Crystal meanings and metaphysical healing lore and related information about stones which start with the letter D in brief are shown here. Crystal formations which start with D are also included.
You can search for a particular type of crystal that begins with the letter D using your browser’s search function.
For most crystals and formations you can click the name to see photos and additional information on that crystal.
Danburite – Release Energy Blockages, Healing, more
Dendritic Agate (aka Tree Agate) – See Crystals A page for all agates.
Desert Rose – Intuitive and Other Perception, Still the Mind, more
Devic (Fairy Frost) Crystals – Elemental Energies, Communicate with Nature, more
Diamond – Relationships, Amplification, more
Dinosaur Bone – See Crystals B page for all Bone
Diopside – Calm Anxiety, Assist Learning, more
Dioptase – Healing, Self-Worth, Live in the Moment, more
Dolomite – Insomnia, Stabilizes Human & Mineral Energies, Generosity, more
Dolphin Crystal aka Mother or Teaching Crystal – Protective Energies, Spiritual Lessons, more
Dow Crystal aka Trans-Channeler – Superior for balancing energy and for healing, more
Dragon’s Eye – See Red Tigers Eye
Dravite – Reduce Anxiety, Understanding, ADD, more
Druzy Crystal – Joy, Light, Ritual, more
Double Tourminated DT Crystal – Double Terminated (DT) Crystals – Move energy easily two ways, more
Dumortierite (see Dumortierite Blue Quartz) – Self-discipline, Organization, Reduces Scattered Mind, more

Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas is an internationally-recognized crystal healer with years of expertise who shares her knowledge on
Her insights into natural healing power make her a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their health, happiness, and spiritual growth.
Caroline's dedication to helping others shines through in every article, making her a trusted voice in the world of crystal healing.