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Crystals By Condition Or Use

Modern and Traditional Metaphysical, Spiritual, Healing Ailments and Conditions Uses of Crystals and Stones

Here is a great deal of information on stones by ailment, illness, and other uses and purposes.

For disease or health issues listed, the stones listed have been used in traditional folk healing and crystal healing lore to assist with healing, but are not scientifically substantiated and are spiritual, complementary healing supports.

See your healthcare professional for all illness or injury.

For positive uses or actions, the stones listed are said to enhance them. For negative uses or actions, the crystals listed are said to decrease them.

Tip: If you’re looking for something particular, use “find on the page” with your browser’s search function.

Crystals by Condition or Use

Many stones have multiple traditional uses or purposes, and more are being discovered all the time.

I have tried to be as accurate as possible in listing the stones that are attributed to each purpose according to my current knowledge and experience.

There are physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and general life issues in this list. If you have more info you’d like to share, contact me.

This page and info belong only at Any other placement indicates theft, which I would appreciate you reporting to me.

abandonment issues: garnet, thulite

abundance / prosperity: aventurine, aqua aura, bloodstone, citrine, diamond, epidote, grossular garnet, jade, mahogany obsidian, malachite, moonstone, moss agate, orange moss agate, peridot, topaz, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, tree agate, tsavorite, turquoise Also see Prosperity below.

abuse issues / trauma: carnelian, emerald, iolite, kunzite, lapis lazuli, mahogany obsidian, orange calcite, orange millennium, peridot, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, ruby in zoisite, shiva lingam, thulite, tourmaline, wavellite

acting, dramatic: carnelian

acceptance: dumortierite (blue quartz), Stilbite

acid reflux (G.E.R.D.): Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Grossular (Green) Garnet, Jasper, Kunzite, Malachite, Moldavite, Turquoise, Zoisite (green)

acne: faden crystal

acupuncture: magnetite (lodestone), Sichuan quartz

addictions / alcoholism / compulsiveness: amethyst (esp reduces withdrawal symptoms), ametrine, astrophyllite, barite, botswana agate, coral, chevron amethyst, chrysacolla with cuprite, citrine, danburite, dendritic agate, dravite, dumortierite, fluorite, galena, green calcite, herkimer diamond, iolite, labradorite, lepidolite, malachite-azurite, moki marbles, moss agate, nebula stone, obsidian, peridot, petrified wood, phenacite, quartz, rose quartz, rutilated quartz, sugilite (esp immune system problems from substance abuse), thulite (esp those caused by abuse/neglect), zircon

ADD / ADHD: cerussite, dravite, lepidolite, petalite, stilbite

adrenal glands: ametrine, aventurine (green), black obsidian, black tourmaline (schorl), bloodstone, carnelian, cuprite, emerald, epidote, fire agate, garnet, jade, Kansas pop rocks, kyanite, malachite, nephrite jade, peach aventurine, rose quartz, ruby, smoky quartz, sugilite, sulfur

AIDS and Other Immune Disorders: andalusite, Buddha quartz crystal, carved (naturally) quartz, dicinite, dolomite, halite, Petoskey stone, petrified wood, red catlinite, rutilated quartz, scheelite, Tibetan quartz crystal, tourmalinated quartz

aligning the physical & astral bodies: amazonite, faden crystals

allergies: apatite, aventurine, brecciated jasper (animals), carnelian, clay, dolomite, garnet, moldavite, white coral

amplifies energy: calcite, quartz, ruby

ancient wisdom: celestite, quartz crystal

anemia: bloodstone, garnet, hematite

angels, communication: angelite, amethyst flowers, aquamarine, blue lace agate, celestite, danburite, moonstone, morganite, muscovite, petalite, selenite, tanzan aura

anger: angelite, aquamarine, aragonite, blue phantom quartz, bronzite, citrine, colemanite, gold, howlite, jet, lepidolite, lithium quartz, king cobra jasper, kunzite, kyanite, magnetite, peridot, rhodonite, seashells, smoky quartz, sodalite, sugilite, thunder egg, turquoise

anxiety: agate, astrophyllite, azurite-malachite, berlinite, bloodstone, blue phantom quartz, botroydal hematite, cerrusite, bustamite, castle (cathedral) crystals, celestite, chrysocolla, covellite, diopside, dinosaur bone, dolomite, dravite, fluorite, friedelite, galaxite, graveyard plume agate, green millennium, growth interference calcite, hematite, howlite, kambaba jasper, labradorite, lepidolite, lithium quartz, malachite, nuumite, picasso stone, pink manganocalcite, plume agate, puddingstone, rhodonite, richterite, rose quartz, sandalwood (wood), snowball included crystals, strontianite, tanalite, tourmalated quartz, tsavorite (financial anxiety), variscite, wonderstone

architects / construction: ammonite

arthritis / bones / joints: abalone, amber, amethyst, apatite, azurite, black tourmaline, blue lace agate, boji stones (Kansas pop rocks), botswana agate, carnelian, chalcosiderite, chrysocolla, copper, dolomite, faden crystal (broken bones), fluorite, fuchsite, grossular garnet, gold, green calcite, howlite (bones), kyanite (bone breaks), lapis lazuli, lodestone (magnetite), malachite, petrified wood, quartz, rhodonite, ruby, sulphur, topaz

artistic expression (also see “creativity” below): botswana agate, cobalticalcite, eliat stone, howlite, phantom quartz, rainbow boji stone (Kansas pop rocks), rainbow quartz, rutilated quartz, watermelon tourmaline

asthma: amethyst, azurite-malachite, chrysocolla, clevelandite, foshagite, malachite, morganite, natrojarasite, obsidian, rutilated quartz, tiger’s eye, vanadinite

astral projection / travel: ametrine, apophyllite, azurite-malachite, calcite, faden crystals, fluorite, honey calcite, iolite, moldavite, petalite, quartz, sapphire, spirit quartz

astrology: angelite

attachments (etheric, astral, psychic): See Cord Cutting

attracting a good mate: arnelian, rhodonite, rhodocrosite

attunement: herkimer diamond, howlite

attuning to the earth: chrysocolla

aura (balancing, cleansing): ametrine, citrine, dravite, epidote (emotional body aura), iolite, labradorite, nuumite (clearing), quartz, rutilated quartz

aura (strengthen): faden crystals (repair tears, leaks), mahogany obsidian, quartz

autism spectrum disorders: charoite, gold, moldavite, sugilite

awareness: howlite, lapis lazuli, petalite, picture jasper

back pain or problems: Boji Stones, calcite, carnelian, fluorite, garnet, Kansas pop rocks, lodestone, obsidian, phlogopite, wonder stone

balance (mental/emotional): ametrine, bloodstone, blue topaz, carnalian, celestite, chiastolite, chrysoprase, fluorite, hematite, kunzite, lepidolite, lodestone, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, sodalite, tektite, tigers eye, tourmaline, tree agate, unakite

balance and unite mind/body/spirit: petalite

balance, yin/yang: chrysoprase, lodestone, petalite, tigers eye, rhodocrosite

beauty: herkimer diamond, jasper, tigers eye

bipolar disorder (manic depressive): ametrine, bloodstone, blue topaz, carnalian, celestite, charoite, chiastolite, chrysoprase, diopside, fluorite, hematite, jet, kunzite, larimar, lepidolite, lithium quartz, lodestone, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, sodalite, tektite, tigers eye, tourmaline, tree agate, turquoise, unakite

bladder: amber, bloodstone, blue chalcedony, coral, green calcite, hessonite, Morrisonite jasper, orange kyanite, orange moss agate,

Golden Healer Quartz: Meanings, Properties and Powers

blockages (energy, remove, release): atacamite, bloodstone, danburite, mahogany obsidian, selenite

blood count (balance): wavellite

blood pressure (balance, or high): bloodstone, blue calcite, chrysocolla, sodalite

blood pressure (balance, or low): bloodstone, halite (salt)

blood sugar (low): aventurine, serpentine

blood vessels / blood / circulatory system: amber, amethyst, aventurine, bloodstone, bronzite, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysocolla, copper, coral, dalmation jasper (purify blood) , fire agate, fluorite, garnet, hematite, howlite, indigo gabbro, kunzite, kyanite, malachite, moss agate, pyrite, red jasper, ruby, rutilated quartz, salt, sapphire, tiger iron, topaz

body aches: diopside

body odor: leopardskin jasper, magnesite

body temperature: emerald and other green stones (to lower); ruby and other red stones (to raise)

bones: blue lace agate, dolomite, fluorite, howlite, malachite, petrified wood Also see arthritis / bones / joints.

brain (physical ability to function, brain chemical balance): albite, amber, aragonite, cerrusite, chalcopyrite, clear quartz, elestial crystals (esp. from drug/alcohol use), garnet, gehlenite, hematite, heubnerite, rhodizite, seraphinite (serafina), strombolite, tanzan aura

broken heart: chrysoprase, rhodonite, salt

bronchitis: gold, lodestone, rutilated quartz

bruises: indigo gabbro

burns: agate, amethyst, chrysoprase, gem silica, quartz, rose quartz, sodalite

business partnerships: African jade

calcium balance/deficiency: amazonite, garnet, howlite

calming / soothing: abalone, amber, amazonite, amethyst, andalusite, angelite, aragonite, barite (especially desert rose type), bloodstone, blue lace agate, blue peru opal, blue chalcedony, calcite (especially blue), celestite, chrysocolla, diopside (especially black star), dioptase, dravite, fluorite, fossilized dinosaur bone, galena, garnet, goldstone, hematite, hiddenite, howlite, infinite stone, jet, pearl, larimar, lepidolite, lepidolite with rubellite, lithium quartz, moonstone, orange millennium, petalite, petrified wood, picasso stone, pietersite, pink manganocalcite, rainbow moonstone, rhodonite, richterite, rubellite, scapolite, septarian, shattuckite, smoky quartz, snow quartz, sodalite, spinel, stichtite, variscite, white fairy quartz, yttrian (yttrium, lavender) fluorite

calms pets: diopside

cancer: azurite-malachite, fluorite, gold, hematite, lapis lauli, lepidolite, moonstone, red jasper, rhodocrosite, rose chalcedony, sapphire, sodalite (lymphatic) spinel, sugilite, tourmaline

cardiovascular: bloodstone, hematite

career: See Success ( business / career )

cataracts: emerald, Herkimer “Diamond” quartz

centering / grounding: bloodstone, calcite, herkimer diamond, hematite, kunzite, onyx Also see Grounding below.

chakras: see chakras page

changes (handling)/adaptability: bloodstone, botswana agate, chiastolite, honey calcite, opal, yellow turquoise

channeling: apophyllite, blue calcite, copper, moldavite, meteorites, kyanite, quartz, yellow calcite

charity: dolomite

childbirth & pregnancy: amazonite, amethyst (preventmiscarriage), ammonite, chrysocolla (especially for preventing miscarriage), geodes, hematite, lepidolite, malachite, rose quartz

childhood issues & abuse: bridge (inner child) crystal, black diopside, dioptase, lithio-laser crystal, petalite, rose quartz, watermelon tourmaline

choices / alternatives: rhodonite

cravings: apatite, obsidian, schorl (black tourmaline, remove chaoti energy to calm cravings), sodalite

crohn’s disease: carnelian, diopside, thulite

chronic fatigue: amethyst, aquamarine, aragonite, boji stones (kansas pop rocks), orange calcite, quartz, rhodocrosite, ruby, zincite

crown chakra: information here

clairaudiance: diamond, herkimer diamond, fire opal, indigo gabbro

clairsentience: indigo gabbro

clairvoyance: ametrine, azurite-malachite, charoite, diamond, emerald, green jasper, halite (salt), hematite, herkimer diamond, indigo gabbro, kyanite

clarity: amber, danburite, diamond, dumortierite (blue quartz), halite (salt crystal), tiger eye

claustrophobia: chrysoprase

cleansing: amber, emerald, kyanite, tigers eye

clearing (energetically): black tourmaline, lodestone, kyanite, meteorites, quartz, tektites

cold sores / fever blisters: fluorite

colds, common: bloodstone, carnelian, sodalite

colic: amazonite, blue lace agate

comfort: agate, botswana agate, jasper, morrisonite jasper

commitment: garnet

communication: amazonite, apatite, blue lace agate, blue onyx, blue tigers eye, blue topaz, copper, emerald, euclase, howlite (esp. difficult), kunzite, labradorite, quartz, turquoise, yellow turquoise, ulexite

compassion: green jasper, green tourmaline, jade, kunzite, moonstone, kunzite, rose quartz, red jasper

compatability: green moss agate

completion of tasks: mugglestone, red jasper

concentration: carnelian, eisenkiesel quartz, flourite, jade, lapis lazuli, obsidian, quartz crystals, malachite, flourite, hematite, ruby, sodalite

confidence: chrysocolla, grossular garnet, jade, moonstone, rhodonite jade, moonstone,

confusion: bloodstone, lodestone, fluorite

confusion (mental, disorders): amethyst, azurite, carnelian, (orange/red), lapis lazuli, opal, rhodochrosite, sapphire, selenite

connective tissue: tanzan aura

contentment: red jasper

cord cutting (psychic, release attachments): faden crystals, howlite, mahogany obsidian, novaculite, quartz crystal

counselors & therapists stone: king cobra jasper

courage / inner strength: agate, amethyst, aquamarine, aventurine, bloodstone, blue tigers eye, carnelian, charoite, chevron amethyst, chrysoprase, fire agate, garnet, hematite, herkimer diamond, katanganite, jade, plancheite, prasiolite, red calcite, richterite, ruby, rutile, sodalite, smoky quartz, tigers eye, tiger iron (mugglestone), variscite

courteousy: bronzite

creativity: agate, aventurine, botswana agate, calcite, carnelian, citrine, cobaltite, dolomite, double terminated crystals, euclase, garnet, hemimorphite, herkimer diamonds, howlite, obsidian, orange moss agate (creative thinking), peach aventurine, picasso stone, pyrite

critical mindset: howlite

cross stone: chiastolite

death or transition (assisting the process): amazonite, apache tears, aqua aura, jet, black quartz, botswana agate, fossils, hematite, malachite, obsidian, rose quartz, rainbow moonstone, tiger iron

decision making: bronzite, charoite, crazy lace agate, diamond, emerald, falcon’s eye (blue tiger eye), fluorite, jade, lepidolite, nephrite, tiger’s eye, verdelite tourmaline, wavellite

dehydration: brecciated jasper

denial / avoidance: rhodochrosite

depression: Botswana agate, carnelian, chrysoprase, citrine, eilat stone, fairy quartz, kunzite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, jet, moonstone, orange moss agate, peridot, platinum, quartz (blue, clear, rose, and smoky), schorl (black tourmaline), spinel, topaz

destiny (finding): charoite, labradorite, moonstone

detoxify body: agate, calcite chaorite, dalmatian jasper, dumortierite, galena, fairy quartz, mahogany obsidian, realgar, red calcite, rubellite (blood), ruby, spirit quartz, sulphur, zeolites

dexterity: thulite

diabetes: amethyst, atlantisite, bloodstone, citrine, emerald, girasol, psilomelane (crown of silver), quartz, red jasper, serpentine (new jade), shattuckite, silver, sodalite

diarrhea: brecciated jasper, salt

digestion: blue lace agate, chrysacolla, citrine, epidote, peridot, obsidian, tigers eye, topaz

diplomacy: lepidolite

disillusionment: dalmatian jasper

disorientation: black tourmaline, hematite

divination: charoite, hematite, moonstone, tiger’s eye

DNA / RNA corrections: ametrine, garnet

domestic bliss: emerald

Down’s syndrome: ametrine, garnet, fluorite, needle crystals, rose quartz

dowsing: brecciated jasper

dreams (recall or dreamwork): amethyst, herkimer diamond, citrine, clear quartz, jade, kyanite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, nebula stone, opal, prehnite, red jasper, marble, pyrite, rose quartz, smokey quartz, ruby, sugilite, tektites

Crystal Formations: Meanings, Properties and Powers

duality: fluorite

ear infections: jasper (yellow), quartz crystal

ease of passing (death-related issues):  heulandite, labradorite, orange calcite, rose quartz

eczema: bronzite, hematite, prehnite

electromagnetic issues (resolve): ametrine, labradorite

electricity / lightning strike (healing): amethyst. aventurine, charoite, citrine, elestial quartz, labradorite, lepidolite, pyrite

emotional issues:  agate, amethyst, bloodstone, calcite (orange), clear quartz, diamond, emerald, fluorite (green), garnet (red-brown & red-pink to brownish pink), kunzite, labradorite, lepidolite, moldavite (red), moonstone, obsidian (black), peridot, pink tourmaline (pink to reddish-orange), proustite and stephanite (deep red and bright yellow-gold) rose quartz, rhodochrosite

emotional stability: stibnite

empathy: agate, bloodstone, charoite, citrine, diamond, herkimer diamond (white phantom quartz), fluorite (green), garnet (red-brown & red-pink to brownish pink), kunzite, labradorite, lepidolite, moonstone, moldavite (red), obsidian (black), peridot, pink tourmaline (pink to reddish-orange), quartz (clear & smoky), rhodonite, rose quartz

energy field: agate, amethyst, bloodstone, dolomite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, moldavite (red), quartz (clear & smoky), rhodochrosite

enlightenment: charoite, clear quartz, diamond, lepidolite, moonstone, obsidian (gold sheen), rhodonite

environmental issues: barite

epilepsy: rose quartz

exercise: jasper (yellow), orange calcite, rainbow obsidian

expansion: hematite

eye problems: chalcedony, chrysoprase, citrine, hawks eye, pyrite

faithful love: charoite

fears: agate, bloodstone, calcite (orange), dolomite, fluorite (green), galena, lapis lazuli, obsidian (black and snowflake), orange calcite

fertility: fluorite (green)

fibromyalgia: lapis lazuli

fights: moldavite (red), moonstone, rhodonite

financial difficulties: agate, calcite (orange), citrine, diamond, garnet (red-brown & red-pink to brownish pink), lepidolite, moldavite (red), prehnite, quartz (clear & smoky), rhodochrosite

fluid retention: barite

foggy thinking: chalcedony, citrine

focus/concentration: agate, amethyst, dumortierite, herkimer diamond (white phantom quartz), labradorite, moldavite (red), obsidian (snowflake), onyx, peridot, rhodonite, sardonyx

forgiveness: chalcedony, rose quartz

gambling: golden beryl

generosity: agate, amethyst, citrine

genital area pain: moonstone

genitals and reproductive system: fluorite (purple)

grief: amethyst, rose quartz, sugilite

growth out of past issues / impediments: golden beryl

hair loss / thinning hair: lapis lazuli, moonstone

harmony in relationships: bloodstone, moonstone

headache: kunzite

heart issues / aspects: rose quartz, rhodochrosite

high blood pressure (stress-related): hematite

higher purpose / guidance / understanding: obsidian (snowflake), snowflake obsidian

historical issues: chrysocolla

holding on to the past issues / impediments: hematite

hormonal balance: blue lace agate, citrine, chrysoprase, emerald, golden beryl, moldavite (green), quartz (clear & smoky), rhodochrosite.

hormonal issues: turquoise

hyperactivity / focus: golden beryl

imagination (opening the third eye): ametrine, labradorite

inherited family patterns (breaking apart old matrixes): hematite

insomnia or sleeping problems: bloodstone, jet, obsidian (snowflake), peridot, rhodonite

intuition: amethyst, charoite, diamond, labradorite

irritability / aggression: turquoise

jealousy in relationships: bloodstone

joy of life / life itself: citrine, lepidolite

kidney problems: turquoise

kundalini energy issues: amethyst, charoite, moldavite (red), quartz (clear & smoky)

learning disabilities or dyslexia: agate, amethyst, chrysocolla, diamond, labradorite, moldavite (red), obsidian (black and snowflake), onyx, rhodochrosite

leukemia: citrine, lepidolite

liver problems / issues: turquoise

loneliness: agate, amethyst, apatite, charoite, labradorite, moldavite (red), rose quartz

lunar energy: moonstone

macular degeneration: turquoise or chrysocolla

making positive changes in life: hematite

menopausal symptoms: lepidolite, moldavite (green)

mental clarity and perception: turquoise

mental disorders: amethyst, chrysocolla, peridot, rhodonite

menstrual issues / problems: lepidolite

middle or 3rd eye (opening the third eye): ametrine, amethyst, labradorite

muscle cramps: apatite

muscles tightness and tension: bloodstone, quartz (clear & smoky)

nervous system issues / disorders: agate, amethyst, apatite, bloodstone, chrysocolla, diamond, emerald, lepidolite

nerves (balancing the nervous system): agate, amethyst

nervousness: turquoise

nightmares: bloodstone, quartz (clear & smoky), rhodonite

nioshia line or depression / suicidal tendencies: hematite

obsessive thoughts / behaviors: obsidian (snowflake)

organizing life (creating order out of disorder): actinolite, kyanite, moldavite (green), moonstone

pain relief: hematite

pain in the lower back area: turquoise

pain in the upper back area (if kidney problems also present): turquoise

past life issues: amethyst, kyanite, obsidian (black), rhodochrosite

persecution complex or fear of speaking out (unconditionally expressing your truth): clear quartz

physical exhaustion: bloodstone, hematite

physical vitality: hematite

pleasure principle vs. pain principle – addiction issues – clinging to comfort vs. avoiding discomfort at all costs: clear quartz

power issues / inferiority complex: hematite

promotes a healing attitude in your life or environment: amethyst, citrine, lepidolite

psychic gifts and abilities, opening the third eye / pineal gland: ametrine, amethyst, moldavite (red), peridot, rhodonite

protection from negativity and people who would do you harm: amethyst (purple, white), cinnabar fluorite, kyanite, moldavite (green), opal, selenite

puberty issues / menstruation difficulties: rhodonite

relationship issues (healing relationship problems both within yourself and with others): ametrine, amethyst, diamond (all colors including black)

relationships (healing dysfunctional personal relationships): ametrine, ananda diamond, kyanite, lepidolite, rose quartz

release (releasing unwanted attachments to the past and moving on, allowing things to end while still honoring all parties involved): carnelian, selenite

removes obstacles / blocks in life: agate, citrine

romances / relationships with the opposite sex or people of another race or culture: blue lace agate, larimar.

self-esteem issues: citrine, moldavite (green), pink tourmaline, selenite, zoisite

sensitivity to others’ feelings / needs: ametrine, amethyst, apatite, aquamarine, clear quartz, emerald, jade (all colors including white), peridot, rose quartz

selflessness vs. selfishness – unconditional giving vs. receiving with hidden strings attached: violet tourmaline or morganite

sexuality issues (including sexual dysfunction): blue lace agate, lepidolite

soul retrieval: amethyst, blue lace agate, labradorite, moldavite (green), mystic topaz, selenite, sugilite

spiritual development / growth: ametrine, apatite, aquamarine, aventurine (all colors including pink), diamond (all colors except red — red color is used to remove negativity from other people that is adversely affecting one’s life), fluorite

stimulating creativity through the third eye/pineal gland: ametrine, anhydrite, carnelian, citrine (all colors), galena, moldavite (green), onyx, smoky quartz, sodalite, sunstone, tigers eye

Healing Crystals For Shingles

stopping anxieties to help with sleep: blue lace agate, chrysocolla

stress management / relaxation / reduces anger issues: amethyst, black kyanite, dioptase, labradorite, moldavite (green), morganite, opal, picasso marble, selenite

stops nightmares: black obsidian

to help with weight loss: red jasper

stimulating metabolism / increasing your metabolic rate: carnelian, citrine (all colors), copper, diamond (all colors except red — red color is used to remove negativity from other people that is adversely affecting one’s life), kyanite, topaz (blue and golden)

teaching others about the metaphysical properties of crystals: cool colors such as peridot, sodalite, turquoise

telepathy / communication with guides / spirit world: amethyst, aquamarine, azurite, celestite, clear quartz, epidote, iolite, labradorite, larimar, lepidolite, moonstone

to cleanse the aura / remove negative energy or attachments that are adversely affecting your life: clear quartz, rutilated quartz, selenite

to strengthen teeth and bones because it contains fluorine: fluorite

to stop smoking: amethyst, labradorite, lepidolite, smoky quartz

to stay awake, alert, and focused: blue lace agate, iolite

transformation (of yourself or other people or things): ametrine, azurite, cinnabar fluorite,  labradorite, moldavite (green)

traveling: amethyst, apatite, azurite, blue lace agate, citrine (all colors), golden hematite, kyanite, lepidolite

understanding others or learning how to understand people better: ametrine, benitoite, kyanite, moldavite (green), rainbow moonstone, rose quartz

unlocking or opening up a new dimension of consciousness: amethyst, ametrine, labradorite, moldavite (green), morganite, opal

visualization / seeing things inside yourself: fluorite

vision quest / spiritual quest / search for a vision – dreams and lucid dreaming: chrysocolla

vitality: black obsidian, carnelian, citrine (all colors), hematite, quartz crystal

widens your perspective: kyanite, lepidolite

weight management: blue lace agate, cinnabar fluorite, copper, malachite, morganite

wealth and prosperity: golden hematite, green aventurine,

world peace / manifesting world peace on all levels of life: ametrine

wisdom / spiritual development: ametrine, apatite, aquamarine, aventurine (all colors), azurite, blue lace agate, fluorite, iolite, kyanite, labradorite, lepidolite, mystic topaz (blue), opal (all colors except orange), sapphire (all colors except white — white color is used to remove negativity from other people that is adversely affecting one’s life), sugilite, sunstone

youthfulness/restores youth: carnelian, dioptase, malachite

Can You Get Crystals by Condition or Use as a Bracelet?

There are many crystals that you can wear as a bracelet, depending on the purpose, use, or condition of the wearer.

Healing crystal bracelets can provide balance and symmetry in your life. The energies of these crystals scan align everything and give you your groove back.

Crystal bracelets are very energizing because of their resonant frequencies. They provide pure energies to your body, mind, heart, and spirit.

When worn as bracelets, healing crystals become powerful energy conductors that guide energies to play in your symmetry.

Crystals by condition or use can help remove negative energies as well. When worn as a bracelet, it can remove all the remnants of unhealthy energy in your body.

If you feel like your personal life is out of sync, or you’re feeling lost and scared in your new job, keeping these crystals on your skin will instill a sense of balance in your body and mind.

Before you start shopping around for crystals, you must first set your intentions.

Think about which aspect of your life you need assistance with. Whether it’s to soothe your physical pains, boost your courage, or heal your emotional pains, trust your intuition when looking for your crystals.

Pay attention to the colors, shapes, and textures that you’re drawn to.

If you’re not feeling energetically attracted to them in any way, don’t worry. You can always choose a crystal based on its description.

Pick a crystal that will make you feel safe and grounded or a crystal that will invite love and romance.

There are also certain crystals that you can wear to attract prosperity and success.

After you decide on which crystal to use, make sure that you start fresh with it by cleansing it before use. This is a cleansing in an energetic sense.

An easy way to achieve this is by soaking it overnight in salt and water or burning a sage stick and letting the crystals pass through the smoke.

Wear your crystal bracelet for a specific use or condition while focusing on its healing powers on your body.

Meditate while wearing these crystal bracelets. Concentrate on your bracelet whenever you feel lost and afraid.

You can also wear your crystal bracelets while sleeping. They work perfectly when you’re awake, but their energies are more potent when you’re resting and your shields are down.

Relaxation, healing, and learning are also accelerated when you sleep with your crystal bracelet, allowing yourself to be cleansed of all lingering negativities.

Move with your crystal bracelet. Letting your healing crystals sit around and not using them is not a good practice.

It’s always best to give your crystal bracelets some exercise. Make sure that you wear them all the time so that you can benefit from their healing energies wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

If you can’t wear them on your wrist for a specific reason, you can always put them inside your purse or carry them around with you in your pocket.

About the author

Caroline Lucas Profile

Caroline Lucas

Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on

Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.

Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.

Cherry Blackmore

Thursday 28th of May 2020


I'm Cherry, a crystal whisperer with 32 years' experience and, unfortunately, a couple of really hideous health conditions.

The reason I'm getting in touch, is that though Caroline Lucas is obviously exceptionally knowledgeable, I think your page on Crystals By Condition might be missing a few things.

Firstly, regarding the entry for Asthma (which is something I have along with the aforementioned hideous conditions), the list as it stands is wholly valid, yet I see that Aquamarine is missing. I know from personal experience that the Gem of the Sea is tops for quelling or keeping at bay a case of the wheezes: I've walked miles through a quite badly polluted city (London, before the Congestion Charge was introduced), in the height of the summer, with the pollen count absolutely stratospheric, and not had a rescue inhaler on me (I can't use the other sort); yet not a hint of a wheeze... because I was wearing an Aquamarine.

Under Acne, I feel Rose Quartz should be included, possibly along with Emerald, as Acne involves inflammation and either one of these crystals will normally help a lot.

For Amplifies Energy, I think Diamond should be in there too (but with the caveat that this applies equally to positive and negative enery!)

With AIDS and Other Immune Disorders, I'd add Petalite. I have not one, but two autoimmune problems, and I've found it excellent.

Lastly, with Back Pain, Labradorite, and Lapis Lazuli are my best friends, particularly for period pains.

I hope you don't mind my offering a few suggestions.

Love, Light and Blessings,

Cherry Blackmore.

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