Crystal meanings and metaphysical healing lore and related information about stones which start with the letter S in brief are shown here. Crystal formations which start with S are also included.
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For most crystals and formations you can click the name to see photos and additional information on that crystal.
Sacral Chakra (Svadhistana, Spleen Chakra) – creativity, personal expression, abundance, color is primarily orange, more
Saginite – Protection, Self-Confidence, more
Sapphire – Creative Expression, Intuition, more
Scapolite – Problem Solving, EMF Emissions, Break Old Patterns, more
Scepter (Sceptor) Crystals – Atlantis, Courage to take Action, more
Schorl (Black Tourmaline) – Transmute Negative Energy, Protection, Dispel Fear
Scolecite – Manifestation, Improve Relationships, Inner Peace, more
Selenite – Mental Clarity, Decision making, Angels, more
Self-Healing Crystals – Healing self, more
Septarian – Nurturing, Uplifting, Group Communication, more
Seraphinite (Serafina, chlinochlore) – Higher Energies, Angelic Communication, Psychic, Kidneys, Liver, more
Serpentine – Attract Love and Money, more
Shark Tooth – Primal Power, Protection
Shattuckite – Reconcilation, Chanelling, more
Shovel Crystal – find right solutions to problems, more
Shungite (Shungit) – Healing, EMF Radiation Protection, more
Silicon – Accentuate Positive, Enhance Memory, Vitality, more
Silkstone – See Binghamite
Silver – Intuition, Psychic Energies, Feminine/Yin Energies, Moon Energies more pllus Argenitum Silver and Sterling Silver
Singing Crystals – Breaking Up & Smoothing Energy, Charging Stones, more
Skeletal (Elestial) Crystals – Uncover Secrets, Calming, more
Smithsonite – Chakra Activation, Replacement Stone for Crystal Healing, more
Sodalite – Intelligence, Efficiency, Communication, End Arguments, more
Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura – personal power, self-confidence, joy, color is primarily yellow, more
Spinel – Prosperity, Channeling, Stress Relief, more
Spiral Crystals – Remove Energy Blockages, more
Spodumene – Clear Negativity, Crown Chakra, more
Stichtite – Tranquility, Keeping Promises, Loving Companionship, more
Stichtite-Serpentine – See Atlantisite
Stilbite – Manifestation, Guardian Angels, Intuition, more
Sugar Crystals – Beauty in Any Place, Harmony, Joy, more
Sugilite – “The Healer’s Stone”, Spirituality, Healing, Psychic, more
Sulphur aka Sulfur – Vitality, Detoxification, Remove Negative Thoughts, more
Sunstone – Decrease Stress, Good Fortune, Abundance, more
Super Seven / Melody’s Stone – Psychic Abilities, Telepathy, Crystal Healing, more
Swarovski Crystals – Positive Energy, Hope, Joy, Diffuse Negative Energy, Good Luck

Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on
Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.
Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.