Crystal meanings and metaphysical healing lore and related information about stones which start with the letter L in brief are shown here. Crystal formations which start with L are also included.
You can search for a particular type of crystal that begins with the letter L using your browser’s search function.
For most crystals and formations you can click the name to see photos and additional information on that crystal.
Labradorite (Spectrolite) – Magic, Psychic Protection, Stress Reduction, more
Lake County “Diamonds” (Moon Tears, Konocti “Diamonds”) – Goddess Energy, Moon Energy, Relieve Depression, more
Lapis Lazuli – Truthfulness, Inner Power, Organization, more
Larimar – Freedom, Peace, Energy, more
Larvikite (Norwegian Moonstone) – Psychic Work, Read Between the Lines, more
Laser Wand (Lazer Wand) Crystals – Direct and Focus Energy, more
Lavulite – See Sugilite
Lazulite – Psychic, Reduce Worries, Meditation, more
Left Activation (Time Link to Past) Crystals – Link to Past, Left Brain, Analysis, more
Lemurian Seed Crystal – Love, meditation, healing, more
Lepidocrocite (Lepidochrosite) – Reduce Distraction, Lessen Negative Thinking, more
Lepidolite – Emotional Balance, Acceptance, Calm, more
Libyan Desert Glass – Good Luck, Money Drawing, Immune System, more
Lineated Crystals – Divination, Business Skill, Dexterity, more
Lithio-Laser Crystals – Extremely Powerful, Integrate Body/Mind/Emotions/Spirit, Break Down Internal Barriers, more
Lithium Quartz – Heal Repressed Emotions, Stress Reducer, Balancing, more
Lodestone (Magnetite) – Attracts Good Fortune and Love, Protection from Evil, more
Lodolite (aka Landscape Quartz, Scenic Quartz, Garden Quartz) – Meditation, Manifesting Desire, Heightened Spiritual Energies, more

Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on
Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.
Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.