self-reflections.
This stone will help you become more balanced, inspired, and innovative. It will inspire you to follow your dreams and work on your spirituality.
Atacamite energies will enhance your intuition and deepen your connection with your universal plan.
You will no longer feel overwhelmed with your own thoughts, and you will be able to process them accurately.
Having this stone in your life will not only open your third eye and heart chakra. It will also remove all the bad energies that are clogging these chakras.
It will bring clarity to your mind and help neutralize all the negative vibrations. This stone will encourage you to trust in yourself more and listen to your inner voice.
It will heighten your awareness and bring you a feeling of completeness. It will serve as a spiritual inspiration and infuse you with healing energies.
Atacamite is a very healing stone that will promote emotional healing. It will bring back the balance in your heart so that you will be more open to giving and receiving love.
If you wish to use this stone for chakra healing, simply place it on the heart or the third eye chakra.
It may feel heavy on your body at first. But as you breathe and welcome the energies of this stone, you can focus your energy on opening your heart and third eye chakra.
You will begin to feel lighter, warmer, and brighter.
My Final Thoughts on the Power of Atacamite
Atacamite is a New Age stone that will encourage you to reach a level of independence that will help you complete your spiritual journey.
This stone will remove your energy blockages and activate your heart and crown chakras. It will boost your enthusiasm, self-motivation, and self-confidence.
Atacamite will act as an excellent tool for spiritual connection. It will force to open your third eye and trigger strong psychic visions.
It will enhance your intuition and assist you in contacting your spirit guides. It will also connect you to the earth star chakra so that powerful energies will enter your body!
The rarity of Atacamite, combined with its great healing qualities, makes it an indispensable gemstone for gemstone buyers and collectors alike.

Diana Houston
Diana Houston is a respected crystal expert and the author of 'A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals: Getting Started With Crystal Healing – A Complete Guide.' Her passion for crystals and their healing properties made her a leading authority on the subject.
Diana's expertise and passion for crystals have inspired countless readers and practitioners, and her book has received rave reviews on Amazon. With her clear and insightful guidance, Diana is a trusted guide for anyone seeking to unlock the transformative power of crystals.
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