Galena is from the Sulfide family and comes in both crystalline and massive forms.
Its colors range from silver to silver grey. Galena was named by Pliny the Elder. It comes from the Greek word ‘galene’, meaning lead ore.
Since 3000 BC, Galena has been mined for its silver and lead content.
Ancient Egyptians used it as kohl under their eyes to reduce the sun’s glare and to protect them from diseases carried by flies.
Galena is commonly located in Peru, Germany, United Kingdom, Brazil, and the USA.
Why Would You Use Galena?
Galena is one of the ultimate grounding stones that exist. It has a very stimulating and balancing energy that can remove emotional blocks, and it will infuse you with a strong ‘can do’ attitude.
Galena will bring stability and security to areas of your life where there’s confusion, conflict, or overworked emotions.
It’s used to ground and center your energies, and it will harmoniously open new pathways to wisdom and enlightenment.
It will promote peace and harmony, and it will encourage you to be more loving, forgiving, and understanding.
Galena will enhance the power of other stones and crystals.
It will augment them with its clarity and purity.
It will help you think and speak clearly, and it will make you see both sides of a story before you make your own judgments.
Use Galena when you’re starting to doubt yourself or starting to feel uncertain.
This stone will also help you access your spiritual wisdom and give you a better perspective when making a tough decision.
It’s a stone that will harmonize the physical body with the spiritual body. It will promote peace and tolerance in your life and give you a different perspective during challenging times.
It will also decrease the number of self-limiting events that will take place in your life.
Galena will help you in your spiritual journey and in the process of your transformation. It will keep you safe and anchored even when there are so many changes taking place.
Galena will act as a powerful mirror which will reflect light into the darkest and deepest part of your shadow self.
It will also provide a strong centering energy that will make sure you’re alright even when you’re facing a set of challenges.
How Will Galena Help You?
Galena, Healing and Health
When it comes to physical healing, Galena has the ability to reduce inflammations and skin eruptions. It can also stimulate blood circulation and improve the health of the veins.
Galena’s healing energies can also help in detoxifying the body when recovering from addictions. It can also improve the assimilation of zinc and selenium that will be beneficial to the hair.
Galena and Wealth
Galena will inspire you to harness your personal power so that you can complete your tasks and accomplish your goals.
It will keep you motivated to succeed, even when things are hard and the road to success is long and winding.
These kinds of Galena uses mean that it makes for a good stone in combating lethargy or self defeating ideas.
If you feel like every one of your ideas is an endless uphill climb and that you’re all alone, take some time out to connect to both your Galena and yourself.
This crystal will help you to recognize that there are people rooting for you, upon whom you can depend in putting your ideas and ambitions into practice.
More than this, this crystal makes you a little more bold and willing to put yourself out there, connecting to opportunities that others don’t notice or tend to overlook.
It has a pioneering energy, and it will fill your sails, in a manner of speaking, and sweep you out into uncharted waters to seek your fortune. It will give you the self belief you need to navigate the best way forward.
It will help you overcome your deep-seated fears and inspire you to take more calculated risks. It will also encourage you to make use of your talents to make your dreams a reality.
Galena, Love and Relationships
Galena will be a very beneficial stone when you want to have more love and harmony in your relationship, and when you’re serious about changing or transforming yourself or your relationship.
It’s a highly effective stone that will help you on your journey in love because it will show you how to embrace the good side and the bad side of yourself.
It’s a powerful grounding stone that will keep you strong and courageous in the face of challenges. It will give you the ability to deal with the difficult and uncomfortable tasks.
It’s also a stone that will show you how you can reclaim your personal power that you have lost because of emotional abuse or trauma.
The energies of Galena will bring healing to your heart, forgiveness to those who have hurt or wronged you, and peace in your heart, mind, and soul.
When you are infused with the energies of Galena, you will become more receptive to changes, compromise, and communication.
Galena will help you maintain a strong connection with your significant other even if you are not physically together.
It will strengthen your commitment to each other, and it will help you stay away from temptations.
It will help bridge the gap through communication and trust. It will also keep you excited about what else lies in store for you and your partner in the future.
Galena will help you face your biggest fears in love so that you can fully experience what it means to love and be loved.
It will also inspire you to be a better and wiser person, and not to commit the same mistakes of the past!
How to Use Galena for the Best Results?
Galena possesses metal energy. Use this stone to enhance any space that you use to concentrate, work, come up with new ideas, or gather strength.
Using Galena will bring energies of concentration and determination into your life and in your home. It will make sure that you are strong and courageous in ways that you need to be.
Metal energy is also associated with the west and northwest areas of your room or home.
When you work with the energies of Galena, you will welcome more helpful and compassionate people in your life, and you will also be receiving plenty of blessings.
Having a piece of Galena with you will also bring you more travel opportunities. It will enhance the energies in your personal dwelling, and in both your personal and professional life.
It will also strengthen your bonds with children in your family or home. Galena will solidify your efforts to make your life better and your relationships sweeter!
Galena will enhance your efforts to concentrate on the sensual aspects of your life that have become dull, unexciting, or uninspired.
Make sure that you have a piece of Galena in your bedroom to salvage a long-term relationship that has gone stale or boring.
This stone will help you make the old feel like new again, and it will bring back the spark to tired relationships.
Galena will also polish up your skills in the romance department and help you find fresh approaches to love, romance, and commitment.
Galena will help you deal with the effects of radiation and electromagnetic pollution.
It’s also a beneficial stone to use when you spend long hours in front of the computer, so make sure that you have Galena in your office.
Galena has high lead content, and it’s not recommended for internal use. It should not be made into an elixir or used on children.
Hands should be washed thoroughly after handling Galena, and surfaces should also be wiped, cleaned, and sterilized.
The Best Combination to use with Galena
Galena will work wonderfully with Dolomite because their stabilizing and calming energies will be greatly enhanced.
You can use it with Labradorite to experience deep inner healing. It can also be paired with Black Tourmaline for increased protection.
Galena can be combined with many different stones and crystals to amplify its healing properties.
You can control your compulsiveness by using Galena with Chevron Amethyst, Astrophyllite, Sugilite, Petrified Wood, Barite, or Coral.
You can also use it with Malachite Azurite, Herkimer Diamond, Dumortierite, Green Calcite, Iolite, Dendritic Agate, Phenacite, or Moss Agate.
It can be combined with Snow Quartz, Stichtite, Lepidolite, Blue Chalcedony, Andalusite, Infinite Stone, Shattuckite, White Fairy Quartz, Sodalite, Hiddenite, Larimar, Pietersite, Picasso Stone, or Rainbow Moonstone for soothing and calming benefits.
If you want to use Galena for its detoxifying properties, you can pair it with Red Calcite, Realgar, Mahogany Obsidian, Spirit Quartz, Zeolites, Dumortierite, Dalmatian Jasper, or Charoite.
Galena can also be used to boost the intellect. Combine it with Turquoise, Tektite, Topaz, Aquamarine, Spinel, Agate, Sodalite, Amazonite, Rose Quartz, Amazonite, Pyrite, Amber, Obsidian, or Honey Calcite.
What Chakra is Galena?
Galena has grounding energies and is associated primarily with your root chakra.
This stone is usually used as a balancer or a calming stone because of its very soothing energies that will instantly make you feel strong and at ease.
This is why it’s usually displayed in a room at home or in the office to promote feelings of peace and harmony in everyone present.
Use a piece of Galena when the self-doubts become too overwhelming.
Wear it as jewelry or carry it in your pocket when you’re starting to feel uncertain about things or people in your life.
This stone will also help you reconnect to your own spiritual wisdom and give you the right perspective when there’s a tough decision to be made.
The energies of this stone will harmonize your physical body with your spiritual body. They will guide you in becoming more tolerant with people and peaceful with your circumstances.
This stone will provide you with good perspectives during difficulties and reduce the number of self-limiting events in your life.
Make sure that you own a piece of Galena stone if you want to enhance your spiritual journey and give more meaning to your transformation.
If you need an anchor to reality and a strong support system that will keep you centered and grounded, Galena should be your stone of choice.
It’s a stone of harmony that will create calm and peace in your life from all levels.
It’s also a supportive stone in holistic healing that can aid doctors, herbalists, and homeopathic practitioners.
Galena will help open your mind to new possibilities and ideas, at the same time dissolving your wrong assumptions of the past.
It shines light in the darkest aspects of your shadow self as well. It strengthens your sense peace and tolerance so that you can learn to embrace the parts of yourself that you have been fearful of.
It provides strong healing energies that will help you retrieve parts of your soul which you have lost.
Galena is an excellent aid in gaining wisdom and insight on the psychological and spiritual sources of your problems.
This will encourage you to move forward to a better or healed state of existence.
Galena can also give you support in your past-life regression work. It will help you see and heal from your most important issues.
It will open your boundaries and bring your life more balance and harmony. It will release you from the shackles of your past that are making you live in fear, regret, or pain.
Galena will work perfectly for you especially if you have been thinking about going on a shamanic journey.
This stone has the ability to bring you back to your past lives to deal with the unresolved issues that are preventing you from following your true path in the present.
Get a piece of this stone if you want to treat the wounds in your soul. Galena will be a wonderful and powerful partner all throughout your healing journey.
My Final Thoughts on the Power of Galena
Galena is a stone of harmony that will bring balance in your life on all levels.
It will bring stability in all aspects, and it will harmonize it on a physical, etheric, and spiritual level.
It will open your mind so that you can enjoy expanded ideas.
It will also dissolve all your self-limiting thoughts that are rooted in your past.
This stone will encourage you to explore and accept your flaws and the darkest sides of your being.
When you fully accept who you are, no one can use your imperfections against you!
When you choose this stone, you will have a companion stone for life.
Call upon the supportive healing properties of Galena to bring you peace, calm, harmony, and balance!
About the author
Diana Houston
Diana Houston is a respected crystal expert and the author of 'A Beginner's Guide to Healing Crystals: Getting Started With Crystal Healing – A Complete Guide.' Her passion for crystals and their healing properties made her a leading authority on the subject.
Diana's expertise and passion for crystals have inspired countless readers and practitioners, and her book has received rave reviews on Amazon. With her clear and insightful guidance, Diana is a trusted guide for anyone seeking to unlock the transformative power of crystals.