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The October Birthstone – The Complete Guide

The October Birthstone – The Complete Guide

Opal is the birthstone for October, and if you were born in this month, you should consider yourself very lucky indeed.

This stone has been highly regarded since the time of the ancient Greeks because it symbolizes purity and hope.

The ancient Romans also considered it an excellent protector against harm and danger.

Every Opal is unique, meaning that you could have five pieces of Opal jewelry and they will each have their distinct look!

What Is The Meaning Of The October Birthstone

The name ‘Opal’ comes from the Greek word opallios, which means ‘to see a color change.’

Pliny, the Roman scholar, used the word opalus when he wrote about its kaleidoscopic play of colors that could reproduce the different shades of any gemstone.

Opal’s distinctive play of color was explained when a group of scientists discovered that it’s made up of microscopic silica spheres that diffract light and display different colors of the rainbow.

These flashy gemstones are known as precious Opals, and those that don’t have the play of color are known as common Opals.

There are plenty of Opal varieties, but only a few are recognized universally. Opals are usually referred to by their background body color, black or white.

Australia has produced 95% of the world’s Opal supply. It’s also mined in some parts of the USA, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Honduras, Brazil, and Mexico.

Opal’s water content can range from 3% to 21% with a hardness of 5.5 to 6 on the Mohs scale. This makes Opal a delicate gemstone that can crack under direct light, dehydration, or extreme temperature.

Wearing Opal is well worth it, though. For centuries, people have associated this stone with good fortune and good luck, all in all as protection stones.

Even though superstition claims that Opals are signs of bad luck to anyone born in October, the birthstone remains very popular.

After scientists discovered Opal’s spherical silica structure in the 1960s, they discovered how to synthesize Opal in 1974.

Opal has gained more popularity since then, also because of recent discoveries in Ethiopia.

This is a stone of creativity, innocence, and hope. It’s also a stone that protects anyone who wears it from bad things and people’s bad intentions.

Opals can exist in many different colors. White Opals are white with light sparkles like the colors of the rainbow. Black Opals appear gray, blue, or black because of the ironstone in their composition.

Water Opals, or Crystal Opals, are transparent. Other names are colorless Opals, although like Pink Tourmaline they radiate brilliant colors inside when exposed to light.

Another type of Opal is the Fire opal. This is a transparent Opal whose body color could be orange, red, or yellow. It may also have colorful sparkles.

The most beautiful Opal is the Harlequin Opal. When you look at one, you will find its colors evenly distributed like small flakes of different colors on the stone.

The Opal and Tourmaline have been known and revered by man for thousands of years for their beauty and mystery.

Many ancient cultures worldwide have been fascinated by the Opal and created stories and tales that expressed their reverence for this gem.

Arabic legends talk about Opals falling from the sky like bolts of lightning. Australian aborigines believed that the creator came to the world and left behind these colorful stones where his feet touched.

Another name for the Opal was the Eye Stone or Ophthalmius. In the 14th century, people believed that the Opal could sharpen and strengthen vision.

An Indian superstition associated the Opal with clearing the mind of excess thoughts and enhancing memory. According to belief, passing it across the brow also transferred the stone’s powers to the person.

Some folklore associated the Opal with bad luck, too. This is because of the catastrophe that happened to The Maiden of The Mist, Anne of Geierstein, in Sir Walter Scott’s novel. Her main jewelry included a big Opal stone.

The Ancient Greeks saw the Opal as a stone that has the power to give foresight and the gift of prophecy to anyone who wears it, as long as they use it selflessly.

Otherwise, it would bring misfortune in love and romance and failure and disappointment in all endeavors.

What Are The Key Traits Of The October Birthstone?

Opal indicates that you are someone calm, but there’s an adventurous side to you that lurks beneath the surface.

The Opal is a stone of innocence, creativity, hope, and inspiration – all qualities people born in October possess.

Opal people are motivated and inspired to excel and be an inspiration to many people. They are hopeful, and they always look forward to the best things that life can offer.

It’s also a protective stone that will keep anyone wearing it safe from people’s negative energies and bad intentions. It will help them stay hidden or keep a low profile in situations where they prefer not to get noticed.

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Opal people command attention everywhere they go, and this stone helps them keep a low profile.

People born under this birthstone are quietly confident and are propelled by actions instead of words.

They are also very loving to their friends and family. They keep a special place in their hearts for people who have shown them kindness and generosity.

Opal people are quite an emotional bunch, but they rarely let their emotions get in the way of their decisions. They can lose themselves in their daydreams but work hard to turn them into reality.

They are optimistic even if they are going through tough times and remain good-natured even when surrounded by toxic people and their negative energies.

Opal also represents confidence, faith, and hope. People who have it as their birthstone have a certain magnetism, which helps them make friends very easily.

If this is your birthstone, you are friendly to everyone and love talking about anything under the sun.

You are very decisive when it comes to important matters even though you can also be very emotional.

You can be fraught with emotions, but you don’t want to sit on pending decisions for too long. And you don’t dilly dally when it comes to life-changing decisions.

People with the Opal birthstone are as idealistic as the gemstone. As much as possible, they want to live according to their best ideals and do everything in their power to make it happen.

Their lives are always action-packed because even if they crave peace, they easily get bored and restless. They want to be constantly on the move and discover new and different things.

When something no longer works for them, they have no qualms about leaving it and moving on to something new. But they are also open to revisiting these interests to see if they would enjoy doing them a second time.

Because of their strong presence, Opal people tend to attract attention even when they just want to stay under the radar.

People naturally gravitate towards them, and it can be quite challenging to enjoy alone time, especially in public.

They are very intuitive, and they can also be very shy, especially when they know other people’s ulterior motives.

They can be very open and approachable, but they can keep you at arm’s length when they feel something is off.

People with Opal as their birthstone, like people with Taurus birthstone, appear calm on the outside, but they always have a lot running through their minds.

They have a unique thirst for adventure, are spontaneous and fearless, and are always the most popular ones in a group.

They may look like they’re not interested and don’t want to talk to you, but that’s just for show: they love to talk, and they love meeting people.

Opal people love those who love them with fierceness. They treat everyone they love very well, and they are also some of the most important people in their life.

They love to take things to the center, always make friends, and welcome new people into their circle. When they see someone needing help, they will go out of their way to extend theirs.

They enjoy travel, literature, and the arts. They also love to spend time outdoors.

Opal people get angry and hurt easily but quickly recover and forgive. They can also be very touchy-feely and not care about other people’s opinions.

They have a mean jealous and stubborn streak and are strong, opinionated, and emotional. But they are also very fair and decisive, even if they are easily influenced or quickly lose confidence.

Opal people appreciate both inner and physical beauty. They also love being around children.

The strong psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance. They are also concerned about other people’s welfare because they want equality and justice.

The Color of the October Birthstone and its Secret Meaning

The Opal is the birthstone of October. The name Opal signifies ‘to see a color change’ and may make one float off or wander off in fantasy land and imagine a rainbow appearing in the sky right after summer rainfall.

Ancient rulers prized the Opal mainly for its defensive forces. This is why they were set into their crowns and worn in jewelry.

The Opal goes back to prehistoric times and as indicated by Arabic legend, tumbled from the heavens in a blaze of lightning.

The Latin word ‘opalus’ implies precious jewel, and that it is. It contains up to 30% water and should be shielded from heat and tough chemicals.

If not, they can make the Opal dry out, split, and lose its brilliance. It breaks easily, so you have to monitor it for any knocks or blows.

The Opal comprises non-crystallized silica that can be found close to the earth’s surface, commonly in territories where geothermal springs once existed.

Opal can be found in Australia, where 95% of the world’s black and white-colored Opals are mined. They are additionally found in Hungary, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, and the United States.

For a considerable time, the discovery of precious stones inside the Earth’s outer layer roused many.

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With every discovery, people trusted that a powerful connection and energy radiated from these gemstones.

As time went on, they became symbolic of particular events in the year. The Gregorian Calendar has a stone representative for every period of the year.

Those giving these gemstones as presents to their friends and family believe in them having enchanted or recuperating powers. They can also be gifts offering safety and protection.

Every one of these valuable stones is exceptional in its compositions and energy and fortifying forces.

The gift of an Opal symbolizes certainty and dedication. It can also dispel bad dreams. This stone has been ground and ingested for its mending properties to treat issues concerning the eyes.

It has also been used by those going into battle for safety and protection and by pregnant women who want to ease the pains associated with childbirth.

Opal symbolizes trust, devotion, joy, innocence, and virtue.

Be that as it may, fortunate for other lovers of this stone, the Opal ranges in many colors and shades worldwide.

Opals are unique gemstones that have rainbow hues from deep blue to pink to a vibrant green color similar to the colors you would find with something like green tourmaline

Like the rainbow, people with this birthstone are vivacious and always excited to meet new people.

They are spontaneous and creative. Life with them is never boring because they are always on the move.

They can also get emotional, but they can forgive and forget easily. They can help themselves heal from their pain and rise above their challenges.

Opals are one of the most interesting gemstones, as well as one of the most visually fascinating ones. They exhibit rainbow-colored specks reflecting the light in a beautiful, sparkly display.

Regarding gemstone appearance, Opals are generally white, although they can exhibit different colors as well.

When a piece of Opal lacks color, it’s because of the loss of water. The presence of water in its structure is what makes it have an appearance that looks almost like a rainbow.

Without it, the Opal reverts to its pale white appearance. Those who mine Opal will store these gems in water containers.

Any colored piece of Opal jewelry would be considered rather cheap. Without its impurities, Opal can have different shades of color, including yellow, pink, red, and gray.

Rainbow-like colors characterize the most precious types of Opal. This is where the word ‘opalescence’ comes from.

Opal gemstones have a rainbow-like appearance because of diffraction, and it is what makes Opal a valuable gemstone.

Necklaces, Rings, and Jewelry for People Born in October

The Opal symbolizes reliability, confidence, and faithfulness. It comes from the Latin word opalus, meaning ‘precious jewel.’

You can wear pieces of jewelry with Opals to ward off evil and protect your eyesight. Opals also speak of purity, innovativeness, and hope.

Opals fortify memory and strengthen a man’s will to live.

They can treat fevers and infections, regulate insulin levels, and detoxify the blood and kidneys. They also ease the pains of PMS and labor.

The Opal is classified as a living gem. This is on account of its roughly 5-10% water content. It can dry out when exposed to too many chemicals, soap, or heat.

When you keep it stored too long, it can also cause it to wilt and break.

Opals are delicate and can get easily damaged when brought in contact with rough materials. If you want to clean your Opal adornments, gently wipe them with a soft cloth.

Make it a point to wear your Opal jewelry regularly to remain moist and in good condition.

Opal is also a traditional gift on 18th wedding anniversaries.

These attributes are hope, faith, and confidence.

It’s important to know that the Opal birthstone is used for many jewelry pieces, including bracelets, rings, and pendants.

Given the different kinds of Opal available in the market, the cost of Opal gems differs considerably depending upon the quality and value of the gemstones used.

For instance, rings made out of Opal can run from $100 to $300, though pendants can reach as high as $500.

The cost of Opal-based jewelry fluctuates significantly. The most widely recognized kinds of Opal do not have the brilliance of play of light that other stones have.

They do not possess the necessary colors to make them valuable objects.

Another reason why Opals are not as profitable as other gemstones is because they are easy to manufacture and imitate, therefore lessening their unique market value.

Regardless of these issues, though, Opal remains a famous gemstone.

How Much Does The October Birthstone Cost?

The price for Opal varies depending on many factors.

The kind of Opal, its brilliance, pattern, body tone, the play of color, and color bar thickness all play an important role in determining its price.

Other factors include the size, the polish, and the quality of the cut.

Opals are examined carefully when being valued and given a price per carat. It’s the overall carat size that will determine its price.

It’s important to know the kind of Opal that is being valued. An Opal doublet or triplet is worth less than an Opal that’s solid.

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Doublets and triplets are assembled stones that have only a thin slice of natural Opal in them, which makes them much less valuable.

It’s Opal’s underlying color which can vary from dark to light that is Opal’s most important factor.

Opals that have a dark or black body tone are more valuable because they tend to display colors more brilliantly and vibrantly.

Faults in Opals also affect their value. Cracks, crazing, potch lines, grey lines, and windows can render an Opal almost worthless.

All these factors are taken into consideration when determining the value of Opals. But there is no standardized method for valuing Opals because every piece is unique.

When buying Opals, always ask for an authenticity and valuation certificate.

Get a second opinion from a reputable and experienced gemstone valuer if you worry about the authenticity of your stone.

Black Opals can sell commercially for $30 to $90 per carat. Black Opals of extra fine quality can sell for as much as $2,000 to $6,500 per carat.

Good quality Black Opals can be yours for $80 to $400 per carat.

Mexican Fire Opals sell commercially for $2 to $45 per carat. Good quality Fire Opals can be yours for just $50 to $250 per carat.

Extra fine Fire Opals can fetch $300 to $500 per carat.

Boulder Opals sell for $15 to $295 per carat. If you want beautiful and fine-quality stones, expect to shell out $290 to $1,480 per carat.

Whether well off or just trying to get by daily, Opal is a stone anyone can own. An Opal’s value is not only in how much you pay for it but also in how you value it personally.

The great thing about Opals is that they can have different cuts to suit anyone’s budget.

Whether you can afford an inexpensive or expensive one, you can proudly say that what you have is a real Opal and not a synthetic one.

Remember that when you’re planning to buy an Opal, first determine your budget and purpose for purchasing one.

If you want to purchase a piece of Opal as an investment, you may want to spend more money on a really good and solid stone.

If you want to give it as a gift, you can opt for lower-priced doublets, triplets, or solids in a gold-plated setting.

My Final Thoughts On The October Birthstone

Obtaining an Opal is like purchasing a masterpiece: It involves taste.

Deciding on an Opal’s value is also exceedingly subjective, and trade people regularly differ about which qualities raise or lower an Opal’s worth.

There are a few rules you can follow to make a savvy buy.

Ensure that you check and concentrate on its color. The mix of background color and play of light is the thing that makes Opal’s color uniquely it’s own.

Background color is the fundamental tone of the Opal. Some background colors tend to be more prized than others.

All other quality components being equal, many buyers opt for black. This is mostly because the play of color tends to emerge attractively against a dark background.

Play of color is Opal’s unique show of glimmering rainbow hues. Opal fans prize brilliant play of color over the weak or faint play of color.

The most profitable Opals show a play of color from all edges, over the whole stone, in the full scope of hues from red to blue. Play of color hues should appear differently from the background color.

With an Opal, clarity is its level of absence and diaphaneity or absence of inclusions or imperfections.

An Opal’s diaphaneity can run from transparent to opaque. Experts prize these distinctive levels of diaphaneity for various types of Opal.

The cutter regards an Opal’s color, clearness, and pattern when planning the completed gem. Experts are more inclined towards larger and closely arranged patches of color over small, scattered specks.

As with many high-quality colored stones, outstanding Opals may not be cut to standard shapes and sizes. Domed surfaces, alluded to as cabochons, show the best and most beautiful play of color.

The many-hued Opal, October’s birthstone, is known to mirror the state of mind of whoever wears it.

Wearing an Opal can bring creative energy, motivation, inventiveness, and innovativeness. This gemstone can remove hindrances and release inhibitions.

It also makes the wearer ‘undetectable’ if he or she does not want to draw attention.

The Opal symbolizes loyalty and confidence. Contingent upon the type and grade of Opal, the characteristics of Opal are expressive and creatively empowering!

October Birthstone

About the author

Diana Houston

Diana Houston is a respected crystal expert and the author of 'A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals: Getting Started With Crystal Healing – A Complete Guide.' Her passion for crystals and their healing properties made her a leading authority on the subject.

Diana's expertise and passion for crystals have inspired countless readers and practitioners, and her book has received rave reviews on Amazon. With her clear and insightful guidance, Diana is a trusted guide for anyone seeking to unlock the transformative power of crystals.

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